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Everything posted by DewdropsOTG

  1. Oh, okay then. Thank you. EDIT: Err...hang on...the treasure room door is locked shut. I can't get it open so I can get at the Selkie pelts. How do I open it?
  2. According to the strategy guide item list, Key V is obtained by returning the Selkie pelts to Selkiehome, but when I did that as a Celt, I didn't get the key...just some mumbling about an opened bridge somewhere that I could never find. Now as a Roman I can't do the quest that nets me easy access to the underside of Hagfen so how am I supposed to get Key V? I want to do the quest for the Hag's but if I do that I can't return the Selkie Pelts. So, is there another way to get it, and failing that, where is this bridge that is talked about?
  3. No, but using the keyboard to move around is very clunky when you're used to much easier--and a much different system--of movement with the mouse. That's why I suggest having this insta-movement be a feature that can be toggled, if that's possible.
  4. Ugh...that's what I was afraid of. I hate that...I always use the mouse to move around in the other games since I can also use it for many other uses, and I hated--HATED--this. Perhaps Jeff can integrate both? Say, have this be a feature one can turn off and on at will, with the old movement system from the Avernum and Nethergate games being used when the feature is off? That way, those who want it can use it, and those who hate it can use the old system, thus side-stepping the potential mess Jeff might make with potential players for choosing one or the other.
  5. So, then, basically...when you use the mouse to move, you move like you used to in the older Avernum games/Nethergate: Resurrection?
  6. Wait...Jeff is keeping the "move several spaces at once" type of movement?! Ugh. That was probably the Geneforge "innovation" that I loathed the most. I HATE movement being taken out of my hands like that. I also hated attacks requiring a certain amount of AP to be executed rather than being able to attack at 3, 2, or 1 AP. If at least those two "innovations" are removed, I think I'll be fine with everything else Geneforgish...but please, remove the movement "innovation!"
  7. Oh, yes, of course...that would be a duh moment. Should've tried that. Thank you.
  8. Looking at the screenshots, it seems this will be another Gevernum. Will it still play like Geneforge as Avernum 4 did, or is Jeff considering returning to the Avernum 3/Nethergate: Ressurection style of gameplay and graphics? (My overwhelmingly preferred version...I couldn't stand the Geneforge games and I absolutely loathed Avernum 4 because of its Geneforge qualities.)
  9. Quote: Originally written by Fractal: You have to get the Lamp Key from "beating" Titus in the Circle Warrens, which is near Hagfen. No, I got that key. It's the inner doors that have me confused.
  10. How do you get inside the Hall? I can't figure out how to get past the inner door telling me to test myself with the path of the grove or something like that.
  11. Right, thank you. What about that wolf? That's how I need to "prove myself" for the Hall of the Lamp, right?
  12. EDIT: I finally found them in-game. New question: Where are the five beasts? I've found two--the one in the Goblin Fort and one...elsewhere--I don't remember right now--but I'm still missing three. EDIT AGAIN: Make that missing two...I found the one in Anwnn. Also, how do I get my woodcraft skill up to ten in order to find that wolf? The highest I've got is four.
  13. Oh, fantastic. I will have something to tide me over till Kingdom Hearts II comes out after all. Yays. Keep up the good work, Jeff.
  14. From my experience and taking about twenty minutes to test it, it seems to be absolutely useless, unlike the wishing well in M&MVII, which is quite useful.
  15. The only thing you lose by not completing the mission correctly is the ability to get Dispel Barrier from the mayor of Sharamik. And that can be corrected via the character editor. Note, though, that if you complete the troglo king's mission, you CAN actually go back and THEN kill him anyway. That's what I did, since the mayor of...Amrino, I think, gave me a quest to kill him.
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