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Everything posted by DewdropsOTG

  1. So, this is odd...I couldn't get Mayor Arbuckle to give me the quest to get rid of the slimes, and now that I've gotten rid of them, he won't reward me. Did I do something wrong somehow?
  2. I haven't been able to find that thread, but if what you saw is true, then there shouldn't be any problems with a quest suddenly not being accessible, which is mainly what I'm worried about.
  3. Kay, so, here I am with another question. (Actually, I'd also like to know when exactly you can get the Jewel of Return...it's after you solve the slime plague, right?) Anyway, I'm wondering exactly what happens over time in terms of Valorim's destruction. I know some towns are damaged and then destroyed, but what towns? Where? Are there any useful sidequests I may miss by accident if I spend too much time on anything? Mainly I'm asking because I want to make sure I get the most out of playing the game this time around. (And I'm trying a bit of a different tactic, going at it with a party of four mage/priests.) Thank you in advance for your answer.
  4. E3 was actually my first introduction to Spiderweb Software games, so A3 ends up holding a good place in my heart. I really enjoy the other two as well. All three Avernum games are fantastic. I...haven't exactly played IV or V.
  5. Okay, so Schrodinger's FAQ contains a lot of useful information, but what it doesn't tell me is if any of the normal skills, like Cave Lore, are sold anywhere. I'm mainly asking about Cave Lore, but are any of the other normal skills sold anywhere either, and if they are, where?
  6. So it is quite worthwhile then. That's good. The Priest spell bonus is a little wasted on my pole-weapons user at the moment, but she'll get some levels in Priest Spells eventually. Thank you.
  7. Ah, I see. Oh well. Worth asking, at least. Thank you.
  8. This is essentially a combination of all of the other effects(though lesser to each one obviously) plus the abilities, right? Or is it only the abilities?
  9. Just a real quick question, since I've decided to play this game again...is there a mod or utility or something out there that can allow you to right click to look at things? You can do this with the other two Avernum games on this engine, but not being able to do it with this one is annoying.
  10. Yes, you can. You can get into Hagfen's lower treasure area automatically as the Roman's so you can grab the Selkie pelts, return them, get the key, and then kill the Selkie chief if you wish. You don't have to, but you can, and it's a good idea if you want to get the circle spell scroll down under Hagfen.
  11. What about alt+enter? Works for me...though admittedly I am running XP.
  12. Well, I've never actually played a singleton game, so take this advice with a grain of salt. 1. Get Divine Fire or Fireblast, and until you can get them, stay away from Empire Archers. It's pretty easy to do that given the number of areas one can access away from the front of the war. Either spell is much more effective than Lightning Spray, and Divine Fire is only one SP more. 2. There is an item called a Freedom Charm, but I can't remember where one is. Unfortunately, it's probably deep in some difficult dungeon, so you'll have to tread lightly when searching for it. But if you can get your Magery skill up high enough and have Bolt of Fire level three, that should be enough to fry an Eyebeast in one hit, though of course that depends on your difficulty level.
  13. Quote: Originally written by Nikki xx: Thanks very much. I didn't need the second one (I've played this game to death so much I can solve them in my sleep. Oh, and ick. I seriously prefer the original game... Sorry, mate. Only version I've played is Resurrection...otherwise I'd have given you the original Nethergate pictures too.
  14. No earlier save will do...the earliest of another save is about twenty hours younger in terms of sheer work. I'm sure I can get through the trap pretty easily if I can just get past the wall... I'll figure something here out. Thanks, though.
  15. So a while ago, I went wandering into Thompson's lair, found myself going just fine till I ran into the trap with the Shamblers(horribly nasty trap, that was) and realized there was simply no way I could beat it the way things were. Unfortunately, the wall in the tile maze had already locked on me, and there was no way to get it open again! So I used the "take out of town" thingy in the character editor and forgot about it for some time. Now that I'm coming back, I can't seem to get back into Thompson's lair. No matter what I do in the tile maze, the wall simply won't open. Is my game borked, or can this be fixed using the "set stuff done" thingy in the character editor somehow?
  16. Yeah, I know. It's more a case of my wanting to see "You've accomplished major quest #1" then "2" then "3" all in order more than anything else...which is really irrelevant. Anyway, thanks again.
  17. Nope. You have to open doors either by bashing them, picking the lock, or casting unlock. No other way will do.
  18. There you go: Before: http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/681/beforeboulderoh2.png After: http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/3426/afterboulderss9.png In the after picture, though you can't see it, one of the blocks is moved up to the space it needs to be moved to. If you need anything else, just ask.
  19. Take a good look at what items you have available, what kind of spells you can cast, and so on and so forth. I often found myself thinking this very thing until I actually looked at what all I tended to pack together(I'm quite the pack rat) and actually used it. Be sure to try a few times at least. If all else fails, then yes, the character editor will probably be something you'll have to utilize.
  20. Right...it was the numbered screen display orders I was going for, basically. Probably should have specified that. So, basically, Crystal Souls, then Portal, then Garzahd? Got it.
  21. Okay, I know the major quests are: Slay Garzahd Find the Three Crystal Souls Destroy Empire Portal. But what's the order? Which is the first, which is the second, and which is the third? I want to do them all in order.
  22. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: Brianna doesn't appreciate it when you call attention to her minor facial hair problem. Hehehehehe. Anyway, for whatever reason Nethergate just uses the same inventory picture for all people on one side or the other. I'm not sure why, but that's what it does.
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