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Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. Right, I've been quite happily going through Avernum 2 with a single character (Primarily investing in INT, MAG, PRI and LUCK). I've been finding it quite a lot harder than Avernum 3 or most Blades scenarios, but I'm having two major problems that I cannot come up with a way to deal with. 1) Missile attacks I’m not sure what the deal is here, but empire archers seem to hit me really, really hard. I can cut through the melee troupes easily enough, and mages are no problem as long as there aren’t big groups of them (anyway, the casters are always hard to deal with for a singleton), but whenever I come to a crowd of archers, unless I can buff and then fell them all with a couple of quick lightning sprays then I find myself having to reload a lot. The same is proving true for those accursed giants, and I don’t even want to think about going back into the (I can’t spell the name so I’ll say crazy alien things) land and having to deal with experience razor disk throwers. Defense only seems to help against melee damage; hardiness seems abnormally expensive, so I’m finding myself incredibly reliant upon luck, which doesn’t strike me as being a very good long term strategy. Any ideas? 2) Eyebeasts. This is the big problem for me, archers I just need to reload every now and then, eye beasts I physically cannot get past most of the time. The foul and even pink blobs just paralyze me, and then demolish my entire HP before I have a chance to respond. I can just about get past one if I buff first, and call a couple of daemons out of my soul crystal, but if they come in a group, or catch me by surprise (all those nasty wandering groups near Costa) then I'm dead, no questions asked. The fact that there immune to lightning spray doesn't help matters, since that’s probably going to be my staple attack for quite a while (I'm close to the level for fire blast, but haven’t come across a teacher yet). Is there a charm or piece of equipment anywhere that will protect me from paralysis, and if not then is there any other feasible play or build strategy you can recommend for getting rid of the buggers?
  2. Oh thanks heavens, my belovid right mouse button will be coming back. And like others I'm all for the old style of movement, control has never realy been an issue; asside from slowing down when you hit a swamp its not somthing you ever have to worry about with either system.
  3. My stance is 'I'll pay for it, but I won't be happy about doing so' And jst to claify on these movement problems, the issue is that, when using the mouse, you charicter will stop moving whenever the cursor isn't stationary, meaning a small and ighly annoying pause whenever you try to change direction. Not a big problem when navigating dungeons, bt hugely anoyng when trying to navigate densely forested areas of the world map.
  4. Don't get me wrong, I love the BoA interface; I prefer it a great deal for this genera of title to the geneforge interface. But if, as was said in the latist RPGWatch interview, what was used to produce the title was a 'polished' version of the BoA interface, I wind myself wondering why the movement was so much less flowing than BoA or Avernum 3, and why staple features such as my beloving right mouce button (with the exception of the horses in A3 the best thing ever added to a spiderweb game) are missing. In other news, regardless of my complaints I think I'll be buying this anyway; my Celt/Kelt singleton just got tormented by those hags (can I say hag on the internet?), and I think I'll shell ot te cash jsust to be able to play long enough to make them die an unpleasant death (It's a long tie since nethergate, I do get to do this right?).
  5. Well your gong to get shot down anyway, so I might as well start things off (Allthough given how much I ramble I'll probably end up being about post 5 anyway ). Firstly, it is seldom wise when playing to free demo to attack the game creator and call him "lazy" because it doesn't measure up to your exacting standards. The lack of an intro? Who cares? (I am aware that evidently you care). The inclusion of the original graphics and whatnot helped keep things loyal to the original game, and lets be honest, spiderweb games can't exactly produce breathtaking cut scenes, so your not missing much with an opening; the writing has always been the charm to these games. Yes, an option to have the characters start with blank stats would have been nice, since I'm sure 90% or players will reduce everything to 1 anyway, but all your being cost is about 90 seconds of your life lowering them down, i hardly thing it's a major issue. Now to be fair, I do agree with you on your last two complaints, and was actually coming to the board to record my disappointment about them as well (all be it in a more eloquent and respectful manner). The characters do seem to move horribly, which I find hard to understand since I was under the impression that the game was made using an udated version of the BoA engine. I actually resorted for the first time to using the number pad for movement, since navigating the world map with the mouse is so clumsy and frustrating. Similarly, the lack of functionality of the RMB did frustrate me early on, although it's only a very minor change to get used to tapping the 'l' key instead. The game does also have a number of pros in my eyes, although being clunky it's still far more playable than the original, graphically its nicer (although I find some of the newer sprites such as the dark wolf look horribly out of place) and the convocation are actually tolerable this time. Now to close, I'm not trying to say its wrong for you to feel disappointed, I am as well and probably wont be buying this title, but try to express that disappointment in a polite and constructive way, rather that rudely insulting the work Mr. Vogal has put into it.
  6. One works for Macs, the other doesn't. Thats proberbly about it.
  7. As memory serves it was posted, exactly one month ago, on the spiderweb news page, that Beta testing would go on for about a month. So it's proberbly due out fairly soon and yes you are getting impatiant.
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