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Everything posted by trinko

  1. is there any way to take the scrolls without having to kill everyone in sight? i managed to get up to where they are without being spotted but as soon as i came back everyone was trying to kill me. thanks!
  2. the ladders are one way. once you go up you can't go down. if you mean the stairs you can go up and down, like the northwest most hive i've done that more than 4 times and the same 3 doors repeat. does it matter that i've already killed the hive queen?
  3. i've killed the worms a million times it seems. i see 3 of the passages, the two ladders up and the path in the lower left of the map. there appears to be a secret path due west of the room but even though i've seen all of the other paths multiple times that path never opens. help!
  4. keep going? do you mean just keep killing them or do you mean keep heading away from the anama lands? i figured something was going to happen so i went out the gate before i did much of anything in the anama lands. is it too late to go back and do those quests etc? thanks!
  5. ok i left and now i'm fighting an unending strem of bandits and the gate anama is locked. what am i supposed to do? thanks
  6. any hints on how to defeat this guy? I can destroy the animated golems but when they explode they kill everything. is there a trick or do i just have to run back to the narrow corridor and fight there? thanks!
  7. i've got the crystals from solberg. i put the first one in the machine and these shades show up. they seem to be unkillable, 1 point of damage/hit more for magic but they have tons of hit points. they spew out horrendous area damage. what am i supposed to do? kill them? wait them out? thanks.
  8. i used the elevator in the mine, the mine owned by the nephilm. i fought the rats and i've been exploring the tunnels. but when i go back to the elevator it's gone down and there's no way to get it back up. is this intentional? if so how do i get out of the area? i lost one of my characters so i don't think i can fight through the bandits. thanks for any help.
  9. i don't know if this goes anywhere but when i deliver a message written in invisible ink to someone working in a top secret facility as we do with Tor i'd sure either confront him or report to the head of the facility. unfortunetly neither option is available.
  10. If my characters, either priest or mage, learn a spell from a book on a pedestal and then go to a teaching mage the teaching mage makes them buy the first level of the spell over again. For example my priest learned heal from a pedestal book. he then went to a teaching priest. He was offered the option to learn heal, which he already knew, not improve level with heal. if he bought that first level he could then buy more advanced levels. Interestingly enough the priest is able to use hte heal spell and it shows up in his list of spells.
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