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Drakon Sssharxx

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Everything posted by Drakon Sssharxx

  1. I type up in microsoft word and use the spellchecker there but it doesn't distingish between hear and here lol.
  2. i do tend to do that and I proof read most of the time. It isn't very helpful to proofread your own story as you mis quite a lot. I will look into it though. Also I have half of the story uploaded to my website, please excuse the look of the website at the current moment I created it hastily but I can easiley improve the looks by changeing one file. The first 15 chapters are now available at the site http://sharx92.001webs.com/index.html Thank you all for supporting and provideing comments. P.S. I have yet to add metatabs and will get around to inputing them soon.
  3. You do know that there are examples of canister abuseing power crazed lunatics redeeming themselves and going 'cold turkey'.
  4. I dunno yet lol I know hes going to take a jaunt as a rebel but other than that I haven't planned the second book too much. I also have found a free web host so I am takeing a small break from writing and makeing the webstite. I'll start book two after I have the webstie up and running.
  5. Chapter 29 – The Tests As Saraph walks down the corridor he walks past a servile, Saraph pays no attention to it in his eager state. He enters into a room with a servant mind, to the right is another door. Saraph tells the servant mind he is hear for the tests. The door to the right clicks. “Good luck, young master.” The servant mind calls to Saraph as he walks through the door. Saraph enters into a short corridor which splits at the end. Saraph reaches the split and doesn’t know which way to go. He extends his mind in each direction and determines that the left path has no creations in. Saraph walks down the left corridor and arrives at a heavy stone door which slides down as he reaches it. Saraph steps into a small room with his creations and the stone door behind him slides up closing them in the small room. Saraph waits thinking hurriedly of how the doors work in order to force the door back open when the door ahead of him slides down. In front of him is a long room with mines scattered around it. Saraph can’t detect a way to sneak past without tripping the mines. Saraph extends his mind towards the mines and discovers that they are mechanical and not the organic shaper design. Saraph extends his hands and brings forth an icy spray and uses it to freeze the mechanisms within the mines. From there he proceeds across the room safely and walks though the gap at the other side of the room. Saraph enters into another corridor that is joined by another coming from the right. Saraph follows the corridor and finds another split. He extends his mind again and finds that both rooms contain creations. The creations in the left corridor are much larger in number and following an organised pattern while the creations to the right are scattered about and are only about a dozen in number. Saraph takes the right corridor and arrives at a stone door. Saraph brings his energy to his fingertips while he waits for the door to open. He uses his mind to give his fyoras instructions. The door begins to slide down and his fyoras carry out his orders. They storm into the room mouths ablaze, within moments there are half the number of creations, Saraph walks in and extends his hands letting torrents of fire scorch the enemy creations. Once the creations are all dead the door on the other side of the room opens. Saraph walks forward while his creations fall back into formation. He walks along the corridor with his mind extended once more, he senses that the third splits both contain similar creations. He takes the right path again realising that the right path is combat while the left path is problem solving. He gives his fyoras his instructions at the door again and storms the room when the door opens. His fyoras enter the room before him and spit fire at the creation in the centre. Saraph enters the room after two of his fyoras are killed to see a hulking battle alpha with flames bouncing off his skin. Saraph launches his own flames at the battle alpha. They leave Saraph’s hands white hot with his anger at the loss of his creations. The flames strike the battle alpha with enough force to stop it moving but do no damage to it at all. Saraph realises this and changes the fire into electricity. The electricity arcs from Saraph’s hands with so much energy that the air around it burst into flames. It strikes the battle alpha in its chest and travels through its entire body incinerating it from within. Saraph cuts off his magic and breaths deeply regaining control over his emotions. When he opens his eyes he sees a pile of ash on the floor, the remains of the battle alpha. He walks out the door on the other side of the room and finds the corridor stops at a single door. He walks to the door and extends his mind searching the room within, he finds no living things but prepares for another test anyway. The door slides open revealing a small library with three stone pedestals. On each pedestal sits a book. Saraph walks over to each one and reads it quickly. The books teach him how to create a Thahd, a spell to cure poison and disease, and how to manipulate acid. Saraph skims though the last book on manipulating acid having already learnt from the book in Master Ares room but pays particular attention to the book on shaping a Thahd. Thahds are reasonably tall and muscular creations. They are used as the front line in many small skirmishes and can take heavy damage before succumbing to their wounds. Once finished Saraph leaves the room by a door to his left. He emerges just up the corridor from the servant mind. Waiting besides the door is a muscled servile. Saraph recognises him as the servile that showed him the way to the shaping halls months ago. “I am Tino. Have you decided upon what I have said?” Saraph nods once before replying. “I have not only seen the injustices but have experienced them first hand. I would be happy to join your cause.” The servile nods and beckons Saraph to follow him. “Your failure to check back with the servant mind will make them suspect that you were probably eaten by the creations in the tests. This will give you the protection to escape the island and return to the mainland where you can begin your work for our rebellion.” Saraph nods not even questioning his decision. He walks proudly from the testing halls ahead of the servile and towards his future. This is the end of book one. If anybody has a link to a free website host where I can upload the PDF of this book I would appritiate it if they could send me a PM contining the link. I will Create a website to host the various books on and hold a space for various credit to be given.
  6. Chapter 28 – The Journey Through the Forest Saraph pockets the note and returns to his room. He sits on his bed and talks with Zephyrus about his plans of going to the testing grounds tomorrow. Zephyrus agrees and settles the matter. Overnight Saraph wonders around his room gathering up supplies and checks the clock regularly. When morning arrives Saraph slips out to the shaping halls before anybody can get there and absorbs as much essence as he can. He returns to his room and fits Zephyrus’ saddle and attaches his pack to the saddle. Saraph plans to make the journey to the academy on foot. He calls Zephyrus with his mind and walks to the surface, from there he walks to the building with the servant mind. He opens the door and steps in. “Ah, young novice. How may I help you?” Saraph holds his permission papers up and states that he is going to the testing grounds to be tested. “Then you may go. The academy guards will allow you to leave, I wish you luck for your testing.” Saraph turns and walks out the room. He walks out the building and to the main courtyard. He looks around one last time before turning to the main entrance and setting off. He reaches the gates and one of the guards stops him and asks for his papers. He holds them out for the guard to inspect, he nods once. “Just a small warning, you may want to summon some companions. There has been an increased amount of rogue activity lately.” Saraph nods and thanks him. He continues through the gate. Once on the other side he looks around. Directly ahead is a large forest while to his left is grassland. The road ahead splits, once road goes north into the forest, the other goes west over the grassland. Saraph spots a small sign at the fork in the road. He walks over and reads the sign. It tells him that to get to the testing grounds he should proceed north. Saraph eyes the forest wearily, he focuses slightly and summons four medium sized fyoras. He tells them to form a defensive perimeter around him. He walks forwards still not feeling one hundred percent secure, he is constantly ready for attack. His hands tingle slightly from holding his energy there for so long but Saraph doesn’t let it bother him. He walks along the road swiftly and confidently. By night Saraph is walking though the deepest parts of the forest. Occasionally he hears growls and hissing from the side of the path but he walks forward not allowing it to affect him. The sounds become closer and closer together and Saraph feels he is about to get attacked. He summons another four fyoras, larger than the last four. He orders them to go in pairs though the forest to either side of him and attack any rogues that they find. Saraph continues walking while they jump over the bushes to either side of the path and disappear into the darkness. Moments later Saraph hears explosions of fire on wood and flesh. Various sounds of pain and death sound from either side of the road. Saraph keeps walking forwards extending his mind to the four fyoras and Zephyrus assuring his control over them and making sure that it remains. Saraph feels confident that his little strike force managed to scare the attackers off. Confirmation of that fact appears moments later as a lone fyora walks out of the darkness to the right, it is one of Saraph’s creations. The fyora has a gash along its left flank and the right side of its head. Saraph calls it forward, he extends his hand towards the fyora and proceeds to heal it. Saraph has never physically healed anything before now and has only read how to in books. As the essence leaves his fingers he extends it towards the wound on the fyora allowing the essence to take the form of the cells that have been damaged. Moments later the fyora is healed and Saraph looks upon his work to check his work. At that moment several shapes appear from the shadows behind him, when they can see Saraph’s creations they immediately begin to spit globules of flame and acid. Two of Saraph’s fyoras fall to the ground before his creations can realise what is happening. Saraph turns about bringing his magic to his fingertips and begins to call forth streams of burning flames, Saraph’s anger that creations surprised him fuels his magic and the flames leave his hands a mix of blues and whites. Saraph directs the streams towards the creations he can see while entering the minds of others distracting them to the point where they cannot move. With Saraph immobilising the attackers His creations easily eliminate the rest of the attackers. Zephyrus’ magical attack leaving nothing but a pile of bones remaining. Saraph regains his composure and continues walking along the road after summoning two more fyoras and healing his injured creations. Saraph walks though the rest of the forest uneventfully and by morning he sees the light of the exit. Saraph speeds up and breaks through into the blinding light. Once his eyes adjust he sees a large building with a lone battle alpha standing guard. This battle alpha is more muscular than any Saraph has seen before and has blue skin. As Saraph approaches the creation speaks. “Do you have permission to enter the testing grounds?” Saraph looks over the creation and speaks calmly and confidently with a commanding air. “Yes I have permission from the servant mind at the academy. Now, Let me pass.” The battle alpha bows and withdraws to the side allowing him passage. Saraph walks forwards into the building and follows the green carpet.
  7. Technically switching creations could create some serious story problems. Not to mention that the story adds them in dureing geneforge 4 as the shapers solution to drakons rotgroths and gazers. But im pretty sure that other than story problems it is possible. I think in Geneforge 2 I made my characture into a drakon useing a similar process, I didn't change the standard equip screen and stuff like that but I did manege to change the graphic.
  8. Chapter 27 - Finally Saraph does not sleep again that night but rather works on controlling his emotions. By the time morning comes he has fully regained control of himself. As he walks towards the shaping hall he looks out for the servile constantly. Saraph reaches the shaping hall without seeing a single servile, he enters and sees that no one is in the room once more. He walks over to the essence pool and absorbs the extra essence he has room for and notices that t is levelling off, if only slightly less than yesterday he can tell at this rate it will be weeks before it stops being a significant increase. Saraph walks over to the bookshelf and looks at the titles. Most of them are the same book, explaining the creation of a fyora. One of the books however is titled ‘Alternative uses of essence’ Saraph takes it from the shelf and sits in the corner with it. He reads it though quickly and towards the end he reads a small passage. ‘There have been a few people who have a slightly more symbiotic relationship with essence than normal. The shapers named them the ‘benerii hilde’ which translates to power holders. Every single example of these rare people have been different, a common ability though is that their bodies use essence as fuel. They tend to sleep rarely and require little sustenance. They learn quickly and have great proficiency in magic and shaping. Other benefits to the ones like this are unknown and will likely reveal themselves in time.’ Saraph finishes the book and returns it to the shelf aware now of his lack of appetite. He thinks upon what he has noticed over the past few days and begins to make links between the passage and himself. His thoughts are interrupted by Mistress Athena entering the room. She organises her desk and waves him over. “You have learnt what practical lessons you are meant to be taught as a novice shaper. You may make the journey to the testing grounds whenever you feel that you are ready. I would advise however that you practice until you feel you are ready. You must also get a note from Mistress Artemis stating that you have read a sufficient amount of books.” Saraph nods and bows before leaving the shaping halls. He walks towards the library. On his way he looks out for the servile that spoke to him and once again cannot see a single servile in sight. Saraph enters the library and walks to Mistress Artemis. He asks if he has read enough books to receive her permission. “Ha you count twelve books as enough? There are thousands of books hear from languages to metalwork. Many teachers that you have not met that will teach you more than just magic and shaping. You have done the core of your learning. The skills that are required of your sect, this doesn’t stop you learning anything else. You already have the ability to lead, maybe you should read the books on various locks and machines. From there pick a subject and study it, languages would supplement your ability to get people to follow you.” Saraph nods realising exactly how much there is still to learn. He looks around the library under the many headings and decides that learning mechanics would not be a bad thing to start with. He collects a large set of books and Takes them back to his room. He works tirelessly reading constantly night and day for the next six months. After learning mechanics he progressed to languages and then metalwork. He did not stop at metalwork though he learnt herb lore, alchemy, advanced metalwork, item identification, healing craft, and much more. Separate from the books he approached many different teachers learning many different physical abilities such as basic sword work, mental projection and manipulation, martial arts, shielding magic, and further shaping abilities. By the end of the six months Saraph is able to talk with Zephyrus mentally and create the three base creations. Saraph never stopped looking out for the servile that made him the offer but he never saw it again. Saraph approaches Mistress Artemis in the early morning after his six months of studying asking once more for her permission to take the tests. She looks over a list and looks puzzled. “You have read every single book that you took from this library?” Saraph nods. “And the reports I received from various teachers reporting that you have learnt these various skills under their guidance are true?” Saraph looks down the list she holds out for him and nods in confirmation. “I don’t believe anybody can learn that fast.” Saraph keeps his composure while his head thinks of a way of explaining without arising suspicion. He cannot. Mistress Artemis begins to question him about various topics of each book that he has read. Saraph can’t be bothered answering questions wrong and having to pretend to take longer studying, he has had enough of the academy he can’t pretend any longer that he is a common novice. He answers every question asked of him right and because of the shear amount he studied over the last six months it is late afternoon by the time Artemis is finished. She shrugs and shakes her head. “You are truly determined to become a shaper, I doubt you have slept much recently for all your studying.” She grabs a piece of paper and writes a note with he signature at the bottom. “When you are ready to make the journey to the testing grounds, take this to the servant mind you met when you arrived at the academy. Good luck.”
  9. Chapter 26 – Natural Ability Saraph spends the night reading, he constantly gets disturbed by the feeling of essence flowing within him. Towards the early morning Saraph begins to get used to the feeling and feels his body adapting to the essence he is being forced to store. His body adapts quickly using the essence to accelerate its processes. By the end of the night Saraph can feel his body is able to store a lot more essence than yesterday and it is slowly increasing. He stands up stretching, he gets changed into some clean robes and leaves though the door. He walks down the corridors to the shaping halls. He enters the shaping hall and sees that it is empty. Taking Master Ares’ advice he walks over to the essence pool and absorbs as much essence as he can leaving only a small amount of his body unsaturated. This will allow him to keep his abilities hidden while also having a large store of essence for emergencies, although he cannot do much with essence at the moment it would help sustain him for a long time. Mistress Athena walks into the shaping halls to see Saraph sat patiently on a cushion in the corner of the room. She notes his eagerness and walks over to her desk. She organises some paper while Saraph waits. Once done she walks over to nearby bookcase and pulls a book from it. She waves Saraph forward and hands him the book. “This book must not leave this room. You are to sit in the corner and read through it absorbing everything in it.” She stresses the word ‘everything’ “Once you have read it return to me and we will begin your practicing. The book will teach you the processes involved with creating a fyora. Now go and learn it” Saraph bows taking the book from her hands. He walks back to his corner and sits down. He opens the book and reads each page quickly and then counting to thirty before turning the page as to continue his impression of normality. In the thirty seconds he solidifies the knowledge of the page. After a few hours he finishes the book that would have taken thirty minutes. He returns to Mistress Athena and states he has finished reading the book. She looks him over with a disappointed look, as though she was expecting better. Mistress Athena starts to get Saraph to perform various tasks, Saraph performs them almost perfectly allowing a few minor mistakes into his work. Every mistake Athena spots, she makes note of and then has Saraph perform the task again. The day progresses slowly and by the end of it Saraph’s patience is stretched thin. Athena dismisses him after Saraph performs his tasks through perfectly. Saraph heads up to the library and retrieves a set of different books before retiring to his bedroom to begin reading them. Saraph reads quickly and before long he has only one book remaining and plenty of time. He decides to practice very carefully, he remembers the history of the shapers and remembers the damages that their shaping caused. He proceeds to create various limbs of the fyora one by one, each time he performs it perfectly and effortlessly. He thinks upon the serviles words while he works. The tasks he is being asked to perform are below him, he hates having to make himself look worse than he is. He wants a chance to shine, a chance for power and glory. But he believes that this is not a good enough reason to betray the shapers, he has yet to see much of the shapers and anything just or unjust. Saraph walks back to the shaping hall in the morning. Master Athena is waiting there and one or two students are already practicing. Saraph proceeds to the essence pool absorbing the small amount of essence he used up yesterday and overnight unable to absorb the large amount of extra essence that his body has made room for over the course of the night. He proceeds to Mistress Athena who makes him go over the many tasks he was made to do yesterday. Saraph makes less mistakes than yesterday and as the day passes he completes the odd task perfectly. When Saraph is dismissed he starts to walk back to his room when he hears his name. He sees Izzy approaching. “So how are you finding shaping? As easy as you found magic?” Saraph nods but goes on to explain Master Ares’ warning and his impatience with it. “Ha crippled by your strengths. That sucks.” Saraph nods and asks how Izzy is finding shaping. “Not quite as easy as you but easier than most of the rest.” Saraph smiles before saying goodbye and entering his room. He finds he is still not tired and wonders if there is any drawback to staying awake so long. He wonders about this briefly before moving on and proceeding to practice creating perfect limbs every time. Saraph Walks down to the shaping hall earlier next morning aiming to get there before anybody else. He succeeds and once again absorbs all but a small amount of the essence he can hold. As he waits for Mistress Athena he practices his magic finding that it has not got any harder from lack of use, he smiles at this fact. When Mistress Athena enters the room she spots Saraph and waves him over immediately. She proceeds to drill him though the tasks and at around midday Saraph complete every task perfectly. She has him carry on three more times and is satisfied. She tells him to combine them all together and create a fyora. Saraph makes a look of focusing and breaths deeply. He proceeds to create a fyora, Saraph is amazed by the feelings he experiences, it is not like the tasks he was made to perform by Mistress Athena. Now it feels like Saraph is sharing his life with the essence he is moulding. It is not exactly sharing though, Saraph looses none of his own life and the essence he is shaping gains life. It is a part of Saraph as much as Saraph’s left arm is. Saraph makes no mistakes while working the essence and once finished the fyora looks at Saraph for orders. “Well done. Now do it again.” As Mistress Athena says this she waves her hand and absorbs the fyora that Saraph gave life to. Saraph is appalled, the fyora was perfect. There was no need for it to be absorbed and yet it was anyway. Saraph takes a deep breath, not letting his feelings show. He proceeds to create another fyora. The second fyora is as perfect as the first but yet again Mistress Athena absorbs it and tells him to do it again. Saraph proceeds to create fyora after perfect fyora. After the eighth fyora is absorbed Mistress Athena dismisses him. Saraph returns to his room and once there he locks the door and allows his emotions out. He collapses on his bed knowing that his creations did not deserve that sort of treatment, they were constructed well and were completely stable. He has seen enough, he knows what he must do.
  10. his name means fire so I was going to go allong them lines. I also added the rebel option into the story. so we'll see what happens whether he stays loyal to the shapers or joins the rebellian. P.S. I have no plans on abandoning this story.
  11. He didn't forget to feed him but I think it becomes obvious that he feeds him. I didn't add in that he feeds ephyrus because I find it repetative.
  12. Chapter 25 – Essence Overnight Saraph begins to work other forms of energy from the book finding that some are more complicated than others and sometimes he makes a mistake and the magic fizzles. One time though, he was working electricity when he miscalculated and forced too much energy into his patterns and the electricity arcs through the air and strikes his bed setting it alight. He quickly extinguished the flames with ice and carried on working, more carefully this time. He checks the clock regularly and when morning arrives he sets out towards the practice halls. Saraph arrives at the hall moments before Master Ares. Saraph sits on a cushion and practices until Ares calls for him. “Saraph, I would like to begin your testing.” Saraph reabsorbs the energy he is manipulating and stands up. Master Ares walks through a door and beckons Saraph to follow. Saraph proceeds into the next room finding it cleaner and slightly smaller than the practice room. There are two platforms in the room, Master Ares is already stood on one. Saraph takes a place on the other standing confidently and proudly. “For the past few days I have wondered as to your actual energy output. After the explosion on your first day I have wondered if you could have produced more. I will start a shielding incantation and I would like you to project your full energy in a ball of flames in the centre. I will call you to stop if it gets too dangerous.” Saraph can tell that Master Ares isn’t one for following rules. He is a researcher and is curious about potential. Shaper apprentices are hardly ever encouraged to use their full potential, they are required to use just enough to pass. Master Ares begins chanting and a blue transparent sphere begins to take shape around Saraph and himself. Saraph begins to focus more than usual aware that a mistake now would be disastrous to his hopes of becoming a shaper. He begins to call forth a sphere of flames in the centre of the room and channels his power into it. The flames around the ball begin to go blue and then white. Saraph continues channelling energy into the ball, he glances at Master Ares face to see it lit with wonder. Saraph begins to feel the magical energy within him start to deplete, Saraph can tell that it will be a few hours before he runs out of energy at this rate. He increases the speed of his work and the ball of flame begins to gain a gel like consistency, Saraph’s increase in speed shakes Master Ares from his wonder. “That’s enough.” Saraph stops his expenditure and starts to reabsorb the energy. “I will allow you to go and study shaping with Mistress Athena. A word of advice though, if you find shaping as natural as you have found magic do not show it. Shapers will see this and get jealous. Though you have talent they will see that it goes unused, one mans gift is another mans curse.” Saraph nods just as he finishes absorbing his energy. He bows to Master Ares and thanks him for teaching him magic. He walks out of the room and through the centre of the practice hall into the corridor. He realises he doesn’t know the way to the shaping halls. He walks forward slowly but confidently, luck smiles upon him. He sees a servile walking along the corridor. “Show me where the shaping halls are.” Saraph commands the servile. “Of course.” Saraph senses something odd about the serviles manner. “Judge upon what you see during your training, you do not need to be an underling to the unjust shapers. Change is coming, I have seen your abilities and you could help to bring about the fall of the shapers. We offer you power and a chance to test your abilities to their maximum. A chance to prove yourself and a chance of honour and glory. Think upon this, think upon the injustices you will see through these doors. You can have more than this.” With the speech over he bows and departs quickly leaving Saraph stood besides a heavy wooden door. He wonders what he should do, he wishes for challenges and power and believes the serviles offer to be genuine. Although the shapers way is just, if it was not people would have overthrown them years ago would they not? Saraph decides that he should keep quiet until he sees what the servile meant about ‘injustices’. Saraph takes a deep breath and regains his composure. He walks into the shaping halls confidently. Mistress Athena sees him and waves him over. Saraph walks over to his new teacher and bows. “I am Saraph Adair. I have been sent to learn shaping by Master Ares.” She looks him over evaluating his confidence and stature. “Yes, I believe you are speaking truthfully. The art of shaping is reserved for our sect only. You will have the privilege of leaning our secrets and becoming a full member of the shaping sect. You have been taught to manipulate magical energy while studying under Master Ares. I will now show you how magical energy is used to control and work essence. All living things are made up of essence and are capable of storing it within them to some degree or another. Your first lesson will teach you to use energy to control and absorb essence, from there we will proceed to using essence to create life.” Saraph listens intently as she describes how to manipulate and absorb essence using energy. Saraph learns quickly and before long he is standing besides an essence pool. He extends his energy outwards towards it and makes contact with the blue pool of essence. As his energy touches the essence it glows with a golden light. Saraph starts to draw it up into the air and begins to absorb it into his body. The feeling as it enters Saraph’s body is like no other. He feels a warm sensation as it travels along his arms and when it settles it creates a strange uncomfortable feeling. Once Saraph has absorbed all he can he returns to Mistress Athena who tells him to return tomorrow to receive further instruction. Saraph returns to his room and settles into his bed aware that he has not slept in two days. Saraph doesn’t feel tired though, in fact he feels more awake and alive than ever. He concentrates within him and can feel the essence fuelling his body. The essence is barely being consumed and Saraph decides to read a book he has on his shelf ‘Further concepts of essence infusions’.
  13. To sort out your 0.6 diveation you would just simply add on to the end of the formula something on the lines of -(endurance level * O.5272) That is not perfect and I would need to look at the formulas more closely, mabey solve them simultaniously or something along them lines. Either way that would sort out the diviation a little more and you would take it down to about 0.02 diviation per endurance level.
  14. Here is chapter 24. Hope you enjoy. Chapter 24 – A Wrong Step but a Great Reward Saraph spends his Sunday flying over the sea near the academy. He practices working fire while constantly moving and turning. He launches low energy flames at the ocean below seeing the wisps of steam rise. By sundown Saraph is fully confident in his ability to use magic naturally. He returns to his room and falls asleep. Saraph sleeps easily that night and wakes up in the morning well rested. He gets out of his bunk and gets dressed. He eats at his desk and leaves his room to head down towards the practice hall. He opens the door and finds that nobody is in the room. He walks in and looks around, he sees a large book on a pedestal that he failed to recognise before. He walks over and opens it, he starts to read the book quickly and quickly figures out that it details the various patterns of manipulation. He reads hurriedly now eager to learn the various techniques and manages to read the relatively thin book just as he hears footsteps approaching the room. He closes it quickly returning it to its original state and rushes to sit down creating flames that dance around him so that it looks like he was practicing. While he does this he goes over the forms he learnt in his mind. The manipulation of ice, acid, light and electricity. The door opens slowly. Izzy pops his head around the door before entering fully. He looks around and spots Saraph practicing in the centre of the room. “Hello, how’re you this morning?” Saraph responds that he is well, he asks the question back to Izzy with a slight grin. “I’m fine Mater Ares is on his way, he got held up by another Master while heading down hear. I passed him a couple of minutes ago.” Izotz proceeds to a cushion in a corner and takes a seat before beginning to create shards of ice. Saraph walks to the opposite side of the room while twisting his flames around in the centre of the room. He twists them into the shape of a fyora and makes it walk about the room. Izotz sees this display and proceeds to match it in ice twisting it into the same shape. A moment later Master Ares enters the room and sees the display. “STOP!” His face is twisted with disappointment. He grabs two red slips and hands them to Saraph and Izotz. “You know where to go.” Master Ares turns away from them and walks to his desk. Saraph and Izotz walk from the room their heads pointing towards the ground. They walk in silence to the surface and then silently still walk to Master Erebus’ quarters. Once there they both drop the red passes onto his desk and look shameful. He motions for Izotz first. Saraph stands fixed to his spot as Izotz walks into the room though the door. He hears an agonised roar before silence. Erebus motions for Saraph next. He walks though the door and into the centre of the room. Within seconds his vision blurs and his body screams out with pain. He too lets out an agonised roar. Once it stops he collects himself before standing up and leaving the building. Izzy is stood waiting. “I would have won.” He refers to their display of magic in the practice room. Saraph sets off with Izotz towards the practice room. “No chance, fire melts ice. You had as much chance of winning as an ornk has of killing a battle alpha.” Saraph laughs “Just because something looks weak doesn’t mean it is weak. Besides Ice puts out fire. They are opposites, they destroy each other.” Izzy counters Saraph’s reasoning. There is a short pause and then they both burst into laughter. At this point they are almost back at the practice hall. They enter the hall and proceed towards Master Ares. “Do you know why you were punished?” They both shake their heads. “You were punished for competing with each other. The forms of manipulation you used are forbidden until you learn more about them and you are told that you may use them.” They both nod their heads to this. “Izotz you will proceed to practice hall two from now on, you have learnt the magic you were meant to learn hear. You will now be taught basic shaping. Be careful, shaping is more delicate than magic and even the smallest mistake will be punished. Saraph remain hear and I will explain how to manipulate ice.” Izotz walks out of the room while Saraph waits for Master Ares to continue. Master Ares observes the other students carefully a moment before speaking. “You have learnt to use magic proficiently faster than any student I have ever know or heard of. The guidelines I have been given to teach under do not mention anything about time but rather tell me to continue once you hve mastered the skill. So with this in mind I will proceed with your training, once you master this you will be sent to learn to shape, I have little doubt that you will master it as quickly as you mastered fire.” Master Ares proceeds to explain the way to manipulate his power to create ice. Saraph pretends to pay attention as he already knows the patterns from the book. He Sits at a cushion once Ares has finished explaining and begins to manipulate the energy into ice fragments. He slowly works to perfect the stream of ice and over the course of the day gets a finer and finer spray of ice which he manipulates into balls and makes them circle around his body. Master Ares sees the progress Saraph makes with every passing hour and at the end of the day tells him that he must return to this hall tomorrow for a quick test before he decides whether to send him to learn shaping also. Saraph leaves the hall and returns to his bedroom he eats quickly before settling down and practices all the various forms of manipulation he learnt from the book he read that morning.
  15. I type it up in word before I copy and paste to the forum. So loss of data is no problem. When I have finished this book I will PDF it and see what I can do about puting it up somewhere.
  16. How long is too long? Thank you for your compliments too eveyone.
  17. Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan We don't want the thread to get to long and have the UBB start eating it. The UBB eats it?
  18. Had nothing to do for the last few hours so I have been writing. I'm glad i have this to work on to pass the time, although I think im getting towards the end of the first book. Yes thats right I have decided that i will split them into books to seperate the various stages of Saraph's adventure. Hope your enjoying the story so far, I hope that it is as fun to read as it is to write. Here is chapter 23... Chapter 23 – Fire and Ice Saraph wakes early next morning eager to continue his training. He dresses and then checks his clock, the clock says that it is only three in the morning. Saraph sits down on the stone floor and focuses, he works on creating a ball of flame once again. This time he is careful not create so much heat and works instead on keeping his focus as he opens his eyes. The first few times the ball fizzles away but on the sixth time he manages to keep it going. He works on his control and stats twisting the flames into various letters and shapes. Before long it is time for Saraph to stop and return to his lessons down the hallway. He stands up and leaves his room, Zephyrus remaining where it is. Saraph walks to the room he went to yesterday and enters cautiously. The coast is clear though and only the student who was spinning the ball of ice lazily is their. Not even Master Ares has arrived. Saraph goes and sits on his cushion. The other boy turns round. “Hello, I’m Izotz. Your Saraph right?” He speaks quickly but confidently. “Yeh I am Saraph. It is nice to meet you Izotz.” Saraph Struggles pronouncing his name and stumbles over it. “Ha, you can call me Izzy, it’s easier. Was yesterday the first time you used magic?” Saraph Replies that it was his first time and queries upon why Izzy is asking. “I ask because you made a hell of a bang, you made my afternoon interesting. What was it Master Ares mentioned about your name?” Saraph thinks upon Izzy’s words and remembers Master Ares saying he should have expected it. “I don’t know what he meant but he said he should have expected it.” Izzy laughs at this and Saraph joins in. Shortly after they calm down Master Ares enters the room. “Nice to see you two eager souls. Izotz carry on with your exercises while I speak with Saraph.” Saraph stands up and walks over and speaks first. “Master I have been wondering about something you said yesterday. You said something about how you should have expected what happened yesterday because of my name.” “Ah yes. I have been up overnight reading up on what actually did happen yesterday and could not find any reason for why, on your first attempt at using magic you surpassed some that have been using it for years. The only link I could make was in your name. You see in the shapers old language your name means fire. Just like Izotz means Ice.” Saraph glances in Izzy’s direction to see him manipulating the streams of ice shards around him in various forms. “Now today I have decided to alter the normal training pattern and instead of teaching you skills and then control, I feel it would be much safer to teach you control before you gain any more skills. Today you will create a ball of flames first and then work of focusing and create another ball of flame. I wish you to practice this for the day, when you are able to maintain two balls of fire progress onto three and so on.” Saraph bows and sits upon the cushion in the corner. He keeps his eyes open as he focuses, as he brings forth the flames he observes his fingertips. They are engulfed in flames that extend away from the hand and curl upwards towards the same point above his hand. Within moments a ball of flame hovers above his hand, he moves it upwards and makes it float at eye level. He focuses on creating the second ball but as he starts the first fizzles up. Saraph works tirelessly and before long he has two balls of flame flying around his head. He found that keeping them in constant motion allows him to focus on them easier. After several hours of work he has managed to create and maintain five balls of fire at the same time. Master Ares calls him to stop and Saraph lets them disperse through the air. Saraph has managed to develop his focus so that he can maintain his magic while also being able to maintain normal day to day actions. “Tomorrow is Sunday so you may do what you wish. I will see you on Monday where you will learn to manipulate ice.” Saraph bows and leave the room. Izotz is on the other side of the door and falls into step with Saraph. “So what do you do on Sundays?” Izzy asks Saraph with a polite manner. “I fly around the island with Zephyrus for a while, sometimes I go to the town on the other side of the island. You?” Saraph asks Izzy actually interested in what else there is to do on his day off. “I sometimes go to the village just outside the academy. Other than that I tend to read in the library or practice my magic. I’m about to start learning to shape soon.” By this time Saraph has reached his room, he stops and offers his hand. “It was good to talk to someone, you the first person who has bothered to speak to me since I arrived two years ago.” Izzy takes seraphs hand and shakes it. “It’s no problem, I’ll be your first friend you have met then.” Saraph smiles and nods before opening his door and walking in. He feeds Zephyrus and eats his food before sitting in the centre of the room. He starts where he left off down the corridor. Not requiring sleep until at least tomorrow night he works through the night. He twists the flames in various patterns monitoring each of the five separate sources. By the end of the night the flames feel like an extension of seraphs body. He can call them fourth with less than a seconds notice and manipulate it as easier than moving his arm.
  19. Yey, 1000 veiws. Thank you all for reading, I hope you are all enjoying the story so far. Chapter 22 – Magic is Simple Saraph wakes next morning to a knock at the door. He jumps up hurrying to get dressed and throws the door open. The servile stood at the door bows before walking down the corridor away from the stairs. Saraph locks the door and follows with Zephyrus in tow. The servile leads Saraph down a string of passageways. Saraph detects a slight sulphurous smell in the air. As he continues the smell strengthens and an acid like smell underlies that of the sulphur. The servile stops at a door. “Proceed through this door and speak with Master Ares” The servile bows low and departs. Saraph opens the door and sees a flash of red flying towards it, Saraph closes it milliseconds before it collides with the other side of the door. Saraph tries opening the door again, this time having more success. As he steps through the door he takes a look at the back of it, there is a blackened burn on the wood. As he surveys the room he sees many similar burns on the stonework and floor. Saraph observes a few students that are practicing in this room, one student is squinting in concentration and every now and then creates a wisp of flame before she gets exited at her success that she breaks concentration and it fades away. Another student looks bored as a ball of ice shards spin about two inches from his palm. Saraph walks over to the master in the room, carefully avoiding the unstable students. “Master Ares?” Saraph receives a sharp nod “I am Saraph Adair I have been sent to receive instruction.” Saraph stands and speaks confidently while he says this. “I know who you are and why you are here. What is the base element of magic?” Saraph does not need to think he simply states fire. “Good at least you’re capable. I am your instructor of the magic arts. Magic is in everybody but only the learned can focus hard enough to access it. Now the power feels different to everyone but the manipulation is the same. You need to focus deep within and find the source within you, from there you must manipulate it into what you wish it to be. I want you to sit on one of the free cushions and tap into your power, once you have discovered it use it to create a ball of fire.” Saraph nods and proceeds to the cushion furthest from anybody. Saraph sits down and closes his eyes, he breathes deeply relaxing into a state of calmness allowing him to focus. From here he proceeds to search within him for an inkling of something different, something he has never felt before. Saraph focuses constantly unaware of time passing by, he searches within him one part at a time checking it off as he goes. His meditative state allowing him to search incredibly fast and towards the end of the day he discovers a blistering heat bubbling from somewhere within his chest. He focuses on that heat and slowly pulls it down his arms and into his palms from there he pictures it leaving his skin and bursting into flame working on manipulating it in the correct pattern. Saraph feels heat licking at his face and he continues working. He works the flames into a spinning ball and channels more and more energy into it compressing the flames into the sphere making it hotter and hotter. He thrusts his eyes open when his teacher puts his hand on Saraph's shoulder and shakes him vigorously. With his eyes open he looses focus and releases the energy which he had compressed so dense that it explodes with incredible force. Saraph is thrown back several meters into the wall, his teacher is also thrown back into the adjacent wall, flames lick the robes of the novice that was closest to Saraph and the air in the lab raises temperature several degrees. Master Ares heals himself before rushing over to Saraph and extending tendrils of golden liquid like substance towards Saraph’s body slowly working on healing the burns covering the front of his body. After healing Saraph he checks that the rest of the students are ok. Saraph stands up slowly and looks around, the whole of his corner of the room is blackened. Master Ares walks over to Saraph chuckling slightly. “I see you have a talent for working fire, I should have guessed from your name really. Tomorrow keep the energy to a minimum, we don’t want another… explosion even if they are rather fun. I think that you have been here long enough today go and rest and return tomorrow.” Saraph bows and leaves the room happy that he wasn’t punished for his mistake. He arrives at his room and enters after unlocking it. He throws Zephyrus his food before eating his own food. After eating he gets undressed and falls asleep on the small bunk.
  20. Chapter 21 – The Novice Two years pass while Saraph works down the list reading and memorising book after book. At first Saraph struggles to memorise the books but before long his mind begins to adapt to the constant flow of information and Saraph only has to read a book though once to memorise it. Saraph was so captivated by the books he read that he failed to sleep on most nights, which in turn made his body adapt to the lack of sleep and caused him to require sleep only once every two or three nights. The books themselves cover many topics and from these different books Saraph has gained an understanding of various forms of magic, item crafting, blacksmithing, tailoring, tanning, and shaping. The later of the books teaches him various applications of shaping but never detailing exactly how to shape. Saraph reads though the last page of ‘Essence infusion on wearable items’ and closes the book. He looks at the golden item he received from the trader about two yeas ago. Since then he has discovered it was called a clock and has learnt to tell the time from it. It reads a quarter past three. Saraph picks up the book and walks out of the room, Zephyrus remains lay in his bed. Over the past year Zephyrus does what it wishes while Saraph studies and on Sundays Saraph flies with Zephyrus. This has kept Zephyrus in shape and allowed Saraph to get used to flying, Saraph is no longer fighting his stomach while flying instead he sits confidently and gazes over the landscape. Saraph arrives at the library and places the book upon the shelf where he retrieved it from two days ago. He searches for Mistress Artemis and finds her sat at the desk in the study. She looks up as he approaches. “How goes your reading?” Saraph stands confidently and replies that he has read and memorised every book on the list. She looks sceptical. “We will see. Tomorrow you will arrive here and report to me where I will give you an examination on every topic of the books you have read. If you pass you will become a novice and will start to practice our arts. If you get one wrong then you will be punished and sent to start again.” Saraph bows and departs the room. He walks confidently back to his bedroom. He is not worried about tomorrow. He enters his room and sits besides Zephyrus gently stroking its underbelly. An hour passes by and Saraph slowly doses off. He wakes up with a crushing weight pressing down on his legs he sits up quickly and sees Zephyrus fast asleep across his legs. He pounds on its side to wake it and commands it to get off him. With Zephyrus off his legs blood pounds back through his legs painfully. He stands up and checks the time. It is three in the morning. Being well rested he gets changed into his clean robes and sits at the desk. He gets out a quill and paper and begins to write out the formulas he has memorised over the past two years. At eight o’clock he rolls up the paper and puts it onto his repaired shelf. He exits his bedroom and heads towards the library. Once at the library he walks to the study where Mistress Artemis said she will be today. He approaches confidently as she looks up. “Ah confident as always. If there is one thing it is obvious that you have mastered here, it is the shapers walk. Please be seated and we shall begin.” With that Saraph sits down at the chair opposite and begins to answer the questions that Artemis puts to him. After two or three hours she stops. “Enough. I am confident that you have done as I have instructed. The rest of the week is yours and then a servile will take you to your next set of teachers. From now on you are a shaper novice and will be taught the practical elements of our craft starting with magic.” Saraph grins widely and then thinks momentarily. “Must I have a week break? Can I not start my next lessons tomorrow?” Artemis smiles. “If that is what you wish I will send the servile to you tomorrow. Have a good day novice.” With that Saraph bows and departs once out the library he almost runs back to his room calling Zephyrus to come with him, he spends the rest of the day flying around the island.
  21. Haveing grown up in and around computers and all sorts of 'modern' devices I find that, yes a lot of technology has been refined, there is a lot more technology been discovered. if we're talking about the last 40-50 years then you forget nuclear power. and already they know that fusion power is possible. Then there is fiber optics, the invention that ALLOWED the internet. The internet was planned but was not considered plausable until fiber optics. Then you have The laser which is implemented in so many beneficial ways, from brain surgery to mesureing buildings. The jet engine allowing for faster travel, humans capable of traveling faster than the speed of sound. These are not refined versions of other things they are made possible by the refined vesions of other things, but in themselves they are new discoveries. They are overshadowed by the smaller microchip, the smaller radio. You forget to think about the advancements made in psycology and our understanding of the human brain. The discoverys in sport and how our body functions as a whole, the complexity of the human body can teach us so much more than we could learn from makeing robots. I could go on to list many new discoveries that so many people do not realise are new discoveries because they have grown up with them.
  22. Chapter 20 – A Golden Gift Saraph wakes in the morning well rested, he eats and reads the last few pages of the book. They explain the shapers more recent discoveries and various small problems that have occurred over the recent centuries. He closes the book after finishing the last page. He looks around and sees Zephyrus is still asleep. He places the meat besides Zephyrus and waits patiently sat at the desk. Within moments Zephyrus wakes up automatically from the aroma of the meat. It quickly tears though the meat and once done Saraph heaves the book from the desk and walks out his room. He puts it down to lock the door behind him before picking it up and walking down the corridor and up the stairs at the end. Once on the streets he paces to the library and puts it down on one of the desks. Saraph waits for a while before Mistress Artemis notices him and walks over. “You have finished reading the book then?” Saraph nods aiming not to anger her. She proceeds to interrogate Saraph on the various parts of the book and on his opinions to them. Saraph answers every question and offers his opinion carefully. After each of Saraph’s replies Artemis nods approvingly. Once finished Artemis looks around the room. “Ah you have done better than I expected on your first task. There are many books in this library and you should have read and memorised them all by the time you leave this place as a shaper. For now though you need to learn every book on this list.” As she speaks she points at a list on the wall. Saraph glances down the list and notes that the list is numbered, the last line says ‘127. Essence infusion on wearable items’. “Today is Sunday and as I am sure you are unaware, you get Sundays to yourself. Do what you will, practice, go to the local village located just outside the academy gates, or go to the mainland. Anything as long as you are back here Monday morning ready to be taught. Tomorrow do not come to me for instruction, I’d rather you get straight to work on reading the books on the list.” Saraph’s face turns into half a smile. He is elated that he can do what he wishes today but the imposing list of books he has yet to read is tarnish to the joy. Saraph thanks Mistress Artemis and departs. He retrieves Zephyrus’ saddle from his room and fastens it upon its back. He mounts Zephyrus and straps his legs into the saddle. Within moments Zephyrus takes off and Saraph works on controlling his stomach once again. He had forgotten what flying was like and yet Saraph enjoys the freedom he feels. Zephyrus circles over the island and Saraph spots a large town on the opposite side of the island from the academy. He instructs Zephyrus to fly there and land outside the gates. As Saraph lands and dismounts with the flourish he remembered from the first time he dismounted. As he walks through the gate the guards bow. He looks around the town, it is a small trading outpost meant for shipping in supplies to the academy when wingbolts aren’t viable, and he also notes that there are many crystal shards on the floor. There must be a crystal mine on this island too. As he wonders the town the many outsiders bow while walking by, one person is brave enough to approach. “Shaper you must help me, I have no money and I cannot feed my family.” Saraph looks at her, she is pretty but is covered in various smudges of dirt. She wears dirty worn out cloths and does not keep eye contact with Saraph. Saraph apologises saying that he isn’t a full shaper and has only recently started his apprenticeship. She apologises and strides away bursting into tears moments later. Saraph looks over some merchandise a trader has laid out on his stall. One item catches his attention. It is small and gold with an intricate design. A glass panel shows three long golden wire thin poles of varying length. Behind these poles Saraph sees golden cogs that turn slowly. One of the poles turns in time with the cogs. The trader notices Saraph’s gaze. “Hello, it’s a magnificent piece isn’t it?” Saraph nods wondering what it is for. The trader continues his hopeless attempt at selling the item to Saraph. “It tells you the time, the short hand is the hour of day, the medium length hand is the minuets of the hour, and the longest hand is the seconds of the minute. It’s a fantastic example of this technology and never needs maintaining as it was built by a magician who assures me that it will never break.” Saraph is amazed at the smoothness of it. He apologises saying that, though he would love to buy it, he has no money. The trader thinks a moment weighing up the advantages of having a soon to be shaper indebted to him over the price of the item. He decides the former is worth more. He scoops up the item and places it in a bag and holds it out to Saraph. “Here, you may have this free of charge as I see that you would get great use of it. It would be an honour for a shaper to use my wares.” Saraph is shocked but doesn’t complain he takes the item and thanks him profusely before saying that he must get back to the academy. Saraph doesn’t bother leaving the town gates. He mounts Zephyrus and flies out of the town and back to the academy. Once there he travels down to his room and looks over the gold item he has gained. He looks at it and sees that the small ‘hand’ is at ten and the middle length ‘hand’ is at three. He doesn’t understand what this means but puts the item upon his desk anyway because he likes the look of it. He yawns once and undresses falling onto the bed exhausted after the days activities.
  23. Hear is chapter 19. It too may be slightly inaccurate and I offer apolagies for that but I am stuggleing to find much information on the history of the shapers so I am trying to fill in the blanks with what I believe was likely to have happend. Chapter 19 – Golden Age Saraph wakes up and starts the fire pit going again. He sits at the desk and eats the meal placed there for him while he was sleeping. Once finished Zephyrus begins to stir so Saraph throws him the raw meat. After Zephyrus has finished eating Saraph decides to sit and talk with Zephyrus as he hasn’t had much time since he got hear to do so. Saraph starts to talk about small details of how he feels and offers apologies for not taking time for his pet. After a while Saraph decides that he needs to get back to reading the book. He opens it to the page he was reading: There are three types of shaping now, Fire shaping, Battle shaping, and Magic shaping. A year passed while the shapers occupied a few small towns while researching in their underground warrens. Then a young shaper in training changed the shapers lives. While learning to create a Thahd the apprentice made a mistake that changed the structure slightly. The result was similar to a servile but severely unstable. The master in charge of the apprentice realised the potential of the new type of creation and began to research it extensively. Within months he had almost stabilised it and months later had achieved his aims. He went before the other shapers of the towns and proposed this new design. The shapers adopted it as their slave creations and labelled the creation a servile. They created serviles in their numbers after discovering there inherent subservience and set them to work mining and quarrying. With so many resources able to be gathered the shapers began to build huge cities and fortresses. The time had come once more when the shapers used their powers to conquer the rest of civilisation, only this time they were more aware of the consequences and as such decided that any who wished to join and live under the shapers rule would be integrated into their society. The shapers gained control over the continent and in doing so created a golden age for themselves and the humans that lived with them. Saraph stretches as he yawns, he has been reading for only a couple of hours and yet he is still tired. He notices that his reading is speeding up slowly as he reads through the book. He thinks upon the shapers morels and whether it was right for them to assume control over their creations. He believes that it is like a god, he has created us and can assume control over us just as shapers created their creations and can assume control over them. Saraph accepts this without any more thought to it. He returns to reading the book once more: The shapers lived peacefully until word arrived that there was another continent two weeks travel from the eastern side of the current shaper continent. By this time the shapers had set up a council and created a hierarchy of power. The nine council members debated for weeks upon the correct course of action. They decided that they should at least go and meet the people living there. The council being distrustful of the skills of other shapers decided that they must go themselves. They gathered together their most trusted shapers as protection and set sail for the next continent. Within a couple of weeks they had arrived at the western edge of the continent. They made landfall at the base of a mountain range and created creations to collect resources and build them a defensive outpost. From hear they sent out a patrol to meet with the locals. They discover them to be a barbaric tribe of people so the shapers passed them by and found another tribe. This too was full of barbaric locals. The shaper council convened upon what they had found and believed it to be their duty to the world to unite this continent under their rule, to bring order to a barbaric land. They began their campaign and within months half the continent was theirs, with the increased resources came increased efficiency and the rest of the continent was united within weeks. The shaper council created their citadel in the mountains near to where they first landed upon the island and maintain contact with their other continent. The shapers created infrastructure and maintain their power. With nothing needing to be done the shapers retreat back into their research halls and discover more powerful creations and spells, increasing their power even more. They set up academies to train new shapers. Saraph’s eyes droop and he fights to keep reading but he doesn’t manage he falls into the book, the side of his faced pressed up against the page and he sleeps silently. He is jolted awake again by a knock on the door. He looks at the book where a patch of drool sits unable to soak into the book. Saraph thinks it must be another of the shaper protections bestowed upon the book. He opens the door and takes the food before closing it behind him. He throws Zephyrus the meat and hurriedly eats his own meal. Once finished he lies upon the bed and falls asleep.
  24. Even though I enjoy the freedom that Geneforge 1 provides I think that there are not enough spells and creations in it. Geneforge 2 improved upon this but added more consiquences (acceptable as you can do more damege with more power). Geneforge 3 added the item enhancements and various other upgrades and got the rebelian going. Geneforge 4 has a good story element and brings about the creation of the various 5th tier creations. Finally Geneforge 5 was the final one it neatly pulled together all the various elements and tied them in a bow. They are all better than each other in various ways. The Geneforge games are an extention to each other while, yes they a good on their own, they come together to make each other even better.
  25. Nah i'm applying for Bangor. Oxbridge doesn't do the course I want to do.
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