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Drakon Sssharxx

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Everything posted by Drakon Sssharxx

  1. Hmm i dident remember the atari but i was raised on the Amega 900. I think it was 900 it was either 900 or 9000...
  2. hmm I always struggle with name invention. I didn't realy focus on the councillors partner, opps. mabey next time.
  3. I do that before any chapter, its not that im low on inspiration, its the fact that when im doing tasks in real life that require little thought I imagine parts of the next Important chapter.
  4. Thank you for the link i'm sure it will help a lot. I have a transition chapter before I even think about arriveing at the school, I havent fantasised about it enough yet. Will set to work on chapter 12? I think i'm up to chapter 12 lol.
  5. To my knowlege an armoury is where wepons are stored not sold so i think armour store is more apropriate unless I have it wrong and someone could correct me. Andras states that he has no essence left after passing the farming village which indicates that earlier he was conserveing essence for an emergancy. I am unable to locate my mispelling of Saraph on this page but will search my others. I appritiate you pointing this out i am trying my hardest to notice the mistakes I make but after all I am only human. (Damnit if only I were a Drakon!) I am retireing to sleep now though as two chapters a day is my limit. I will try to get one chapter to you everyday but sometimes I will be too busy. I type it up in word so as i tansfer it across the layout is all messed up it takes me a minute or so to sort it out to that standard. I apolagise for the speach to be complicated to read but when I finish this book i will convert it to a PDF document. The layout will then contain the various text indents before the paragraphs and speach as you cannot indent paragraphs and such on this forum. Sharx
  6. I did manage to get the 11th chapter compleated but i am retireing to sleep after posting this. I present to you chapter 11. Chapter 11 – Rollercoaster Saraph departs the hall clutching at the fleeing shadows that remain of his dreams. When he passes under the archway Andras turns back to the councillor. “May I inquire as to the reason behind declining him sponsorship?” The councillor looks and Andras and nods once “I understand your reasons for bringing him before me, and yes I realise his ability, but you must remember that apprentices have proven themselves on two fronts. Ability and Loyalty. Yes he may have shown a higher than normal ability but we have no proof of his loyalty to the shaper cause.” The councillor pauses in thought for a moment. “May I ask where exactly you met Saraph?” “He was the son of a farmer at rocky point. I was on my way to check on Ayden.” Andras states this without emotion. The councillor thinks upon something for a moment. “I have some sad news to impart upon you. About two days ago I received a report from a reliable source that Rocky Point was overrun by a large rogue swarm. I didn’t trust this totally, after all a shaper was put in charge of the settlement. I sent a wingbolt out immediately after hearing the report. It returned late last night confirming the destruction. It is unlikely that there are any survivors.” The councillor’s face is contorted with sadness and regret. “Councillor Rasham, I ask of you to be merciful to Saraph. He has no family, no home, and nothing to return to. If you would but sponsor him I will take full responsibility for his actions.” Andras has said all he can, to say anything more would jeopardise Saraph’s chances further. It’s up to the councillor what to do with Saraph. The councillor thinks for many minutes. “Saraph!” The councillor’s voice is projected outwards, it is not a shout but it travels far enough for Saraph’s ears to detect. Saraph hears his name and stands up all emotion drained from his features. He drags his feet forward as if walking towards his execution block. He travels under the archway and slowly proceeds towards Andras and the councillor. Feet feeling like lead weights he manages to arrive in front of the councillor. “After a lengthy discussion with Andras, I have decided that I made a misjudgement earlier. I will gladly sponsor you to study to become a shaper. A squadron of wingbolts will be setting off tomorrow to deliver supplies to the Greenwood Shaping Academy, and you will travel with them.” Saraph can do nothing. His body frozen in shock and his mind unable to think. Suddenly his mind races trying to catch up with the rollercoaster of emotions that are flitting through his body and mind. His dreams that, twenty minutes ago, were shattered suddenly fly back together and burst into a cacophony of celebrations. His face cracks into a beaming grin as his mind catches up. Andras passes Saraph a pouch of coins and instructs him to go to the tailors and ask for two basic sets of apprentice robes. Saraph looks quizzically at Andras. “They will know what you mean.” Andras winks and also pulls a key from his robe and hands it to Saraph. “Once you have done that return to my house and wait for me there.” Saraph takes the pouch and keys, Bows once to the councillor and departs feeling a strange urge to skip down the corridor, He fights against the urge and manages to walk from the keep. Saraph walks along the main road from the citadel to the exit gate until he finds a tailor. As he enters the shop a bell above his head tinkles announcing his presence. The shop is large and has racks situated around the room with twelve wooden stools aligned throughout the shop floor. A small cheery woman approaches Saraph and asks if she can help. Saraph tries to remember Andras’ instructions. “I need two basic sets of apprentice robes please.” Saraph manages to force the words out through his unbreakable grin. The tailor leads Saraph to a stool and gathers up two robes from a rack at the side of the shop. She instructs Saraph to put one on and once Saraph had donned the robe she started altering and fitting it. After the first robe was suitably fit to Saraph’s slim build she repeated the process with the second. After a couple of hours Saraph steps down from the stool and hands over the required coins to pay for them. He gathers up the robes and returns to Andras’ house and, still grinning, starts to wait for Andras.
  7. Err how come... i was gonna use that name for the council members partner...
  8. Same pretty much, i was just createing excuses that kids cann tell their parents from returning from the doctors tehe.
  9. I enjoy writing this story and I dont want anything in it that i am not happy with. Hope you enjoy the cliffhanger although i may get around to writing the 11th chapter within the next two hours... it is getting rather late.
  10. You can have 44/45 and your AP will not be affected although i do not have much expiriance with AP boosting items.
  11. That is why i was lothe to use him, it would indicate that the Shaper - Rebel war had been fought. Also my theory on why there are only seven councillors in G5 is becuse the shapers no longer own Illya and Burwood provinces, therefore there are two less provinces that require rule.
  12. Hear is chapter 10, hope you enjoy. Chapter 10 – The Keep Saraph wakes up in the morning. He looks around and spots a neat pile of clean cloths and a wash bag besides the bed. He climbs out of bed and sweeps the wash bag off the floor, stumbling into the bathroom. He washes at the marble basin trimmed with golden leaves and silver berries. The taps are intricately moulded into fyora heads. After cleaning himself he returns to the bedroom and dresses into the new cloths, they fit comfortably as Saraph marvels at the quality of the fabric. It glides smoothly over his skin yet is still thick and tough. Once dressed Saraph wonders out onto the landing and down the stairs into the entrance hall where he stops. He wonders where he should go as he was given no information on what he should do this morning. As if to answer his question, a servile appears at a door and beckons for Saraph to follow it. Saraph, having nothing else to go off, follows the servile. After a short yet extravagant hallway he comes to a door. The servile steps to the side and bows his head indicating for Saraph to proceed. Saraph opens the door and takes a step forward. He is stood in a large room with white walls and a red carpet above the marble floor. Sat on the carpet is a large mahogany table lined with chairs. Andras is sat eating from a plate of food, across from him is a plate of steaming, untouched food. Andras looks up after finishing his bite of food, he smiles at Saraph and indicates for him to sit and eat. Saraph quickly hurries to the seat and proceeds to tear into the delicious food. Once Andras has finished he places his knife and fork on the plate and wipes his mouth with a cloth. “We are going to see Councillor Tykro once you have finished. He will decide upon whether you will become a shaper apprentice, stay quiet unless he speaks to you.” Andras informs Saraph in a gentle voice. It seems now that he is off the road, his assignment finished, he acts himself. Saraph nods in confirmation while in mid bite and catches his tongue jumping slightly. Once finished Saraph lays his knife and fork down as well and stretches, yawning widely. Andras stands up and Saraph follows as he leaves the room towards the entryway. They leave the door and proceed back down the marbled road towards the keep. The city looks even grander in the morning light as it sparkles and reflects the sunlight. They get to the citadel, the doors are open now, it is flanked by four huge battle alphas. Andras walks through the door without hesitation, Saraph on the other hand stops at the door as he takes a deep breath. This could be the start of a whole new life. He sets his jaw and takes the step over the threshold and continues to follow Andras along the long, straight corridor. A strip of red carpet runs down the middle of it and at the end Saraph can make out an archway. Saraph is reminded of the time he entered the stone building in rocky point with Andras about two weeks ago. As they near the archway Saraph’s nerves begin to rise and his hands start to shake. His breathing depends and his heart races. The archway consists of two marble pillars holding up the marble arch, the archway itself is flanked by two gold griffin statues their eyes set with rubies. Saraph fights with his breathing and labours to calm down. Andras leads Saraph though the archway into a large hall. Wingbolts are positioned along either side every twenty feet apart and at the far side are two stone thrones. In the right throne sits an elderly man dressed in a red robe, even though he is old his body is muscular and hardy. Sat in the left throne is an elderly woman dressed in a blue robe, she is slender and short but portrays a confidence that suggests she is far from powerless. Andras and Saraph reach the two people sat in the thrones. Andras kneels on one knee and lowers his head to which Saraph copies. “Rise.” The man in the right throne states. Andras and Saraph stand up, Andras introduces himself. “Greetings wise councillor. I am Andras and this is Saraph.” The councillor takes note of the names. “First I have some sad information to impart upon you. On our way hear we travelled through the small farming village of Theass. I am sorry to report that a group of rogue fyoras had sacked the village, no body survived.” The councillor nods. “Another to add to the list. This is not an isolated event.” The councillor admits regretfully. “I suppose you will have another task for me then?” to which the councellor nods once. “I have also brought Saraph with me to Dillame to request you sponsor him. I met him returning from my last task, I lost control of my fyora and it ran to attack him. I didn’t realise this happening until I heard Saraph’s command. He regained control of my fyora and sent it back to me. I see great potential for this boy.” The councillor thinks upon the words for minutes. “Your request for sponsorship is denied, Please wait outside until I am finished with Andras and I will give him instructions to relay to you.”
  13. If you support shareware and get the full game you learn to make these creations. How uber-cool is that? eh.
  14. Well the problem is that Saraph is in Dillame and that has switched hands on many occasion between shapers and rebels. The only council member i know to have been situated there is General Alwan. Which was due to the war effort so as such i am lothe to use him as the council member there, so i suppose it will have to be a made up council member... Anyone have any council member sounding names?
  15. Can anybody tell me what the original nine council members names are and if possible where they were situated? I need to find out for my story as Saraph is about to meet one and i can't remember the names. Thank you. Sharx
  16. Statistics is a lesson that was the one i hated most, the scurge to the maths subject. i had the occasional lesson that for some reason i paid attention, it came to my exam at the end of the year and i knew nothing. I had two weeks to learn what i was suppost to learn in a year. Out came the maths book and for two weeks solid i self taught myself the whole of the Stats silibus. I wouldent have botherd if i dident need it to pass my maths and get into next year. Anyhow i suppose your right about the khyrites being shunned, like i said they were mostly exiled shapers that became hermits and practiced their shapeing in secret still.
  17. Hear is the 9th chapter of the story only just got it finished before bedtime, hope you enjoy. Chapter 9 – A City for Kings A large stone road stretches of in the direction of the citadel, straight and never wavering off course by even an inch. The houses to either side of the road are small stone cottages with flat roofs and made of white brick. They have a cloth canopy stretching from the front of the house and sheltering the door. Every few houses Saraph spots a human sleeping on the stonework under a canopy. Some of these homeless people open their eyes to view the newcomers pass by them. Saraph looks around further to notice a squadron of guards heading silently towards them. When the guards approach they spread out and turn on their heels silently assuming a defensive escort. Saraph and Andras proceed along the road accompanied by the guards. Saraph notices a slight change in the buildings, the further into the city they get the larger the housing gets. The houses change to two story housing at about the same time small wooden stalls appear on the sides of the road. The road also becomes slightly smoother and the people sleeping at the side of the streets vanish. Overhead a wingbolt swoops by and a small pack of patrolling creations pass by. The patrol of creations consists of two Battle Alphas and three Kyshakks. A Kyshakk is a huge reptilian creation. It stands on four feet and has thick leathery skin and strong armour plates along its back. It is about three feet taller than Saraph. Kyshakks are capable of generating massive electrical currents and directing them towards enemies. Saraph and Andras continue along the road as it widens and the houses on either side turn into shops. The wooden stalls disappear and the road becomes lighter and cleaner. Saraph peers through the shop windows to see that some sell groceries while others sell crude cloths and shoes. The creation patrols become more periodic and Saraph sees the odd figure wondering through the alleyways wearing some form of long robes. Saraph and Andras pass by countless shops as they get larger and sell more expensive wares, Saraph notes passing by an armour store as well as a shop named Golden Stitches, a particularly grand shop selling all manner of fine cloths. The shops progress into three story townhouses and the road becomes lined with flowerbeds. The flowerbeds overflow with beautiful and magnificent flowers no doubt changed by shapers. The bricks the road is made of changes from common granite to marble which is polished to a shine and yet kept rough enough for the hooves of the horses to grip upon it. The houses are split by a shop every now and then. Yet still Andras leads Saraph onwards until the houses stop and are replaced by huge manors. The front doors are generally flanked by two marble pillars holding up a balcony. There are two bay windows outside of the pillars. The upstairs is similar to the downstairs only there are no pillars besides the glass doors onto the balcony. The roof is polished slate, perfectly chiselled into squares and positioned in perfect order. Andras leads on towards the citadel and as they get within one hundred feet of the front portcullis Andres turns right down a marbled street. He travels a further two hundred yards before dismounting and handing the horses rains to the guard. Saraph proceeds to do the same as Andras walks to the front door of on of the mansions, Andras pulls a key from within his robe and unlocks the door holding it open for Saraph. Saraph enters the mansion and glances around. It is furnished with mahogany wood furniture trimmed with gold and silver. The crystals in the wall brackets begin to glow with a warm yellow light as they sense Saraph and Andras. Andras closes the door and locks it behind him. “Welcome to my home.” Andras says these words rather subconsciously. Saraph inquires “This is your home?” the words gasp out of his mouth due to the awe he is feeling. Andras laughs silently as he states “Yes it is mainly mine but any shaper in need may use it. We shapers care for our brothers and sisters in their time of need.” Saraph shakes his head in disbelief he rests his arm casually on the bookcase only to hiss as pain lances up it as he catches his splint. Andras remembers Saraph’s arm and pulls him with him though the house by his good arm. Saraph glances the wealth and extravagance of the house and notes the display of wealth the shapers have demonstrated in the city as a whole. He then remembers the entrance to the city, the homeless on the street and the small cramped housing so easy to forget while stood in a house such as this. Andras releases Saraph's arm as he steps into a large room with two pools at the other end. One pool is coloured a light green and gently swirls around. The other is a deep blue which writhes around under its own power, it sloshes about getting close to the rim of the pool but never overflowing, a perfect balance of chaos and control. Andras proceeds to the blue pool and stretches out his hands towards it, tendrils of glowing liquid like substance flow out from the pool in pencil width strands. They travel though the air towards his fingers and as they make contact, the skin on Andras’ fingers stretches and displaces as lumps move about under the skin flowing into his hands. As the lumps travel along his hands and up his arms they shrink and vanish, it looks like a very uncomfortable process but Andras shows no discomfort. A few minuets later the strands of glowing substance detaches from the pool and are absorbed into Andras’ hands. Andras turns towards Saraph and calls him over. Saraph walks over to Andras. Andras proceeds to remove the splint delicately and places his hand over the fracture, golden tendrils extend from Andras’ hand and make contact with Saraph’s skin. As the tendrils make contact they begin to knit the muscle and bone back together. Saraph shudders as he feels his muscles writhe about beneath his skin and his bones snap back into proper position, as the muscle is knit back together the new tissue feels hot announcing its presence to the rest of the body. Minuets later Andras withdraws his hand and examines his work nodding satisfied. Saraph looks at his arm too it looks as good as new, no sign of ever being injured. It tingles slightly and Saraph itches it calming it down. Andras gives Saraph directions to a spare bedroom to which Saraph gratefully thanks him and proceeds to his room to sleep, Saraph makes it to the bed but doesn’t manage to remove his cloths. He falls to the bed unconscious from the days exhaustions.
  18. Hopeing to start the next chapter soon, waiting for my mind to clear after the weekend so that i can write it to the best of my ability. It will require a lot of discription so I need my imagination to be switched on. Hopeing to be posting again soon. Sharx.
  19. Originally Posted By: Outkast Artemis Need demotivation? Talk to Artemis! Isn't 'play vidio games' and acctual perscription given by doctors for depression now? Your just offering to be... Err whats the opposite of a doctor? Another point to add, isn't the reason to play games for a fair amount of people to get that feeling of power and sense of influence in the world, whether its fake or not some people just need that feeling every now and then to remind them that they shouldn't give up on their dreams.
  20. You get a few exiled shapers in the game showing Khyrite sympathys. I guess if you mixed sympathetic shapers and ex shaper rebels you would get somewhere close. That way your still takeing a sample from both shapers and rebels but they are more closely related allowing for you to gain a better, more precise, middle ground. When you take a strict shaper and a fanatical rebel the range of the middle ground available pretty much lies between sypathetic shapers and ex shaper rebels. Hmm statistic lessons did end up handy eventually.
  21. I guess that with the heat vent on its underbelly, any heat it excretes is also collected beneath the wings allowing for a greater wing effectiveness. As to the gas bladders, Alorael seems to have the right idea as the file states that puncture of them reduces but doesn't eliminate movement. This provides the idea that the gas bladders are sealed, or mabey they can open the backs when they get too full and use it as a kind of afterburner? Tehe now im just playing around. Thank you very much for the graphics Dikiyoba, much appritiated. I think I got everything i needed for my story.
  22. Although by asking to have artemis as an instructor at the shapeing school, you gave me the idea to name all the instructors after the lesser known greek gods/goddess'.
  23. short as in 5'4" (average female hight that i know) or smaller?
  24. He is suppost to be mysterious at the moment, I hope to clear up the mysteriousness in the rivergate keep, and to Andras he is doing a job and is keeping professional. Shapers tend not to confide in outsiders, they talk more to other memebers of their sect. By all means make requests to be in the story, i'll see what i can do. Please Try to add a shot description of how the character will look and their position. I will expand upon the discription i just need something to go off. P.S. Please don't request a rediculus position like council member or high counciler, keep it reasonable. P.S.S. I do plenty of research before each chapter, I plan what will happen, then research what i dont understand, when i get to rivergate keep i will play the geneforge games a bit to understand better the interactions between shapers and their general attitude to conversation and such. I'm rather enjoying writing this story, it realy helps me learn so much about the geneforge game i missed on my playthroughs, and I doubt i've even scratched the surface yet.
  25. If i find this image i will post up what notes may be usefull. It would aid me aswell to get danette's libary up and running properly. Edit: The image of the Wingbolt is a loding screen in Geneforge 4. The annoying thing is that printscreen does not work to capture geneforge loading screens for me. I take a printscreen and paste the image into paint so that I can take the time to read it. If anybody finds a way to get this image it would be greatly appritiated.
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