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Drakon Sssharxx

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Everything posted by Drakon Sssharxx

  1. With the help of machinary. The Alphas were nowhere near as controled or lived very long. The shapers use machinary to create lots of creations in vats, and in long seiges the shapers and drakons made creation after creation in order to weaken their opponants.
  2. I have done, Changeing the cr_graphic_template = ??; seems to do half the job and realy im happy with the result if i can find out the things that increase the strength of the Drakon's close quarter attack. If anyone wants the scrip it is below, just open the Gf5itemschars crips and replace the shock trooper script with the below script. Click to reveal.. begindefinecreature 48; cr_name = "Shock Trooper"; cr_graphic_template = 85; cr_max_health = 28; cr_max_energy = 20; cr_sound_when_slain = 106; cr_abil_num 0 = 1; cr_abil_step_of_launch 0 = 3; cr_abil_anim_in_reverse 0 = 1; cr_abil_level 0 = 13; cr_abil_casting_sound 0 = 18; That also changes the default attack to the Drakons so you shouldn't need to equip a sword. Except in the begining where it is requied for Mekahn (however its spelt) to open the door.
  3. Ok so I went into the Gf5itemschars script and changed the shock troopers cr_graphic_template = 150; to. cr_graphic_template = 85; This worked in game to change the shock tooper graphic to the drakon graphic... Untill you equip a sword and then you miraculously transform into an eyebeast. Is there a way to set it so that when you equip a weapon the graphic does not change? Like for a presise example, haveing the shaper graphic remain unarmed when realy you have equipped him with a sword? Or any other way around this without me haveing to create my own spin template. Edit: I have changed the default punch attack to be the default close quarter attack of the drakon but I'm unsure of the factors that will make that attack do more damege and it does seem to be a tad unbalanceing compared to normal shapers punches, but then again it is to replace the sword so im unsure of whether it will get stonger with leveling and such... hopeing to use the default punch as a replacement of swords. Note: Just found out that you can use javelins without shapeshifting.
  4. Chapter 16 – A Lone Hero As Saraph remembers the journey to Dillame, Andras waits unmoving. Saraph snaps out of the temporary daze brought about by Andras’ presence here. “What are you doing here?” Saraph enquires slowly trying to delay Andras from attacking while some of the essence in his body converts to energy. “Velerak retuned to the fort I was resting at, he explained where you were and what you were doing. You see, I have been tasked to hunt you down and kill you for my misjudgement in your loyalty to our cause. I set off immediately to catch up with the shaper forces and explain to them my mission. I was waiting for you to become to tired to defend yourself but I realised your plans and had to step in before you managed to complete them and successfully defend the fort. This was the only chance I had to attack.” Saraph hears a dozen screams from the walls, he knows he has to end this fast. He begins moving again slowly getting closer to Andras but never remaining in the same place too long. Andras begins launching magical missiles at Saraph and the battle begins again. Saraph jumps up onto a nearby rooftop and begins jumping around above Andras. Andras can’t react fast enough to hit Saraph and Saraph still doesn’t have enough energy to cast spells randomly. He tries to get behind Andras but on of his missiles whistle past his cheek. He retreats back to a safe distance, he knows that he needs to get into the passageway soon as time is running out. Saraph jumps over the gap where Andras stands, at the same time he sends a blanket of flames towards the ground where Andras is stood. The flames envelop Andras and during the distraction Saraph jumps back down behind Andras. Saraph launches a blast of ice at Andras’ shoulder dousing the flames and freezing his shoulder. Saraph grabs the same shoulder and shatters it into fragments. Andras screams and the air around him blurs. Saraph feels a pulling sensation from the place he contacts with Andras. Saraph immediately leaps back and watches as the screaming figure before him vanishes into the air. Saraph has no time to think upon his sadness that he had to battle the man that gave him the gift of shaping. He runs to the wall and waits for it to open. As the door slides down Saraph leaps over it before it is even halfway open. Saraph runs down the large passageway and arrives in a large room. Saraph can smell the essence in the air, he runs to the centre of the room and looks around. He is stood in a large shaping hall with numerous essence pools. Saraph can smell that the essence pools were refreshed when the smaller shaping hall in the citadel was revived. Saraph concentrates and begins to call all the essence to him, as the essence rushes into his body he can feel it refreshing him. Saraph looks around calmer now and spots the piece of machinery he was hoping for. Stood at the far end of the hall are two large essence fountains. Saraph rushes over to them and flick the switches to turn them on. They stutter to life and Saraph begins to feel the air saturate with essence. He smiles and then closes his eyes to concentrate. Having never used these machines before he spends several seconds getting used to controlling the essence in the air before beginning to use it to create a Battle Alpha. Once the Battle Alpha is created he inserts his consciousness into its mind and provides it instructions to follow. They consist of a list of who not to attack and the instruction to attack everything else. The Battle Alpha turns and runs out of the hall and up the passageway into the fort. Saraph begins to work again creating another Battle Alpha he gives it the same instructions and continues. With each Battle Alpha he creates he becomes faster and more efficient at creating them and after hours of work Saraph has successfully created hundreds of them. Saraph stumbles backwards onto a bench as his mind becomes too tired to continue concentrating. Saraph rests for several minutes before continuing, he establishes a mental link with one of the creations on the walls to see the state of the battle. He can see in its memories the battle alphas streaming out and into the fray tearing apart the shaper forces and driving them back. Saraph can see that the shaper forces are tiring under the new onslaught. Saraph begins his work once more and creates another fifty Battle Alphas before running along the corridor and back into the fort. He runs along the streets and jumps onto the rooftops before leaping onto the walls. The shapers and slowly being pushed back towards their camp. Saraph begins to launch bolts of fire and lightning at the retreating shapers. Several of his missiles miss but the ones that hit result in a loud scream and a body collapsing to the ground. The defenders realise that they have successfully defended the fort and raise their weapons calling out Saraph’s name, he is the hero of the battle and yet he feels like he has lost more than he has gained today. He thinks back to the moment where he shattered Andras’ arm, a man that risked much for Saraph to be given the chance to learn the secrets of shaping. Saraph feels like he spat it back in his face, he never wanted to be forced to do it but it is done now and he cannot change it. He walks back to the citadel throne room and sits in the chair. He lowers his head and breaths deeply trying to regain his composure.
  5. He is not rebelish more like determined to do what needs to be done whilst understanding that there is a line he can't cross. A bit of magic hear and their taught to the right people is helpful, but he refuses to teach people to shape.
  6. Don't dis the hermit lord, he kicks some serious rebel ass (i think). Bare in mind thats rebel ass not rebel arse hehe just kidding, he will be a cool hermit.
  7. I'm putting it onn hold for the moment while I touch up my HTML, if you look at the source code its terrible. Going to get round to it at some point though. Sharx.
  8. Besides didn't I just rebuild and defend Poryphra in my own story? So technically that would fall under my copyright hehe. Don't worry you can use the idea just makeing a point to research before you stick a copyright notice upon something.
  9. I have decided that you can be the hermit becuse then you can be 'Lord Iraelithe' or you were untill you got exiled for questioning some of the shapers more insignificant rules. Besides that way your important aswell, I can see this book being more chapters than the last I think.
  10. Lol not for this forum. Here is chapter 15, hope you enjoy the twist. Chapter 15 – The Siege As dawn approaches Saraph observes a lone servile walking across no mans land. It comes to a stop ten meters before the walls and looks up. “I bear message from masters. They tell me to walk here and say it. They tell me to say that the powers of the shapers are for them alone, those that would steal it are unprepared for the power and must be destroyed before they destroy everything.” Once the servile it finished Saraph observes a bolt of magic fly towards the servile. Saraph reacts in an instant, he launches a bolt of flames so hot it burns white with a gel like consistency. The flames blur through the air towards the shaper that launched the magical missile at the servile. One of the creations standing besides the shaper throws itself in to the path of Saraph’s missile, the flame burns a hole through its chest and strikes the shaper in the head. Saraph observes the headless body of the shaper fall to the floor. Moments later the shaper army mobilises and streams forwards towards the walls. Saraph calls out telling the defenders to action, the defenders stream onto the walls and begin launching magic, thorns, javelins and various other missiles into the shaper forces. Saraph sees many creations fall to the floor dead but the shaper forces carry on seemingly unaware of the bodies they are walking upon. Soon the shaper forces reach the walls, the defenders pour burning pitch and acid over the sides of the walls and Saraph can hear the screams of pain. Saraph observes the battle helping where he can with his own magic. After an hour of battle the defenders are still going strong with very few losses, Saraph is pleased with how well his plans are working. Saraph hears a loud explosion come from the outer gatehouse and two Kyshakks charge through the gates letting off streams of lightning into the rebel forces. Saraph immediately sends orders to his fyoras which stream out of the door below. He directs them to the Kyshakks and watches as they swarm around them and begin to burn the Kyshakk’s sides, Saraph sees three of his fyoras die before the Kyshakk succumbs to its wounds. It falls onto its side with a loud crash while his fyoras begin to attack the second Kyshakk losing four more of their number before the second Kyshakk also falls down. The shaper army has breached the gates though and the rebels on the outer walls are fighting for their lives. The rebels stationed on the inner walls are helping as much as they can but before long the outer wall no longer holds any rebel forces. Saraph orders his fyoras around the battlefield targeting key targets while the rebels hold the outer wall. Before long all of Saraph’s fyoras have fallen and the rebels are on their last reserves. Saraph can sense that unless they receive a miracle then the battle will be lost. Saraph runs down the stairs and out into the streets, he runs to the outer wall and finds the body of a dead rebel guard. He removes the armour from the man and equips himself with it. He runs up the stairs as a blur and once there he begins to take a more active roll in the forts defence. He summons huge torrents of flames and ice and directs them into the shaper forces. Each torrent of magic that Saraph unleashes causes a dozen screams. With Saraph’s help the rebel’s moral picks up and they continue fighting and surviving. An hour later Saraph can feel his magical energy nearly depleted. A guard approaches him and tells him that he has found the secret entrance. Saraph hears it and takes a moment to process it through his battle induced bloodlust. He immediately turns about telling the guard to take his place, he takes a deep breath and blurs away jumping from the wall and landing lightly on a rooftop twenty meters away. He runs through the fort until he finds the guards at the hidden entrance. Saraph slides to a stop as he feels a magical disturbance at the end of the street. The air blurs and becomes hazy and then as Saraph watches it solidifies to reveal a blue robed shaper. Five bolts of energy fly from his hand, four of which strike the guards in the chest causing them to fall to the floor dead. The last bolt of energy flies towards Saraph whose body reacts automatically, it rolls to the side narrowly escaping the bolt of energy that whistles past Saraph’s ear. Saraph, having used too much energy defending the outer wall, can’t retaliate as the unknown shaper releases another volley of energy. Saraph rolls around nimbly avoiding the missiles, after a couple of minutes the shaper stops chuckling slightly. “It seems we have a stalemate.” Saraph recognises the voice that speaks but can’t remember whose voice it is. Saraph blurs forward and grabs the shapers hood wrenching it down milliseconds before the shaper unleashes a burst of energy that throws Saraph backwards. Saraph rolls over and stands up quickly healing the minimal damage that he received. As he looks up he sees the shapers face. Stood with his robes blowing around his ankles and his hair blowing across his face… is Andras.
  11. It gets attacked way too often lol. P.S. WOO shock trooper!
  12. Mate if you going to write a story the chapters are a tad short. Mabey use these two short paragraphs as a plan for the acctual chapters, I find it easier to plan the chapter by writing a basic layout of what will happen and then when I come to write the chapter I add in details like a description of the main charicter and such. Also revise your use of brackets in chapter two, you tend not to get many books that contain brackets, try writing something allong the line of... Click to reveal.. Orion saw the dragonlike beast start to unleash a torrent of flames from between his jaws. He jumps out of the path of flames that strike the guy behind him in the center of his chest. The poor guy screams in agony as Orion lands behind the drayk, he grips the hilt of his father's balde and plunges it into the Drayk's neck which kills it almost instantly. The story itself though is believeable except a novice would be unlikely to defeat the protector of the academy at such an early stage of the story. Good work. Sharx.
  13. All good questions that time will tell. Even I don't know the full story yet. I have a vague idea where it will end up and what the next book will be like but thats about it lol.
  14. I'm not sure where to put you into the story Iraelithe, you can be a shaper or rebel on Saraph's side of the story or a shaper or hermit on Charlotte's side of the story. P.S. Spoiler below, read at your own lack of self control. Click to reveal.. The hermit teaches Charlotte magic.
  15. Chapter 14 – Confrontation Charlotte wakes in the morning as sunlight streams through the holes in the roof. She quickly rolls out of bed and adjusts her weapons, she slings her bow onto her back before leaving the barn. As she wonders the streets she sees a column of soldiers. She walks along following them at a distance while ignoring the disapproving side glances at her choice of clothing. The soldiers march through the streets and arrive at the main barracks for the city. Charlotte can see two entrances, one is the patrol entrance and the other is a more public looking entrance. Charlotte opts for the more public entrance. She walks though the archway into a medium sized room with seats along the walls. A man is sat at the desk, he is clearly one of the soldiers and looks impatient to be marching. Charlotte walks towards the desk. “Well you’re a fine one aren’t you eh? What brings you to this lowly old barracks on such a fine day?” He clearly overlooked Charlotte’s weaponry. Charlotte gets irritated by his degrading comments and slurred tone. “I’m here to sign up to become a soldier.” The guard looks at her before bursting into laughter. It takes him a few minutes to calm down before he looks at her again and sniggers. Once he has gained a degree of control over himself he looks at her once more. “I’m sorry miss but” he sniggers “We don’t allow females as soldiers. You’ll have to find a more womanly profession” He chuckles again and Charlotte has had enough. Her hand blurs to the knife strapped to her calf and rips it from it’s sheath, she jumps over the desk and holds the dagger to his neck. She performs this so fast that the soldier behind the desk can barely make a single laughing sound. “I’d like to see you beat me in a fight.” She goads to him. She removes the knife from the soldiers throat before walking back around the desk to where she was previously stood. She raises her eyebrow at him waiting for his response. “You may be able to handle yourself against a rabbit or a deer miss but fighting against a soldier in the shaper army is totally different. We have years of training, and just to let you know I could have you arrested for threatening me just then.” Now that he is not held at knife point his arrogant manner returns. Charlotte takes a deep breath to keep calm before replying. “If you’re so sure that you can win what’s stopping you from proving it?” The soldier looks over her small body before replying. “I wouldn’t want to harm such a pretty young girl such as yourself would I?” Charlotte laughs in response and whispers a single word. “Coward.” The soldier stands up and walks around the desk drawing his sword. Charlotte steps back into the main floor space and sinks into a low crouch ready waiting for him to make the first move. He performs a test step, flicking his sword in a small flourish as he steps forward. Charlotte responds by stepping a pace back and to the right. The soldier takes another step forward which Charlotte responds to the same way as the first. The soldier quickly darts forward and swings his sword towards Charlotte's shoulder, before it makes contact Charlotte has rolled forward beneath his blade and jumped up behind him holding her knife to his neck. “Dead.” She releases him and takes a couple of steps back offering him a second chance. He spins around and plants himself again taking another test step. Charlotte repositions. He is being a lot more careful with his movements now and Charlotte keeps working around him constantly moving, flowing from one spot to the other as graceful as a tiger. She realises that he is on the defensive and takes a step forward, he repositions backwards. She dashes forward using her knife to push his sword away as she grabs his armour at the neck. She leaps up flipping over whilst still holding on to his armour. As she begins to descend she pushes against his shoulder causing him to overbalance, he begins to fall backwards whilst she kicks the sword from his hands and lands nimbly next to him with the knife once more against his neck. “Dead again. Shall we continue?” She withdraws the knife away from his neck and rolls away from him allowing him to stand. He gets to his feet and retrieves his sword placing it back within the sheath at his belt. He looks her over once more, all look of arrogance removed from his face. “Ok miss I’m sorry about before but the policy remains we don’t accept females into the army unless they are spell casters. It was no excuse for my personal behaviour but we cannot bend the rules no matter how talented you may be.” Charlotte looks him in the eye and can tell that he is telling the truth, she sheaths her knife before striding out the room and back onto the street. She doesn’t know what to do next. She wonders through the streets looking into various shops to see their wares when she is approached by an old man. He looks about fifty or sixty and wears tan robes, he is skinny and frail looking but his eyes speak endless wisdom. He waves Charlotte to follow him as he walks away towards an empty looking street. Charlotte is curious about what the stranger has to say and walks towards the empty looking street.
  16. Chapter 13 – Report Charlotte has been running for many days. While she runs she begins to form a plan in her head. At first she wanted revenge upon the creations that destroyed her home and family but she realised that she couldn’t do it alone, she needed help from the shapers. She began to form a plan in her mind that once she reaches a city she will sign up as a soldier in the shaper army. On the fourth day of running she begins to see the outline of a large settlement, as she draws closer she can see that it is surrounded by fifty foot walls and the only building she can see is a large castle. As she approaches she slows to a walk. Charlotte can see two guards armed with halberds stood at the gatehouse and though the portcullis she can glimpse the odd building. As Charlotte approaches the gates the guards drop their halberds and stop her. They look her over taking in her rough travel worn cloths and thin body. “What is your business here and where have you travelled from?” Charlotte looks at the soldier briefly before replying. “I’m here with news of the town of Rocky Point, it was attacked by large creations about a week ago.” The guard looks her over clearly surprised at her confidence. He pulls his halberd up and signals the other guard to do the same. “Proceed straight down the centre road and through the citadel entrance. Tell the doorman that Fred sent you.” Charlotte nods before walking beneath the large gatehouse and into the city. She sees a notice board to her right and wishes that she could read. She follows the guard’s instructions and travels straight down the main road through the city. As Charlotte walks though the city she notices how the buildings slowly get wealthier and wealthier until around the citadel they are large mansions. Charlotte approaches the min entrance to the citadel and once again she is stopped by two guards. “What business do you have to warrant entry to the citadel?” The soldier on the right speaks. “Fred from the gates sent me here as I have news about the town of Rocky Point.” The guard looks her over observing the various weaponry she is wearing. “You may pass after you have handed over your weaponry, you will be able to reclaim it upon exiting the citadel.” Charlotte sighs before pulling Saraph’s knife from its sheath and handing over, next she removes her bow and quiver and hands them over also. The guards satisfied that she is unarmed allow her through. “Take the first right and make your report. It will be forwarded to the right place.” Charlotte nods before entering the citadel. Inside the citadel are gold statues depicting various shapers, the walls are covered with tapestries bearing the shaper symbol. Charlotte is at the start of a long passageway with many different doors on either side. Charlotte knocks on the first door on the right and enters. She is in a small room containing a desk and a large bookshelf. Behind the desk is a woman, she is scribbling down something on a piece of paper before she looks up to see Charlotte at the door. The woman waves Charlotte forward and indicates her to take a seat. “How may I help you today?” The woman politely asks. “I am here to report the destruction of the town of Rocky Point.” The woman waves Charlotte to continue while getting a clean sheet of paper and beginning to write upon it. Charlotte explains what happened in as much detail as she can and the woman sometimes asks a question before allowing her to carry on. After about an hour Charlotte is finished and told that her report will be passed on to the right people. Charlotte stands up and walks out of the room and back to the entrance to the citadel. She asks for her equipment back and checks over it before thanking the guards and striding away. Charlotte needs to find somewhere to stay the night but has no money to pay for a bed at an inn. She finds a small barn which seems to be abandoned, as she enters it she realises it is an old servile quarters. There is a small fire pit in the centre of the room and a door leading to a room filled with bunk beds. Charlotte starts a fire in the pit to cook what little food she has remaining from her hunt a week ago. Once she has cooked and eaten her food she rummages around the barn and gathers together what few blankets she can find. She falls asleep on one of the bunks thinking that tomorrow she will apply for a post in the shaper army.
  17. @Dikiyoba - Fair enough. @Velzen - All will be revealed in time.
  18. Chapter 12 – The Shapers Saraph gets a quill and ink from a nearby cupboard and begins to make notes upon the map annotating weak points and stronger points of the defences. He calculates the forces that will be needed at various areas and requests a copy of all the men he will have available. By the end of the fourth hour a stream of people parade into the shaping hall and gather in the centre of the room. Saraph looks them over and notes the dry glowing skin and the power that has been forced into their bodies. He has them line up against the wall before walking past them one by one evaluating their strengths and weaknesses and how best he can use each one to defend the fort. After an hour he gives them all a number and tells them that they are to respond to that number. Inside Saraph’s head is a list of each mans abilities and the number associated with them. He returns to the map and picks number five and sixteen to defend one of the weaker areas of the fort. He slowly works through the lifecrafters, assigning them positions to hold and explaining to them the various plans he has devised. Once he knows that the lifecrafters know what they are to do he summons the guards and gives them their orders. The serviles and battle alphas that were rebuilding the walls are armed and given their orders as well. Saraph is happy with his plans and settles into the stone chair in the shaping hall awaiting any reports. During the battle Saraph has assigned himself to stand on the citadel tower and provide magical assistance to the battle. He checks the amount of essence within his body and estimates that he could create a significant number of fyoras before the battle and keep mental contact with them to supply them with orders according to the state of the battle. The guard that was on gate duty enters the hall and comes to a stop before Saraph. “Sir, we cannot find any hint of the secret passageway you have asked us to find.” Saraph thinks over this, he is almost certain that there is a shaping hall below the citadel. “Keep searching, even if the battle starts it is your task to find it. Take that map to aid your search.” Saraph points to the map on the table before stating he will be at the top of the tower should any new reports arrive. Saraph runs swiftly through the eastern door from the shaping hall and runs up the stairs. Once at the top of the tower he looks out over the fort evaluating the defences. He smiles pleased with himself and looks out over the distant horizon. It is that moment he spots the shaper forces. From this distance Saraph cannot make out the details but nobody else can even spot them yet. He calls out that they are on their way and that they will be here by nightfall. Saraph spots a few of the guards stand more alert and Saraph waits patiently. As they draw closer Saraph can pick out larger shapes that look like battle alphas. Saraph is confident that the fort has a large enough force of alphas to combat the shapers. On of Saraph’s plans is to hide most of the main force behind the main wall until the shapers begin their charge only to surprise them when the rebel soldiers ascend onto the walls. Before long the other guards can spot the shaper column approaching, Saraph can see all manner of creations within the ranks and can even spot a couple of Kyshakks. Saraph didn’t count on their being any advanced creations and he decides that his creations will have to target them and overwhelm them with numbers. The shaper column stops about a mile away from the forts main walls. They set up camp and wait. Saraph can feel the tension in the air. He reaches out and observes the power of the shapers within the attacking force. Saraph can feel than none of them could pose a threat to him alone but they are matching with the power of the lifecrafters in the fort. Saraph can also feel a lot more shapers than there are lifecrafters. Saraph takes a deep breath before descending the stairs to the small shaping hall. Saraph closes his eyes and focuses on shaping sets of five fyoras. The essence leaves Saraph upon his command and before long Saraph has created a total of twenty fyoras. Saraph reserves some essence within him to keep himself strong for the battle ahead. Saraph extends his mind and inserts it into each of the fyoras heads, Saraph has to concentrate to maintain all the links. He orders the fyoras to remain in the shaping hall and runs back to the top of the tower to observe the shaper camp. The night proceeds in silence as Saraph waits with all his senses directed towards the camp. P.S. Is it possible to sticky this as it does have a lot of posts and veiws?
  19. Yer I kind of took an entire book to get my head into it and improve my writing style. I used to struggle with capitalisation and mixing letters and words and I still struggle a bit with spelling.
  20. Chapter 11 – Preparations Saraph runs throughout the entire night and when the sun rises in the morning Saraph can begin to see activity on the horizon. Saraph increases his pace and within half an hour Saraph can clearly see the ruins of Poryphra, although they do not look like ruins anymore. Wooden frames surround the walls with serviles perched upon them. Huge battle alphas drag large heavy bricks towards the walls, a wooden crane lifts the rocks into place upon the wall. The inner wall is already completed and the outer wall is halfway there, by the end of the day Saraph thinks that with the amount of creations working, the wall will be completed. Saraph arrives at the old stone gatehouse and slows to a walk. He passes by a guard and stops. “Can you tell me where the commander of this fort is?” The guard looks Saraph over and thinks a moment. “Were you not the escort of him? Where is Velerak?” Saraph realises that there is no commander of the fort. They were given instructions to follow until the commander arrived to take over. Saraph looks to the other guard at the gate and speaks to them both. “Come with me I will need your help.” Saraph focuses on creating a battle alpha. He brings forth the essence from his body and begins to shape it in the way that the books he read said and before long a single muscular battle alpha is stood before him. Saraph instructs it to guard the gate before creating a second battle alpha and giving it the same instructions. Saraph asks the guards to lead him to the citadel. The guards obey the orders and lead him to the front gate which is left unguarded. Saraph walks through the gate and into a long passageway with doors exiting it of either side. A strip of carpet leads straight ahead. Saraph recognises the typical shaper citadel layout and follows the strip of carpet down the passageway. Saraph reaches a stone archway and on the other side a small shaping hall, Saraph curses before turning to the guards. “Is there no larger shaping hall here?” The guards look at each other briefly before one of them speaks. “I’m sorry but we must ask where Velerak is?” Saraph rearranges his face into an apologetic look. “I’m sorry but Velerak was a traitor, he was working for the shapers and attacked me along the way. It is my duty to organise the defences now.” The guard’s faces drop for a moment before they gather themselves and look up. “This is the only shaping hall we have discovered and we managed to re-supply the essence pool. We are severely unprepared for an assault from the shapers.” Saraph takes a deep breath while he thinks quickly. “I need you to gather up every lifecrafter here and have them report to me once they have finished rebuilding the walls. Place the men with the best eyesight on the wall as sentries and have a team of five people look for a likely hidden passageway that leads beneath the citadel.” The two guards bow and leave the room. Saraph walks over to the essence pool and observes it while he waits. Little over an hour later one of the guards returns. “We have done as you requested there are guards on the walls and my partner is personally leading the search for a hidden passageway. The lifecrafters tell me that they will be completed within four hours.” Saraph nods and thanks him before turning back to the essence pool. A thought occurs to Saraph and he spins back around. “Is there a detailed map of this fort I may be able to examine?” The guard thinks for a moment before replaying. “I do not know sir. You may be able to find one in the library but most of the records in there were damaged to great extent.” Saraph thanks him and dismisses him. Saraph walks from the small shaping hall and down the passageway counting the doors. At the fifth door on the right he turns and opens it walking into the small library. Most of the bookshelves have collapsed and the room is a mess. Saraph begins to gather the various rolls of parchment that have survived. He unrolls them searching for the map of the fort. Luck shines upon him as he unrolls the third roll of parchment. A detailed diagram of the fort is revealed. Saraph walks back to the shaping hall and pins the map down upon a nearby table. He looks over it and begins to plan a defensive strategy.
  21. I have been reading the inheritance cycle books over again. I also have been writing a couple of books too hehe.
  22. Chapter 10 – A Big Shock and a Sudden Stop Saraph reaches the middle of the mountain pass about an hour after he began the ascent. Suddenly Saraph hears a high pitched screech from above, Saraph feels a sharp pain at the back of his neck. The screech cuts off into silence, Saraph slides to a stop and looks upwards. He sees Velerak, sword drawn with blood running down the blade. Swiftly and precisely he cuts himself from the saddle and climbs up into a standing position on the saddle, Saraph can see that Zephyrus is falling to the floor limply. Just before Zephyrus hits the floor Velerak jumps from its back and rolls as he contacts the floor. He comes to a standing stop ten metres from Saraph and looks him in the eye. “It is time to see how much of a filthy rebel pup you are.” Saraph takes a deep breath centring his mind for the conflict. Saraph is forced to show the extent of his powers as he calls forth essence to shape, He begins the forms to create a battle alpha but Velerak senses Saraph’s intentions and rushes him. Saraph recalls the essence and jumps ten feet into the air flipping around to face where Velerak is now standing dazed. Saraph calls forth a ball of fire and launches it at Velerak who cuts through it with his blade. Saraph lands nimbly on the balls of his feet and runs at Velerak, at the last second he twists around Velerak’s sword and strikes him in the leg with the palm of his hand. Saraph hears a sharp crack as the bone breaks, Velerak falls to the floor but before Saraph can take advantage Velerak repairs the damage with essence. Saraph launches another couple of balls of flame from his palm before rushing Velerak again. Changing strategy Saraph jumps flipping around in the air while unleashing a torrent of lightning towards the guardian beneath him. Once again Velerak falls to the floor but he rolls over and stands up quickly. Clearly having underestimated Saraph’s abilities Velerak scrambles to centre himself and concentrate on where Saraph is. Velerak heals himself once more and prepares for Saraph’s attack. Saraph rushes Velerak again flames blazing in front of him as he manipulates the light away from Velerak’s eyes causing temporary blindness. Velerak feels flames scorching his skin all over his body, he cannot bear the thought of a war veteran being beaten by some newly appointed rebel scum. His anger bursts forth and he surrounds himself in ice exploding outwards. Saraph is caught unexpectedly by the sudden surge of ice, he is thrown back and his concentration is broken. The magic around Velerak fizzles away into the air. Both Saraph and Velerak quickly heal themselves and stare each other down. Saraph flexes his fingers in preparation while Velerak tightens the grip on his sword hilt. Saraph senses Velerak using magic to manipulate the environment around them, as Saraph observes the air begins to look thick and viscous. Saraph prepares to react at a milliseconds notice. Velerak begins to look hazy and insubstantial, he begins to disappear and reappear in different places. Saraph waits patiently sensing the flow of magic around him, when Saraph detects it close behind him he turns and strikes out with his palm. Velerak gets struck in the centre of the chest with the force of three stampeding bulls. He flies backwards though the air and lands on his back. Saraph runs to where Velerak lands and grabs his armour and twists launching Velerak ten feet into the air to land twenty feet away in a crumpled pile. Velerak hurries to heal himself and get to his feet quickly. “You may have bested me today but next time we meet I will thrust this blade through the deepest recesses of your cold heart and you will see the errors of your ways before sinking swiftly to the fiery pits of hell where you will burn for your betrayal of our just ways.” Saraph rushes at Velerak after he finishes to find that he grabs at thin air. Milliseconds before magic engulfed Velerak and transported him miles across the continent. The magic is used only in desperate situations because it is incredibly dangerous and risky, a stray thought could leave you hand, or even your head, halfway between your destination and your origin. Saraph curses before running over to Zephyrus as he looks upon the body of his only close friend he can see that he was stabbed at the back of the neck by Velerak, the death was almost instant but Saraph’s rage boils at the underhand blow. Saraph tries to control it but the rage at the death of a friend is too great to contain magic flows through his arms and out of his palms, the instant it touches the air it ignites and Saraph cannot control it. The flames flow freely from Saraph’s body scorching every living thing within ten meters. Yet still Saraph cannot regain control the flames keep burning from his body engulfing a twenty metre radius of land, and still Saraph’s rage boils until a league of land around Saraph is burning. Saraph manages to take a deep breath and stop the advance of fire. Another deep breath begins to recall it back into his body. Within a minute Saraph regains control of his body and begins to douse the flames that still burn with ice. Once finished Saraph sees the pile of ash that remains of Zephyrus, he gathers them up by manipulating the energy around them and raises them fifty feet into the air. He leaves them hovering for a moment before explodeing the ball and scattering the ashes to the distant winds. Saraph realises that Poryphra is going to be under siege and that since Velerak was an agent of the shapers they will need his help to repel the attack. He gathers his emotions and calms his mind before he carries on his journey alone to the ruins of Poryphra.
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