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Everything posted by Synergy

  1. The ring is found in a dialog box when you wander close to a pale skeleton on the ground near the Jagged Aerie. If you weren't paying attention, you might not have noticed that you picked it up off the body automatically. -S-
  2. The slith is improved! The nephil continues to dominate. The poor human continues to languish, except it is even more accentuated now with no inherent bonuses and the need to work harder for Battle Disciplines. I keep complaining to Jeff that humans are so boringly and unattractively unuseful as PCs, and that I would love a reason to choose one. So far, the only practical reason is so you don't have to look at four fuzzy or reptilian faces on your screen. -S-
  3. Apparently you are not wholly familiar with the perverse sense of humor that our beloved game creator thoroughly enjoys sharing with (inflicting upon) us, the game player. -S-
  4. Quote: Originally written by Micawber: by storing it in a quick use slot you can exploit a bug to get the benefit of the +10 damage avoidance without equipping it. Whoa, this is huge. I don't remember hearing about this exploit before. You could throw four magic weapons in there for all kinds of accumulated boons. -S-
  5. And then be prepared to look for hidden levers like this all over the game, including places you've already been. Jeff likes to be sneaky like this, so pay close attention! -S-
  6. Don't worry about annoying nylaD (Thoughts in Chaos.) He can't hurt you. Do please combine posts made soon after one another by using the EDIT button rather than make multiple short posts. It makes the old posts around here stick around longer. Welcome to the Spiderweb. Don't bother to struggle. There is no escape. -S-
  7. If I read your request correctly, you are looking for the nearby hidden lever that opens the crypt to the south of where Khyryk stands...yes? It's very nearby. Move your mouse cursor around behind things that could hide it from your god-like view, yet in reality, would leave it in plain sight of your character. -S-
  8. "Why you will play Avernum V." I think Avernum V is going to go a long way to redeem the fans who were less than enthralled with Avernum IV. V has returned a number of features that were missed in A4 such as elevations, using the keyboard to target and move (and something else even more surprising!), as well as adding the very cool new Battle Discplines. The story is quite engaging and intriguing. The settings are varied, largely new, and pull you along. You will try the demo when it's available, and you may well find that you feel like you are being visited once again by someone more like the Uncle Av you once so enjoyed. Jeff has been listening to the fans, and has done much to make A5 a great game. -S-
  9. Are you sure this is new? Mac testing has been going on for three weeks. It's possible more testers are needed at this point. -S-
  10. Hmmmm. > Ya know...no matter what you do with purchased copies of a SW game, assuming you did legally acquire them, SW will not lose money. If two copies were bought, you would have bought one for yourself, and whomever you give it to may or may not have bought one. Either way two were bought, which may be one more than would have been bought normally. Something sounds screwy here. -S-
  11. There's more than one way to skin a Selkie. There is a very different way to get into that treasure room. Have you explored the whole dungeon? -S-
  12. QUEST ITEM: Gryphon Feather (catch Gryphon Feather: Need 6 Dexterity with one PC). What is the highest Dexterity one of your PCs has? Have you actually met the gryphon who drops the feather? You didn't describe what you are trying or what is or is not happening. Hard to help you more specifically. Regarding the cliff in the east...have you been to the Vale of the Sould yet? -S-
  13. It's not a bridge. It's an opened up wall granting you access to a chamber immediately to the east of where you are talking with the Selkie chief. Check the bodies which were closed up in there and you will find what you are looking for. -S- P.S. Doing the quest for the Selkies is the only way to get Key V in the game, no matter which side you are playing. There is nothing stopping you from doing the Selkie quest first, then doing the Hags' quest immediately or any time afterward. Have the best of both worlds. If you like efficiency, do it all on the same visit...in the correct sequence.
  14. Random is being stabbed repeatedly at this moment. -S-
  15. Yes, it can be shockingly difficult if you go in too soon, especially if you find all the hidden parts. Romans get it the worst I think, but both sides can be quite challenging. -S-
  16. I hope you're as tough as you think you are. -S-
  17. Well, if you consider other early Celtic lore, you have Merlin, a wizard, so wizards in ancient Britain is hardly an inappropriate concept, even if you don't have wizards, per se, by name anyway, in the game. -S-
  18. Too many people exploding and dying around here. July should be closed down for a good mopping. It's over anyway. -S-
  19. Suspicious Vlish seems to be aptly named.?A lot of creators can't leave well enough alone and love to tinker with/improve old product. Evidently it is one of the banes of being an artist of sorts. I, for one, am pleased that Nethergate was updated. I never finished the original game, because I wearied of the clunky engine. It was a fine game and much more enjoyable in the new format. It's also okay if you didn't like it, but it doesn't mean Jeff is lazy or uninspired. By all appearances, the man is very diligent and hard working. I say this as a beta-tester of the last four games. I see how hard he tries to make a good game and accommodate the gamers. I can understand wanting something wholly fresh. Within two years, I think we'll have something new, when Geneforge and Avernum wrap their stories. I'm proud to have a cool, clunky local little company like Spiderweb faithfully cranking out decent product and staying afloat in the pool with the big fish. -S-
  20. Wow, really, the fairy was dead on Day 5? I'm surprised about that...a lot. That seems much too early. I never encountered that. Sylak can no longer be killed, but you could kill him up until one of the last betas...which basically messed up the game. Food is really quite unuseful, except very early on in the game when eating some restores a significant portion of your health. -S-
  21. I found that latest pun Thuryly amusing. Even if it wasn't a pun. -S-
  22. Don't be a double-dipper. I'm almost certain it's a one-time improvement only, and nothing very noticeable at that. -S-
  23. Not that the most exacting dissectors of the game have been able to discern. And in my experience, certainly not observably so. Too bad, huh? There is at least one optional sequence of areas in the game where it would have proven very handy. -S-
  24. Heh heh heh. Another one gets sucked in against his own protest. Has anyone else been having this "movement problem"? -S-
  25. I hesitate to ask what dyaks are. -S-
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