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Swimmin' Salmon

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Posts posted by Swimmin' Salmon

  1. Thuryl, rather than castigate those who profess the desire to stand up and fight for freedom (yours and theirs) why not congratulate them and hope for success? Why must you provide doubt that either they will succeed or carry through with their mission? It doesn't seem to serve any purpose other than to further the cause of the invading forces.


    But you knew that, otherwise you wouldn't have wasted time posting the messages.

  2. An "open script" button. Not sure how easy it would be to implement, but it would make life much easier in so many ways. It should just open whatever script(s) are associated with a given floor/terrain/creature, and ignore blue rectangles.

  3. Quote:
    Originally written by *i:
    We expect judges to be honest in the initial rounds. After all, there is nothing at stake other than bragging rights really so I don't see the consequences to be too bad.
    I would gather from this statement that one of two things has happened. Either Jeff was unwilling to donate a prize or prizes to the winner(s), or he was never asked.
  4. Quote:
    Originally written by Kelandon:
    And a scenario gets entered in exactly one category? That is, a Newcomer scenario is only a Newcomer, and not a Small or Large?
    My belief was that each entrant selected the appropriate category(ies) for each scenario being entered into the contest, within the guidelines for categorization. Each Newcomer scenario would therefore be in either Large or Small (if desired).

    But, whatever.
  5. Quote:
    Originally written by Kelandon:
    Uh, given that this is an issue that affects us all, it'd be interesting to know what Salmon suggested.
    Any other instance than a scenario I was beta-ing, and there wouldn't have been the PM. I sat for hours trying to make things searchable and not searchable, and the only thing I saw that was making a difference was the item number and then number of custom objects. Too much testing for me, so I went outside before my skull exploded. I figgered Ephesos would eventually take the same action. wink
  6. Quote:
    From stealthdata.txt, A Small Rebellion:

    // A Small Rebellion Custom Object Types


    begindefinefloor 135;
    import = 95;
    fl_name = "Floor With a Crack";
    fl_which_sheet = 500;
    fl_which_icon = 3;

    begindefineterrain 430;
    import = 200;
    te_name = "Locker";
    te_which_sheet = 500;
    te_which_icon = 0;
    te_ed_which_sheet = 510;
    te_ed_which_icon = 0;
    There are two custom objects in this quote. The first is simply a renaming of floor 135. The second is a new terrain which uses sheet 500 (G500.bmp), first icon. Te_ed refers to the editor icon.

    Do similar things with your scenariodata.txt file in order to add them to the scenario.

    Edit - formatting for clarity, hopefully.
  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Ephesos:
    But this is why the gods gave us flash drives. :p
    I honestly believe that Windows brought about the flash drive, and it's derivatives.

    Originally written by Ephesos:
    Anyway, I'm alpha-testing. Beta to follow. Gamma = release.
    My comments and score have already been sent in. There is no need to continue testing. frown
  8. Quote:
    Originally written by Dikiyoba:
    Originally by Delicious Vlish:

    So... Has anybody encountered the Battle Omega yet?

    Still haven't figured what his weakness is. The Shaper Council Crypt remains unplundered.
    it's behind a door with a lock too complicated to be picked. But if you can defeat (read: stay alive for five rounds) Vali the uber-drakon, he'll bash the door open for you.
    If your Gumption is over 4 then you can bully Vali into bashing the door without picking a fight, but I don't get why people don't just walk over the stepping stones, through the archway, and through the unblocked wall. It's like Exile all over again laugh
  9. In talking with several designers last night, and in light of the recent call for a utility beta, I want to remind all designers that they should be issuing beta calls by the 10th for any scenario they hope to have ready for the contest.


    That is all.

  10. What interests me is that everyone is so careful to only release good scenarios. BoE has quite a few pieces of crap, and the author not only learned from the mechanical aspect of the process, but by the critical reviews of the the work.


    So, by all means work on those scenarios, and finish them. Once released, they can only make you a better designer. Or kill you. Either's possible.

  11. Quote:
    Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar:
    Originally written by Delicious Vlish:
    Back in my day, we stared at @ all day.
    We worked damn hard to get you that @. You better be grateful.

    All we had was text. Beautiful, beautiful text.
  12. Quote:
    Originally argued by ET:
    It seems someone finally hit me with a reasonable argument
    OMG! Are we supposed to be arguing? About opinions and polls? I am deeply apologetic. I thought we exchanging visions on villany. Please, carry on your argument. I'll not interfere.
    Originally phoned in by ET:
    I personally have not forgiven them for using the bomb
    Wow. That does explain quite a bit. eek
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