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Swimmin' Salmon

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Posts posted by Swimmin' Salmon

  1. Quote:
    Originally written by Spidweb:
    I'm afraid that this will never happen. One of the reasons the vahnatai are so cool are that they are alien, the other. It is unthinkable to me to change this.

    - Jeff Vogel
    I don't get it then. Nethergate was one of your best received games from a critical viewpoint, and Avernum from a sales viewpoint. To combine aspects of both could be even better (Think adding chocolate syrup to ice cream) and boost sales as well.

    I'm sure a guy of your talents could create a situation where it would be possible to play the game from either perspective.
  2. I tried mef, but it was very similar. I use Norton AV Corp 7.6 and Norton Firewall 2005, but turned both off and re-ran A4. It still stutters when going on a long walk, even when there are no obstacles. The oddest thing (Jeff, listen) is that after alt-tabbing back to A4 from the Task Manager, the left-mouse button does not function as a left mouse button. Instead it gives info on objects (like it was the right button), but it will click through a check box.


    Something wierd this way comes.

  3. The problem is that it has to be a character that already has dialog. If there was an editor then it would be simpler to switch NPC's like that. I have't done much in A4, I'm waiting for version 2, but if a person compared them side by side it might be easy to put back the missing components.


    Absent that, tack back on the bits about the quest.

  4. I needed to switch around some terrains and floors and since it was a new scenario I decided to just copy to data file and make edits before deleting most of it.


    It was not what I should have done.


    Next time I'll just copy VoDTdata...

  5. Not sure if this is a bug, or just being stupid.


    Don't copy corescendata.txt into scenariodata.txt and expect either the 3d editor or game to work. The game immediately goes into Unhandled exception mode when the scenario is opened, and the editor shows very few graphics before shutting down.

  6. well, I've had the same issue, and nothing seems to help. It is bad enough at times that the border mouseclicks don't do anything, and I'm left with keyboard only. Try turning off the sound, or whatever is available in the preferences, or hope (like me) that Jeff finds the problem and turns out a patch or update.


    Sorry to not be very helpful, I've given up.

  7. Quote:
    Originally written by Spidweb:
    ""Fiesty slap of pain!" was the only monk quote that originated with JV."

    Actually, I lifted that from a comic strip. But I honestly can't remember which one, and Google didn't help me.
    Google is worthless. I seem to recall (20 years ago) reading a similar phrase in Dragon Magazine, possibly from Wormy or Snarfquest. Recent checks of old issues have been worthless for verification, but have been interesting.
  8. I just checked A1 and A2, they both are sparing in their use of resources. G2 hogs the resources, and G3 crashed while I was checking, but it was around 96%. My sense is that somewhere around A3 things started getting used differently. It may be with more stuff happening within the game the engine isn't being as efficient as possible. Or Jeff doesn't think it matters too much. And he may be right.

  9. You know you want to start a thread, but are sure that it is unworthy, unlikable, or at least snipable. I feel your pain. I've created this thread as a home for all the orphan threads that will never be, because they have souls too.


    My contribution shall be


    "Noobie least likely to be remembered despite frantic attempts at getting attention."


    Reason for dismissal - Inflammable

  10. You know, I had a freeze issue with A3 as well. In the end I called it bad luck and deleted it from that computer. It wasn't immediate though, which leads me to think it may be a resource conflict. Let me see, that other computer had 2 USB "removable drive" devices, plus Norton 2005 firewall and Norton Corporate antivirus. AdAware spyware thingy was on it as well.


    Anyhow, don't know if my rambles helped at all. Pretty much no one on this forum has any formal relation with the company, we're just other adherents that try to help out initiates. Best of luck, and when all else fails you can now buy Blades of Exile for around fifteen bucks.

  11. Glad to hear it got fixed. RW works in mysterious ways.


    Edit - RW is not infallable, just ineffable. The standard recommendation at this point is to re-download the game and try a fresh installation. Do the standard removal of the old before injecting the new.


    Did this garbage happen only after the registration key was added? Of course that makes no sense unless you are on windows and are trying to write a file to a directory on which you lack proper permission, which would imply work, where you're not supposed to be playing games.

  12. Quote:
    Originally written by Frobozz:
    The location depends entirely on your graphics driver though. Under my nVidia panel it is located in "Color Correction".
    And why should the average gamer know this, or feel obligated to change this setting? If the amount of light in a dungeon can get changed, it would be simpler for the designer to make the change once, affecting everyone.

    Another possible culprit could be your monitor. As monitors age they tend to get darker - especially if constantly left on.
    Huh, my 2 week old flat panel seems to have the same problem with darkness. I really do think that Jeff may have released this one a little too early. Between overuse of the CPU and darkness rendering certain areas unplayable, I'm gonna have to shelf the idea of registering until something a little more stable comes along.
  13. smile


    Two days ago I naively imported a town into my scenario. It was glorious, I was finally going to activate one of the movies. As with all things, pain was immediate and overwhelming. I discovered that there are steps to take when importing a town.


    0. Back up your work.

    1. Add a new town to the existing scenario.

    2. Switch so you are editing the new town.

    3. Import the correct town (not zone) from the correct scenario, making sure the existing blank town is the same size as the town being imported.

    4. Cross fingers.


    I will have to start again.


    Edit - It should be noted that it is exceedingly important to begin all BoA lists with a 0.

  14. I remember asking this same question back in May. I've tried porting some scenarios, but the biggest bugaboo so far has been not caring about the plot when I saw how crappy it was. I tried making the plot better, and then tried starting fresh, and then gave it up. It may be easier if you can play the BoE version. Maybe.

  15. Email Jeff Vogel (link at bottom of web page) with your request. Include the name and address you used to order the games originally and the codes for the demo version you just finished downloading. He's good about replacing codes.

  16. stareye - why stir the pot? If you are trying to challenge folks to step up to the plate, perhaps in an effort to improve the community, then I applaud you. It seems to have worked, but I'm not so sure that it wouldn't have happened anyways. If you are deciding for yourself that blades is dead, that is a decision you can only make for yourself.


    It seems that the current crop of would-be designers have a multitude of responsibilities that are more pressing than designing and finishing role-playing scenarios. I asked why Alcritas was no longer designing and "real life" was the answer. It may be the answer for a lot of people that are trying out, or continuing, the designing thing.


    It's all well and good to hope that BoA matches or exceeds the success of BoE, but everything hasn't been equal. BoE found itself amongst a group of high-school (and younger) aged adherents, with the smarts and free time to make it what it became. College adds a bit more reality to life and work even more, and Blades must be what suffers.


    If BoA is to match BoE, it needs school age designers. People with lots of free time and the imagination to make a desirable scenario. I'm not seeing a lot of that yet, except for UV and ALR, which immediately were soundly criticized. One of the more prolific designers, mike slack, is doing exactly the right thing for blades by making what he wants and finishing it. Yet he also gets criticized for the content of the scenarios.


    In short, it is the attitude of the players, and not the desire or competence of the designers, that is "killing" blades. So, lighten up and ease off the trigger a bit. She hasn't hit the high note yet.

  17. I would have to agree with Thuryl, and emphasize that software manufacturers disprove this "lesson." It makes no sense from a business perspective to spend a wheelbarrow of money creating a LCD product when history has proven that people will accept whatever it is you have to sell. Like Win98, WinSE. I'm sure like some Mac OS too. It is just how it is. Adapt or be left behind.

  18. This thread really suffers from lack of a play-by-play announcer. It has all the makings of a grand language spat, but us commoners have little hope of either understanding the rules of engagement or the point scoring system.


    My thoughts you ask?

    1. Thralni - practice the English phrase "Thanks for your help, I appreciate the help you are giving me." You are receiving feedback because the participants find the subject interesting. That means you are creating something that is interesting. Good job! In fact, it is so interesting that these people want to help you make it as good and useful as possible. It is nice to be polite to people that want to help, otherwise they tend to just ignore and not help, which is bad.

    2. Slartucker - brick wall

    3. Kelandon - brick wall


    *this message sponsored by Mr Murrow*

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