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Swimmin' Salmon

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Posts posted by Swimmin' Salmon

  1. Originally Posted By: Hypnotic
    Originally Posted By: Naughty Salmon
    If your intent by segregating the "druggies and drop outs" is to remove them from your society, why not go all the way and toss them into the special "showers"?

    Of course I didn't mean that. Just remove them from the class room envrinoment where they are distracting people at an age where we are highly influenced. I never said seperate top students from average students. One of the best ways to learn is to teach as you reinforce what you know and recap everything. I do this for my classmates and we all learn fine. It just would be easeir if we didn't have to put up with people who don't want to be there and make the class suffer from their own choices. It sucks.

    Outside of school they are their own problem. Still a problem but geneocide is defiently not the answer.

    It sounds to me like you've already given up on them, in your own head, and no amount of academic effort on their part will ever change your mind. That's too bad, because as one other person in this thread pointed out, a lot of the reason our educational system is organized as it is, is that cooperative learning tends to produce the best results.
    You, by consciously or subconsciously segregating your fellow classmates, are shortchanging both your, and their, education. Well done.
  2. Originally Posted By: Sss-Chah
    Originally Posted By: Naughty Salmon

    Anyhow, secondary education is optional. You don't need to do anything more than read, write, and do rudimentary arithmetic to meet the skillset qualifications for most jobs in America. The rest is gravy. Expensive, expensive gravy.
    sure, if you aspire towards mediocrity.

    Or toward a specialized profession. Some folks know what they want, and it isn't extra education. In fact, most of the education is wasted time and effort, forgotten after testing and graduation. Vocational school has been cast to the side in this country, to its detriment.
  3. Originally Posted By: Warning: May contain Alorael
    On the one hand, some standard for comparison is important. Colleges care because they want to know who they're admitting. States should care because they need to know if the students are actually learning. But constant and total testing is not so good either. It's the utilitarian's dilemma: how much time do you spend analyzing and strategizing your success at the cost of actually spending time producing success?

    SAT/ACT, PSAT, AP tests.

    That's it. If colleges need more, then they should spend more time on the selection process. Demand more essays. Demand 3rd party references.

    Why should the state care if students are meeting some minimum educational level? Oh wait, they don't. Students are free to leave school at any time, with parental permission. The only reason states have a meddling finger in this at all is they have set up a taxation/disbursement system which gives them purse-string control over how our education system is run. Gone is the community level of control, excepting the school committee, to the detriment of our students. The states need to know their money is spent well because they decided they needed to know. That is a pretty poor reason.

    Anyhow, secondary education is optional. You don't need to do anything more than read, write, and do rudimentary arithmetic to meet the skillset qualifications for most jobs in America. The rest is gravy. Expensive, expensive gravy.
  4. Quick question.

    Cool Thing: Can stick a throwing hat in a tree from five yards.


    I immediately thought of Charlie Brown and his kite. Please, tell me that John the hat salesman aims for the boughs.


    It would be a distraction in any event. I would imagine the opponent would be stunned for 1 round, long enough time for a second hat to be pulled down over their eyes...

  5. If someone is commenting that a review is too long, aren't they saying it wasn't helpful? I thought Diki was giving open and honest feedback on a process which was in flux. Therefore, I don't really understand the compulsion to berate her for at least contributing something. My understanding is that this change is being designed to help a player find something which they would like playing. Shouldn't the requirements of reviews reflect that goal? I'll withhold judgment for the time being.

  6. To answer your question, if you created a post on this forum based on one I wrote in either of the other CSR locations, I don't believe I would have the ability to edit my words. It would be unfortunate to have another set of reviews become off-limits to those that wrote them, just because it was decided to move the CSR to a new home, again. The last time was a necessity, due to the fragility of the ezboard structure, and the worry of loss of the CSR. This time, there is no such worry. I don't feel that I can approve of the heavy handed way this is happening. It seems one or two folks are heavily motived to make this happen, but the majority aren't.


    So, why again? I remain unconvinced that this would be a beneficial change, and as it is being forced upon the majority, rather than voted upon by a majority, I have to be against the move.


    At least take a poll of scenario designers.

  7. Never have heard it called coastal manroot, although that is oddly fitting. Usually, it's referred to as wild cucumber. I've seen the root, it had been exposed by an eroding stream bank. Without having measured it, I would guess at 3 feet in length, and 15" in diameter. Not much taper to it, except in the bottom 6". It was very surprising to see it, but that does explain the tenacity of the plant. It is extremely difficult to kill, even with some of Monsanto's favorite products applied in higher than recommended doses.

  8. Then I am in favor of leaving the CSR in the democratic state of Shadowvale, as there seems to be no functional need for it to be removed, and to do so will restrict free posting. The CSR is supposed to be about everyone having the ability to post their judgment on a scenario, without having to wonder if it passes a test for which there are no guidelines. Sorry.

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