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Swimmin' Salmon

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Posts posted by Swimmin' Salmon

  1. Originally Posted By: While(life!=0) {life--;}
    We regularly inflict miserable lives on creatures for our taste buds' and stomaches' sakes. It's not the cycle of nature (not that that has anything to do with anything, really). Hunt something and kill it, fine. Control every moment of its life from birth to death, though, and you have more to answer for.

    What particular farms are you addressing here? I know of a few free-range places in your neck of the woods where the lives of the animals are not miserable. Putting aside the question of these animals living outside of captivity and domestication, life in nature is brutal and short. Winter starvation is common, as is predation by the canines, cats, and ursines.
    I'm certainly not arguing in favor of factory farms, as they are an abomination upon mankind on so many levels, but the idea that we inflict anything as close to what nature would inflict is suspect at best. They get food and water and medical care, otherwise the farmer doesn't have a product to sell.
    Still, I'll buy my beef from a local farmer, 1/2 a steer at a time. Cheaper, tastier, better for the environment and economy, and it's tough to run out of steaks.
  2. Originally Posted By: Dantius
    Morally reprehensible? This happens on a semiregular basis at factory farms and other such mass production centers for cows and pigs. This will, one day, become your steak or sausage. Either you deny it and become a vegetarian(enjoy your pesticides), eat fish (mmmmm, heavy metals), be tormented by a guilt conscience, or accept it, like me. I find that viewing the process through the lens of the result, in this case a delicious steak, does a wonderful job of eliminating life's moral quandaries.

    Yes, this is my thought process in real life grin

    It doesn't bother you that there are legitimate alternatives to factory farmed pig, cow, chicken or sheep, and you discard those options out of hand?

    Also, nice pic Nikki. It's a good example of why I don't buy any form of factory farmed animal for consumption.
  3. I've been told that having the Yuckees win will perhaps spur the Red Sox into serious post-season contention, rather than this current spate of ho-hum we deserve the post-season boringness. So, as a diehard, lifelong Red Sox fan, I am apparently better off to root for the Yucks over the Phils.


    Sorry. Just can't do it. That pitcher from game 1 is my new boyfriend after those two stellar (albeit nonchalant) fielding plays he made. Getting into his head, wasn't he just screaming "So, what's the big deal with these guys anyways? Let's play Little League ball!.


    (mostly this and that.)

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