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Swimmin' Salmon

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Posts posted by Swimmin' Salmon

  1. quite frankly, no.


    I was under the impression that a "system" in which you found animals would include more than the two animals. Since the paper is about the landscape effects on animal territorial dispersal, I would expect that the model system would be the actual landscape.


    But, what do I know?

  2. Not to brag on my mad Facespace skilz, but you need to be a facebook adherent to start a group, and (unfortunately) the act of creating the group places that person in the role of member. Sad really. I suppose a person could create a group, and then commit Facesuicide. Would that more people did those in the opposite order.

  3. Did you expect a bot to miss a few names here and there, or perhaps not sort them alphabetically?


    My question is which of stareye's faceapps is responsible for this?

  4. Seriously.


    Got some spam today from stareye. I mean, I know it isn't him, but folks would likely be well served to not follow the provided link.


    The text of the message was "I heard Aaron is making money online with ******************** .INFO"


    (I deleted the name so that illiterates wouldn't be following it inadvertently.)

  5. Why even comment about the eventual locking of the topic? I mean, what is the point, other than to suggest to the mods that they should do just that, and isn't that, in essence, an act of antagonism against both the topic starter and the entire list of folks who have taken their time to craft responses? Fer christssake, it's supposed to be a time of peace and blah blah blah for all. Let the mods decide if a topic is right or not.


    Yeah. Merry Christmas. Woo.

  6. Jewels - University of Phoenix is a FOR-PROFIT corporation. There was a thing on the news about them recently, with highlights on deceptive advertising. I think you would be better off looking at your local community college, even if there is some travel. Think of it as an opportunity for alone time.

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