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Everything posted by Actaeon

  1. Quote: Originally written by Cryptozoology: Quote: Originally written by Cirion Actaeon: There's a reason why most pros use Photoshop... I find it to be the best program I've come into contact with. If you meant for free... Photoshop. Why, yes, of course. I should have thought of recommending obtaining a free copy of Photoshop on a public forum. (Edit: Spacing)
  2. There's a reason why most pros use Photoshop... I find it to be the best program I've come into contact with. If you meant for free... I'm not sure. I worked with the Gimp for a bit, and it compared poorly with Photoshop, but I don't know how its stacks up against other Freeware programs.
  3. Quote: Originally written by Kelandon: Guys? Unless upon mars has become plural somehow, you're referring to one person. Actually, he is plural. His true title is "Upon Mar". He only becomes "Upon Mars" because there's two of him. By "Mar", he is obviously refering to the ISO code for Morocco.
  4. If you are using an older Geneforge (1&2, I think), there should be a button on the item icon which looks like three coins. Clicking on this will allow you to sell. If the icon is representing more than one item, there will be a prompt asking how many you want to sell.
  5. Quote: Originally written by Alberich: "Oyroa in a Featherboa" -- Alorael's next nickname or Andraste's next art project? Sounds more like something that Alorael would pick up on. Anyway, as far as random stunts go, I tend to slaughter one town per game. It usually occurs when their leader says something incredibly immoral, like sending me to kill the leader of the Awakened in G1. After smiting him I have to fight the whole town. I did this in the Taker's city in G1, but managed to take out the leader of the Obeyers without getting caught. In G2, I fought all of the Obeyers, but managed to take out the top Takers without getting caught. A similar eventuality in G3 with the Loyalist/Obeyers. In G4... nothing quite as major. I didn't really listen to the Shapers at all, and as such didn't end up killing off whole towns. I did, however, manage to kill of both of the Wingbolts in the Shaper keep, and gather the items the were gaurding, my first time in the keep.
  6. Quote: Originally written by Kuber: Quote: Originally written by Randomizer: Quote: Originally written by Cirion Actaeon: Why yes, time travel is dangerous. That's ssuming that any changes you made would cause you to end up in a slightly different future, rather than the old one you came from. In addition to the Butterfly Effect, there are a variety of famous paradoxes associated with time travel. Luckily, we currently have no way of successfully doing so. And you believe that we don't have time machines? I guess you have been told the truth. We alter time all the time, it's just that reality alters so only those that alter it know what changed. So that, for the vast majority of people, time hasn't been altered at all. Thus, in effect, WE will never posses time machines, unless we invent them. We must simply resign ourselves to a linear way of seeing things, even if the actual path is erratic.
  7. Why yes, time travel is dangerous. That's ssuming that any changes you made would cause you to end up in a slightly different future, rather than the old one you came from. In addition to the Butterfly Effect, there are a variety of famous paradoxes associated with time travel. Luckily, we currently have no way of successfully doing so.
  8. Yes, that was definately bad phrasing. The great majority of theories in this regard disagree with that. I meant, simply, that even if "Time Machine" hasn't been released yet, it has been developed, and thus, if it worked as an actual Space/Time transport, rather than simply a system to back up your files, it would be possible to deliver a copy to the past. I am sure some sort of restrictions would be put in place, though. Apple police roaming time...
  9. I am aware that 10.5 isn't out yet. I simply seem to recollect that, in the keynote presentation about Leopard, a program called Time Machine was introuduced. Having located it on Apple.com as well, I can only assume that you were merely mocking my choice to use present tense for its existance. Technically, a time machine would exist at all times...
  10. Am I mistaken, or does OS 10.5 not come with a program called Time Machine?
  11. I was playing a lifecrafter on normal. I took the time, however, to try to clear out the upper fens before attempting to fight Monarch. As a result, I was higher level, and had two Drayks. I came in the backway, cleared out his appartments, turned of the defenses, and came out him from behind with my serviles out of the way. It was actually one of the easier fights in the fens.
  12. From my experiences, a rebel who acts as a Trakovite gets something close to the rebel ending, but without the tyrant leader ending, and a dialogue about the continuing struggle of the rebels rather than complete destruction of the shapers.
  13. I, too, had difficulty finding the papers. They are in a container near Monarch's personal quarters. You couldn't open it before you killed him, because it had some sort of ward.
  14. I agree about the magical Eyebeast, or something like it. There should be a magic version of every item hidden somewhere in the games. The crescent rock from G1, the cake... Just to keep you on your toes, collecting trash, bones, and scales.
  15. Is the honestly any benefit to using a lantern or other light source? They assist slightly in lighting, but nothing that would actually help, typically. Do they function as additional radiance, to ward off undead, or is light really just useless?
  16. Perfect. All my questions have been fullfilled.
  17. Thankyou infitinely. I had cleared his quarters before facing him, and been kept away by the shock. After that, I guess I just had it in my head that I had checked everything in that area. One more stupid question, having already made a fool of myself. How exactly are "chapters" defined?
  18. You would think I had never played a Spiderweb game before, by the way I have become hung up on this quest... I honestly can not find the papers, having killed everything in the fens. Could someone point me in the right direction?
  19. Certainly, but individuals who adopt such practices are not looking for realism, but simply want to fool the game. Perhaps, if you wanted to prevent that, you could create a point at which people start asking questions. "You know, Bob, it seems like every time that man comes into my shop, my safe goes missing." "That's odd, the same thing happens to me..." Similar to being seen, but not so severe.
  20. I don't know... It seemed to me as though the possibility of theft was something that rather tied in with the morally contradictory nature of the game. It's not nice to take things from farmers, but if you use it to save the serviles... But if you are careful, there are rarely consequences. Creating a skill would give incentive to take the risk, and perhaps pay for it. It wouldn't have to be a prominent aspect, just an option.
  21. Perhaps not just Dexterity. That seems almost useful enough to warrant its own skill...
  22. Could there actually be a beast more fearsome than an Eyebeast? That was certainly the most powerful creation I ever utilized. Without the assitance of two, Inner Gazak-Uss would not have been possible. I drool.
  23. Yes. I am quite sure that it was the "ring" part that was in question. Not the "concentric" part.
  24. *laughs dryly about 150% chance...* what a strange world.
  25. How exactly do you go about updating without losing your saved games or registration? Additionally, could someone tell me the location of some more Citaraches other than the mine in the Great Cave and the Eastern Gallery? Once I update I would like to be able to see the new graphic, and I have already eliminated most of them. If there are no more of them, I also ask that someone else post a picture.
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