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Everything posted by Jame2

  1. Yeah, but my computer likes A3, but dislikes BoA.
  2. I just tried the BoA game, and it did things to my computer. I really wish he'd chosen to go with the Avernum Three engine...
  3. I hope there's a demo. I would like to try it before I spend my already too-low money.
  4. On a side note, I wonder who else got the "Uchitelle" reference?
  5. Quote: Originally written by Tyranicus: Quote: Originally written by Jame2: Ronams Whenever someone spells it like that, I'm always reminded of Harry Turtledove's The Misplaced Legion. Heh heh heh heh heh...
  6. If ever you take your Ronams to the Goblin Fort near Vanarium, you will find spells.
  7. To ask one's own questions (keep in mind that I had the hint book, but had it thrown out on me): Where does one get all six pieces of the "key" in Lost Basshikva? Also, where does one find the six pieces of crystal for the Crystal Cave?
  9. Quote: Originally written by Nikki xx: Quote: Originally written by Jame2: Oh, dear God that's bad. I hope that if he makes another version of Nethergate, he uses either the Nethergate or the Avernum engine. If you'd read the original thread, Jeff stated that he would be using the Nethergate engine, I believe. And if you'd read my post, you'd realize that I don't want him to make any form of Nethergate which uses the Geneforge game engine.
  10. Quote: Originally written by Kingy: The chances of Jeff doing that is minimal. He considers the Geneforge engine to be the best so it looks like that's what we're stuck with for the next games he makes. Oh, dear God that's bad. I hope that if he makes another version of Nethergate, he uses either the Nethergate or the Avernum engine.
  11. My computer didn't like BoA or A4; it would refuse to shut down if I played them. So I doubt I'll buy the updated version of Nethergate. Too bad, though, because it sounds interesting.
  12. They're all neat. I don't wanna choose. But I kinda like the sidhe woman whose name I forget in the Abandoned Hall at the beginning (and those already mentioned). Jeff got the arrogance factor just right with her.
  13. Quote: Originally written by Slith Lord: Quote: Originally written by Jame2: I vote "no." Unless everyone else votes yes, in which case I'm voting "Urquhart." What does that mean? I never heard or read this word anywhere!!? I vote for Alorael! The Urquhart I'm referring to was some sort of British Intelligence officer during World War 2 (there were two, actually, but the Intell officer is the one I'm referring to). I don't remember what he did. Keep in mind that I'm voting "Urquhart" instead of "yes" or "no," not "Urquhart" instead of "Alorael."
  14. I vote "no." Unless everyone else votes yes, in which case I'm voting "Urquhart."
  15. Quote: Originally written by o)1(o: —Alorael, who didn't find it difficult to determine whether swords or spears do more damage. Look at a sword and a spear in any shop. Which does more damage? Whichever one hits you first, and in a way that kills you.
  16. There is a Key III in a corpse behind a Magic Barrier in the south end of the first level of Galag-Trav available to the Romans. What? Of course I'd already given myself like ten Piercing Crystals!
  17. Hi! I've beaten it as both, and am playing it again as the Romans (who are my favorites, because, well, they are the Romans). Get it and play it.
  18. Turns out it works after all. Thank you, though!
  19. (So maybe this is the wrong forum for this. If so, please move it and tell me!) I recently installed Nethergate on my HP Pavilion a605x, which runs XP, and when I complete the (Roman) hall quest and go to sleep, Nethergate freezes in the post-hall dream sequence. What's happened, and how do I correct it?
  20. Good idea, but I don't think people are smart enough for that... Mainly 'cause they'd rather smoke Hagfens than not smoke at all. Sorry for furthering this topic being off-topic (ooo, minor pun, punny ain't it), but I have nothing to contribute to the main point.
  21. Sure, it sounds like a brand that no-one would ever buy...
  22. I often make up random names, such as "Ramiya Pyrope" for a woman in the original Avernum. They seem have elements of whatever I'm doing at the time; "Pyrope" may have come "pyrite," and I was volunteering at the mineralogy section of a museum at the time.
  23. I voted both yea and nea. Yes, it should be updated as Nethergate 2, which while I would like, I don't expect. No, it should not be updated in itself, because it's pretty much all it's going to be, or indeed needs to be.
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