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Everything posted by Jame2

  1. Eh, tough choice. I'll go with Venarium. After all, it has historical peoples and axes. Sorry, I mean 'Nethergate.'
  2. I own it. Bought it with the original Avernum. When I get Avernum 2, I'm getting the hint book.
  3. Prolly not, but it's nice to dream. Don't you take my dreams away! (You can share them for $500,000,000,000, though.)
  4. I wouldn't mind a Nethergate 2, but it shouldn't be a sequel to the original (not directly, anyways). I noted this a while ago, and I think someone else said it too, but maybe N2 should take place sometime during the Dark Ages or Mideval era. If the first, we could have Vikings versus Byzantines. If the second, we could have Crusaders on Crusade...
  5. I still like the Romans better, because even though they bathed with oil, they still bathed a few times a month. And who's to say that the Celts didn't eat things that'd turn your stomach?
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