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Posts posted by Balladeer

  1. I was wavering between the two spellings... shoulda gone with my gut. Though I would disagree that Gizmo was more irksome than Jewels. Surely my new quirks are worse than my old ones. *kicks over the quilting table*


    ...sorry leg spasm.

  2. I see only one error (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:19.0) Gecko/19.0 Firefox/19.0) - the js dropdown links spill into two rows, and when you look at a link with a button below it, the below button covers it up. This probably could be fixed by liberally applying "z-index: -1;" to your #nav dropdown elements.


    I had that happen when my buttons got too wide for the fixed width in chrome. Probably a trick of the resident browser font size. I could fix it with absolute position CSS markers for each button or just make the buttons all a little smaller. idk, i really want the end of the last button to line up with the right side of the banner. If I throw fluid layout into that too, it'll always be messed up.


    Also, to be honest it looks a little awkward with the fixed-width layout on my 1920x1080 screen. Lots of purple deadspace around the content; maybe switching to a fluid layout would fix that?


    Tried a fluid layout and didn't like the result. I have this thing about symmetry and messing with the width did not work at the extremes. I'll look at it again, though. Maybe I'm missing something that can help. (min and max widths?)


    @Nikki: It's light purple. :p The news headings can be changed to reflect the things that are going on in the community. If we don't have any contests or new scenarios but three different RP/AIMHack's going I could post about those instead. **cough** Ahem... gonna need some people that keep an eye on things better than I do to give me a heads up when fun/noteworthy stuff happens. **coughNikkiSylaecough**


    Edit: Sy, Firefox uses fixed width with orange deadspace around the content. Do you dislike their layout, too?

    Also, finding it difficult to trouble shoot Firefox and Explorer because they refuse to reload the javascript file no matter how many times I refresh the page. Grumble, gumble.


    Edit2: nvm, they just render css differently from chrome. Looking correct for me on IE, FF, and Chrome.

  3. And it begins.


    I have updated the index page at http://truesite4blades.com but I have not updated the mirror index at http://www.truesite4blades.com/Home/. Take a look at both and tell me if you have any problems/concerns/suggestions/features you just can't live without.


    What I'm really looking for is to make sure the CSS renders correctly for everyone. If you cannot see the navigation buttons on the new one let me know. They are written on with Javascript. I'll be looking into an alternative to show for those who don't have Javascript enabled but the number of people who respond will affect how quickly and how quality I make that alternative. Whatever it is, though, navigation links will not be hard coded into each page again. I just found some links to the old, OLD forums hiding in PixPro... hard coded links are not a good idea for someone who goes years at a time without updating...


    Edit: Just showed them both to Hubby and he says the new one looks too much like a template. He likes the old one better... *le sigh* All the added functionality and I'm still old school.


    Edit2: Actually that wasn't too hard. I haven't tested it but there should be functionality for those of you who don't have js enabled. Let me know if it doesn't work.

  4. I have eaten: Beef, buffalo, pork, lamb, antelope, deer, elk, chicken, duck, goose, turkey, pheasant, other birds (snipe), frog, white fish (mostly northern, bass, trout, panfish/sunfish, cod, bullheads, and catfish; probably others), oily fish (salmon), scallops, clam, lobster, octopus, squid, crab, and shrimp.


    My most recent tries were squid and frog legs. Really liked the frog though picking out the veins was less than appetizing.


    My favorite meat experience was when my dad went out duck hunting and came home with half a dozen snipe instead. They're tiny but luckily I was the only one who wanted to try them other than my dad, so I ate four of them. It was the most delicious thing I've ever had. I was twelve and have been asking him to get more snipe ever since... he never has. Just hasn't had the opportunity.


    I'm willing to try any food at least once but I really cringe at the thought of eating horse and primates because of their intelligence; cats and dogs cuz they're my friends; and insects/worms/spiders/scorpions just cuz they're creepy. I'd eat them if I had to but... I'd rather not. Anything else I'm up for.

  5. btw

    What is this?

    You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community.


    Which image extension were you trying to use? If you were trying to use the links, as is, then the .htm is not a valid image file. .htm is a web page which cannot be embedded in the fora. http://s14.directupl...23/pj7w8g7x.jpg is what you should have used to embed the picture. No ads when you click this link either.

  6. Now what I really want to see are fluffy pony-turtles. Or maybe fluffy turtle-ponies. Either one would do.





    As close as I could find. Sure it's actually a dog, but you could ride it like a pony.


    In other news... you know what your modship means, don't you Sy? I'll have to start frequenting SW again so I can cause you trouble. I can feel it already happening...


    *kicks over a CSS flowchart*


    ooh sorry, leg spasm

  7. I'm on google chrome. No title bar. Only tabs. Min, max, and close are on same line as tabs. Course now that I look, the title seems to be in the url as well. "/topic/18552-so-what-do-you-think/" Like I said. It'll take some getting used to.


    1876: Democrat Samuel J. Tilden had 51% of the popular vote compared to Republican Rutherford B. Hayes' 47.9%.


    1888: Democrat Grover Cleveland wins the popular vote but loses reelection after narrowly losing his home state of New York to Republican Benjamin Harrison...


    2000: Democrat Al Gore obtains more popular votes than Republican George W. Bush, but Bush wins the election...


    Looks like living in a Republic really helps the Republicans. >.>

  9. Ya, I know that. But the "Next Unread Topic-->" link is supposed to be there for convenience. I do not find it convenient without the name of the topic on each post. Just saying.


    Clicking on the "Back to General" link and then the blue dot works but it's two clicks over one. Yer makin me do twice the work!!1!

  10. If possible I'd like to see the title of the thread back at the top of each person's post. (ex. RE: They Changed It Now It Sucks) When I click the "Next Unread Topic-->" link it brings me to new unread content but without the name of the topic on the posts I have to scroll to the top of the page to know what I'm posting in, anyway. Not convenient... at least for me.

  11. There are some things I miss about the old board. Not UBB specific but just the new layout is taking some getting used to. For example, I just noticed that the title of the thread is no longer at the top of each person's post. When I click the "Next Unread Topic-->" link it brings me to new unread content but without the name of the topic on the posts I have to scroll to the top of the page to know what I'm posting in, anyway. I'll note this in the proper thread, too.

  12. I have not been active enough to know Jerakeen but I am happy for the new blood in leadership. Newer, less-known mods in leadership make them a little less intimidating. ;)


    In other news... I gotta fix my avvie. That's not how I wanted it to look.

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