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Posts posted by Balladeer

  1. Originally Posted By: Triumph
    Triumph: So is that how the famous Arena worked, back in the day?

    Slarty: Nah, things were more methodical back then. Might be fun to make up your own monster.

    Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
    Dikiyoba really should do something about this constant grumpiness. Do we have a medic or healer on board?

    Abraham Lincoln: Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

    Robert Anthony: Indeed. Most people would rather be certain they're miserable, than risk being happy.

    Mark Twain: Course if you're looking for a remedy the best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.

    Androcles: Oh, and here, let me get that thorn out of your foot. That should probably help a bit.
  2. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
    How does one learn to write well? What makes good writing good? Two things occur to me.

    The first is that it's a fantastic exercise to write a précis, of almost anything. You start with a long text and compress it without losing the key points.

    It's good just as a brain-trainer, but also the practice helps you both in cutting the fat and stating yourself more clearly while you write.

    With good writing, the main theme should always be clear. Like a red thread woven into the entire length of a rope; its immediately recognizable at any point.

    Good practice, yes, if a bit less colorful and informative.

    My own college writing, though, has been more of the opposite. We are given a few key points and told to expound on them till we reach 750 - 1000 words. Writing fluff, that's what I call it.
  3. The search engine said it was a mouse but I'm pretty sure its not. Rings around its eyes, strip down its back... Chipmunk maybe? Don't know what it is but I know its cute. It would fall in the rodent category at least... pretty sure anyway.


    In other news: I have run into a resource limit... If this is a volume restriction, SW wouldn't be able to handle one of my normal RP posts.

  4. Jewels punches Xelgion in the arm.


    Jewels: Hey, bro, what you say we show these guys what a real battle looks like?


    Xelgion: Wha? You mean flame up out here? In front of all these SWers?


    Jewels: Why not? We can call it a practice run for the final battle at CalRef.


    Xelgion: Pfft.. As if I needed practice defeating you. HA!


    Jewels: You didn't defeat me last time. tongue Come on, what'cha say?


    Xelgion: *shrugs* It's your funeral.


    Jewels and Xelgion make their way to the center of the arena smiling smugly at each other. Both of their faces shine with an 'I'm gonna win' confidence.


    Xelgion: Just practice huh?


    Jewels: Don't hold anything back.


    Xelgion: If you say so.


    Xelgion spins, his whole body erupting into blue flame while a crazed gleam streaks through his eye. The zing of metal against metal rings through the air as he produces a long shining katana. He slashes towards Jewels but it slices only the air in the space where she had just done a backflip away from.


    Jewels: ... I don't think I want to know where you were hiding that...


    Xelgion laughs and advances but is forced to take evasive action as two well aimed throwing knives fly out of the air at his head. He quickly lifts his sword to a defensive position in time for the knives to make a metal clang against it rather than a sickening thud into his skull. Xelgion looks a little bit startled.


    Xelgion: Haven't seen those before...


    Jewels: *smirks* Picked them up at an AIMHack game while playing Casper Willis.


    Xelgion: But that's not fair! If we're practicing for the Character Battle, you can only use stuff from your FT character.


    Jewels: Bah... Never really did like rules. Good men don't need rules.


    Xelgion: Is that why you have so many?


    Jewels ignores his barb and erupts into red flame mirroring the look of Xelgion if a bit curvier. She rushes to the sidelines where a rack of weapons sits waiting for the other arena contestants and pulls out her own sword. Xelgion doesn't look happy at this evening of the playing field but he makes no further complaint.


    The pair starts circling each other scorching the earth beneath their feet. Their red and blue fires flicker in a hypnotic invitation for everyone to watch more intently. Like an intricate dance they start to lunge and parry, jump and counter. At the same time their swordless hands form small baseball sized fireballs to be launched at each other intermittently. Both take care to avoid the end of the other's sword, but a good amount of the fireballs find their target. Other than being a seeming annoyance, though, the fireballs do little more than provide an added light show for the audience.


    In short order both begin to float, first a few inches above the ground then a few feet. They zip across the arena floor striking and blocking, spinning and throwing, until both start to look weary from the effort. Eventually they make it back to the center of the arena with little more energy left than to continue to circle each other. Unseen by the onlookers they exchange mischievous fiery looks and nod at each other.


    Just for show Jewels starts to grow one more fireball in her hand and Xelgion starts to do the same. The magical flames grow to be the size of basketballs. At an invisible cue, they both send their crackling projectiles towards each other at an incredible velocity. They collide in the center becoming a bright flash of purple for a second before a sonic wave rips outward in a circular ripple knocking everything that isn't nailed down backwards a few feet. The thunderous crack that accompanies the wave is almost deafening. Both Jewels and Xelgion are thrown to their backs along with quite a few spectators. Those on the sidelines groan while the pair in the arena just laugh. The force of the blast put out their flames so they get to their feet in human form.


    Xelgion: Heh. That didn't really feel like a battle practice to me.


    Jewels: Nope, but is sure was fun, eh?

  5. It may affect my opinion of the other games that I haven't actually played Nethergate or Geneforge. If I played them, my favorite may indeed change. I bought both of them but at the time when my free time was dwindling. I was hoping my kids would want to play eventually but even that is not panning out. They are more fickle than I...

  6. Jewels eyes Lt. Sullest as he sullenly gets back on the bus. How anyone could have missed the musical call that it was time to go is beyond her.


    Jewels: 1998... Ashley was born. I was just starting to get use to being a stay at home mom with way too much time on my hands. Computer gaming, here I come!


    @Nikki: U no like Doodlebops? frown Wha about teh Wiggles??

  7. Nikki, Nikki, Nikki, Nikki, Nikki!


    Come back and play with us some more Nikki! It's your fault I went there in the first place. tongue


    Unfortunately the original post that references was eaten in the 08/08/08 disaster. Boo... (or at least my quick search couldn't find it.)

  8. Me thinks we need some theme music.


    In the spirit of keeping the party going Jewels plugs in a

    and starts singing along. The other Refugee members get into it dancing together and providing harmonies. Bus driver Slarty starts rapping with the beat.


    Jewels & the Refugees: ~ Do do do do. Let's get on the bus. Do do do do do. Do do do do. Let's get on the bus. Do do do do do. Let's get on the bus.~


    Slarty: It's time to go.


    Jewels & the Refugees: ~Let's get on the bus.~


    Slarty: Hey don't you know.


    Jewels & the Refugees: ~Let's get on the bus.~


    Slarty: Go here to there.


    Jewels & the Refugees: ~Let's get on the bus.~


    Slarty: Go everywhere!


    Jewels & the Refugees: ~Come with me and we'll see all there is to see. You can be who you want to be. We can go anywhere today.

    Yeah, yeah.

    Its okay. We know Slarty always knows the way. All aboard there's no time to delay. Come along we can sing and play.

    Yeah, yeah.

    Do do do do. Let's get on the bus. Do do do do do.~


    Slarty: It's time to go.


    Jewels & the Refugees: ~Do do do do. Let's get on the bus. Do do do do do.~


    Slarty: It's time for the show.


    Jewels & the Refugees: ~Do do do do. Let's get on the bus. Do do do do do.~


    Slarty: Go here to there.


    Jewels & the Refugees: ~Do do do do. Let's get on the bus. Do do do do do.~


    Slarty: Go everywhere.

    Hey come on, we're gonna take a bus ride. Yeah, come on, we're gonna take a bus ride. Yeah come on inside, we're gonna take a bus ride. Everybody on board, strike a cord. We're gonna take a bus ride.


    Jewels & the Refugees: ~Do do do do do.~


    All of the straggling members still outside the bus manage to find their ways on board during the song. When it finishes the bus erupts in cheers and calls for encores that are waved off by all participants. Instead more party music is pumped out of the speaker system.

  9. Jewels wanders her way back to the bus and climbs on without comment. There is still much dancing in the aisles so she joins in as she wends her way around and through to the back trying to get to the bathroom. She closes and locks the door behind her but yelps when she turns around.


    Jewels: MM! Goodness you startled me! You... you alright?


    Mysterious Man mumbles incoherently, his breath still reeking of alcohol. His damp pants also exude another unpleasant smell.


    Jewels: Give me a minute I'll be right back.


    She disappears through the door only to return holding a pink frilly skirt and a toothbrush.


    Jewels: I know it's not your color but it's all I had in my bag. Sylae has a whole closet of them back at CalRef. Pictures to prove it, too. Think you can handle changing on your own?


    Mysterious Man: Why's everyone always trying to change me?! Can't I just be myself?


    Jewels sighs and does what needs to be done. In short order she leads Mysterious Man out; fresh breath, frilly skirt and all. She leaves him at the back of the bus with a glass of water and his hand washed pants now set out to dry on the back of the seat next to him. She returns to the bathroom for her own needs before returning to her seat. She pointedly tries not to worry about the flash she thought she saw in her eye in the mirror.


    Jewels: Just a reflection of the light...

  10. Heh, I remember having those kind of 'discussions'. Very difficult to be a conservative Christian in the midst of such theology. I have to say, though, arguing against 10 people that strongly disagree with your deep seated beliefs does wonders for ones mental and spiritual growth.

  11. Huh, it was Stughalf that I was thinking of. The guy with the thing for weasels, right? Sturg was the first name I found that seemed to fit when I went looking for his moniker. Probably should have tried the picture threads. That's where I remember him from most.

  12. For some reason Jewels feels sick to her stomach.


    Jewels: Oohh... I think the lamb chops are having a wrestling match with the pizza after that last one.


    She turns to Slarty with worrisome eyes.


    Jewels: Please tell me Chewbacca is NOT on the tour... Please!


    Slarty: What's the matter, Jewels? I once watched you take in the Karma Sutra whole without even blinking. WildKarrdeSmuggler didn't stand a chance.


    Jewels: You're right, you're right... gotta suck it up. Sorry. I... I think I know what it is.


    Jewels walks back to the bus and opens up the gas cap. Crawling around on a big hamster wheel inside are a couple dozen cute fluffy turtles. Jewels reaches a hand inside her forehead which phases through like a ghost walking through a wall. Her hand retracts bringing out a clump of white fluffy goo with it. She promptly stuffs it into the hole and watches as the fluffy turtles snap it up. She walks back to Slarty wiping her hands against her skirt.


    Jewels: There, all better.


    Slarty: Ah... you've been gone for so long your sanity started to grow back.


    Jewels pauses to crack a crazed sideways smile.


    Jewels: Aye, that it did captain. That it did.


    Crazed smile shifts to crazed frown.


    Jewels: Seriously, though, Slarty; if Chewbacca is on the tour I'm throwing myself under the bus and letting it run me over.


    Jewels walks off seemingly talking to herself. Bits and snatches of the mumbling are loud enough to be overheard.


    Jewels: You know you want to... another life... better life... in whose opinion?... yours... not anymore... forevermore!


    The rumble of a stifled evil laugh muahahas through the air for a few seconds before it is lost to the ether and forgotten.

  13. Went to the theater to watch Grandma's Boy with the pastor... He turned to watch our reactions during the... uh... scene where... uh... the guy plays with action figures.


    At least I was not guilty of being the one to choose the movie. Chris said it was supposed to be good so I didn't even glance at the rating. Or was that the pastor... I can't remember anymore.

  14. Originally Posted By: Kelandon
    But the list to look at is this one: http://calref.net/misc/boa-timeline.txt

    Any new scenarios since 2010 not on the list or did everyone pretty much stop?

    4. I actually fought BoA for quite a while. I was a diehard BoE and was reluctant to see the community start to favor the newer game. I added BoA scenarios to TrueSite in May 2005 but didn't purchase it until November 2006 when the call for contest judges got a bit more pleading. Don't know if you consider the website enough to count me in on the transition or not. I was there, but I was dragging my feet for the most part.
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