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Everything posted by Rent-an-Ihrno

  1. I'll double-check as soon as I get my hands on the CDs again. Even my memory plays tricks on me from time to time. Anyway, I assumed we were talking about the matter in a more general way. Where's the big difference between drake eggs and black drake fangs? Now, if you had referred to skulls or bones left by skeletons, I could've given you a very precise answer...
  2. Right, forgot about Patrick's tower. And I agree, spells are always, always better than items. The really powerful artifacts can only be found in dungeons, crafted etc., nobody can sell or give them to you.
  3. This thread was far from dead, and even long-forgotten threads may be posted in if you really have something to add and there's no real point in making a new thread. This "no necromancy"-thing has turned from a necessity to a weird little culture of its own... I think Vent's posts could've used a wider angle, but the response was way off. Back to topic: Most of what Vent said I've already expressed my opinion on, but he did add some interesting points. I absolutely concur with you on the food/resting/encounter part. I think resting and eating should be an integral part of the game and actually make some sense. Either food should restore a certain percentage of your HP and mana, or let you rest. Actually, I wouldn't mind resting being absolutely necessary for you to move on, as you couldn't possibly adventure on killing demons after weeks without sleep. I don't think fantasy has to restrain itself from a certain realism of its own.
  4. I'm absolutely sure the other items also have uses. The black drake fangs are sold to a human and a vahnatai mage, in Egli resp. the ToM. The aranea fangs are a minor quest as I said, and you have to go through alot of dialogue options to get it. The eggs and all the other stuff I'm not sure about. It's been a while.
  5. You know you can get more knowledge brews from Silverlocke once you've bought everything she has, right? You can do this infinitely, too.
  6. You will encounter a lot of people who want that kind of stuff from you. Some will just give you 10 coins an aranea fang, while other items (black drake fangs, f.ex.) are so rare and useful, you'll want to take some pains getting them and deciding on whom to give them. Just keep on to them, you have enough room in your inventory.
  7. Picking Dharmon is like picking Fort Draco. Both cities are not especially well placed, extremely filthy and fumy (remember the metal works) and there are alot nicer towns right around the corner. I always wondered what that place north of Fort Remote used to look like. Somehow, I always imagined it being very pretty.
  8. Ooh wait, I just remembered something: the Crystal Cave! Hah! Beat that!
  9. Oops. I first intended to post a "Living in Terrestia" thread, but then I realised I don't actually know anything about Terrestia, not being much of a Geneforge player. I obviously forgot where I was. Please relocate. I would probably go for Almaria in A1 times. Not that I particularly like being in or dealing with Almaria in the games, but it is relatively nice and clean, is well situated between the Great Cave and the ToM, has access to the waters and, most importantly, is one of the few places where you can get edible food and good drinks. But that's me. Imagining I really was one of my characters, I'd probably pick someplace like the Waterfall Warren. My life as an adventurer turned me mad, you see, and I want to be unreachable to others, but still be able to visit places, maybe hire some gazers and raid a town or two, and visit my special friend Erika from time to time.
  10. Remember the old "Living in Valorim" thread? Well, not that we've seen new parts of Avenum, where would you choose to live? You may also pick a certain time, say in Upper Avernum before A3 or in Thalants before the Awakening.
  11. Actually, it's the other way round. In A1-3, Unlock Doors and lockpicking have nothing to do with each other. Furthermore, Tool Use is only good for disarming traps and a few special encounters in the first trilogy. Personally, I play 2- and 3-character-parties most of the time. 3 characters are very effective, maybe even more so than 4, and more fun. 2 characters, however, are a greater challenge and thus even more fun! Plus, they're not as tedious as a singleton can be and you don't feel as alone. It's indeed very interesting to construct different variations of the 2-char-party, especially in the original games, and especialliest in A3. I'm trying a 2-char-party in A5 right now, and I must say, it's a bit of work... @feline monstrosity: so you're a reptile, huh?
  12. Doing the Spiral at that level is quite a deed. It's possible, but really not necessary. You'll be in a lot less pain if you just clear the entire Eastern Gallery and everything to the north of there (NE Avernum, Aranea Caves...) before going south. But know this: it's not as important when you do what as how you treat your party. As a beginner, go with 4 characters and put as many skill points as possible in Endurance, then Dexterity for fighters and Intelligence for Casters. Don't spread too much.
  13. I think that also has to do with the memorability of the characters. In the original trilogy, you meet people like Erika, Solberg or even Tor frequently and grow to like them in a special way; and it's similar with the surroundings and environments. In the second trilogy, you have nothing to cling on to, nothing to build a relationship with (was that English..?). Who cares about Dorikas? Or the new caves of A5? Even Solberg is not himself. Where's the love? (OK, I should stop posting in this thread. I just keep repeating myself.) Edit: Hey, 500 posts! Congrats, Rent! Thanks, Rent, very kind of you. I know, Rent! You deserve it! Wanna grab a beer or somethin? Sure, Rent, I'd love that! *sigh* Rent, you're the best. *grabs Rent's arm and exits*
  14. 1. Cave Lore is the same as all Lores - it's a group skill. First Aid, however, is not. That wouldn't make any sense because it's an ability each character can use individually. Just read the in-game description to the right - if it says "The more of this skill in your group, the better", you know what the deal is. 2. Don't know about that. But then, Nimble Fingers is one of the most useless traits you can choose anyway. 3. If someone joins your group and is put in slot 1, he/she gets the Elite Warrior trait, if he/she is put in slot 4, he/she gets the Natural mage trait. Slot 2 and 3 don't do anything. Now, as soon as he/she has joined, you can allocate his/her skill points in whatever fashion you like, just like all your other characters. The traits and bonus skills (like Find Herbs) are unchangeable, though.
  15. Oh my god oh my god, I beat Alorael!! Wooohooooo!!! What a day.
  16. I hereby confirm no such ritual exists. Correction. It exists, but neither you nor (probably) anybody else in Avernum knows it or will ever learn it. The Gauntlet was built by the Empire, to secure their only way back into Avernum (save teleportation), as they had sealed off all other tunnels. I've always wondered why they would keep that particular tunnel open, though. The Empire has a few outposts running in A1, and they're all situated very, very far away from the Drake Tunnels. It's actually no good for supplementing or, if needed, extracting their agents in Avernum. But then, it may have been the entry for the Empire's invading forces in the SW, which had no connection to the main army. No wait. I think it's stated somewhere in the series that the Gauntlet was sealed off... but maybe that was after A2. Edit: @Alorael: Really? Geez. I was so sure it didn't. I think I even read a walkthrough somewhere that said it didn't exist... And by the way Carranzero, it's really better to put your questions into one single topic if you have a few of them. Even if they don't come up simultaneously.
  17. The floor Randomizer's referring to isn't that much of a pain if you quicksave every time you step on a tile that doesn't teleport you back. The tiles don't change, so if you step-load-step everywhere you can, you'll soon have a good idea of what the layout looks like. Also, be aware that there's a shortcut to the right (I think it was to the right), that you need to be teleported into side-passages once or twice, and that moving towards the exit isn't always the right way. As far as I can recall it, the right way is shaped a little like a "z" tilted to the right.
  18. I voted A2 for its plot (feels like being inside a book, doesn't it?) and A1 second for its underworldy feeling. None of the later games make you feel like a hero as much. A3 I almost liked as little as A4, but it does use a better version of the A2 engine (which I really liked), and E3 was the first SpidWeb game I ever played as a kid, so I will forever be bound to it by nostalgia. Other than that, I completely agree with Alorael. As usual. How come I always agree with Alorael? ... Hm. I've probably posted into 10-20 threads like this. I should search for them and compare my answers...
  19. I'm sure he did. Anyway, Garzahd was a terribly easy fight because of the beforementioned aspects. (I really hope I'm not making a fool out of myself. I'm always a little insecure about my English on these boards. Does "beforementioned" even exist?) So antimagic-field or not, you only need 1 well-performed spell to neutralize summons, and assuming you have demonslayer and some arrows/bolts of light, you have more than enough punch to kill Garzahd before you run out of SP for healing. Hawthorne is a whole 'nother story. More fun too, actually. Geez, I think I'm gonna play A1 again... Oh no. I forgot the CDs in Vorarlberg...
  20. Don't be ashamed, happens all the time. You should've seen my first attempt to play an all-magic party in Nethergate... And welcome! Have fun playing, and leave your sanity at the door! (Sorry if anybody feels offended. I know I'm not really part of the forum family, but I really wanted to say that myself at least once *g*)
  21. Maybe Dorikas conversed with the Almighty? Yeah, of course. I forgot about the monster plagues in A4 because I (and for me, who has always been a faithful fighter for Avernum rights, this is most shameful to admit) never played it. I only thought of the chase after Dorikas. How? How could I not think of you instantly, Rentar? Has my eternal hate for you lost its fire? ...
  22. Agreed. The way Dorikas fights is great, because it fits him. He's definately easier to beat than Grah-Hoth or whomever, but only if you react well to his tricks. Pity A3 doesn't have boss battles like good old A1 and 2.
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