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Everything posted by Quiconque

  1. Sucia is off the eastern coast. It's near Dillame -- this is specified in the G1 ending.
  2. I take it that's why you're posting with two different accounts?
  3. Eww. That's pretty offensive to my X-Men related sensibilities. Of course, so was X3.
  4. Up until G5, there was no evidence that Shaper Council members would be running provinces at all. They were always portrayed as being very centralized. Given that, I think it makes sense that they would be mostly located near the Council itself.
  5. Right. If it wasn't for the Chunnel, the French would have had to take those awful boats to get to England, which would take forever, not to mention it would devastate their morale.
  6. Nobody's mad at you, it just seems that nobody who stopped by had an answer to your question. It's certainly possible to do so by editing graphic sheets or def files, whether it's possible to do so without creating big graphics glitches is a different question.
  7. It wasn't nice, but how was it hypocritical?
  8. It's also worth adding that it is a philosophical allegory in scenario form, which is certainly unusual.
  9. Morrow's Isle is in ASR, Drakey, not E3. Dark Waters was put together quite well.
  10. This is what I have to say about most reviews of anything: http://www.theonion.com/content/news/pitchfork_gives_music_6_8
  11. This is a constant conundrum in RPG development. Ultimate equipment, spells, etc. always seems like it arrives with too little time left to play with it. But if it arrives too early, there is not enough left to look ahead to, and the game becomes less interesting.
  12. IIRC -- it's been a long time -- you have to lob some kind of explosive potion at a wall to find the gemstone. Somebody hints at this, but it requires thorough conversations with all the relevant characters. Start with the mayor, his son, and a certain femme fatale. I was being a bit subjective. Objectively, you can't pick one "best scenario," but if you were going to it would have to be something more universally adored than Nephil's Gambit, such as one of Alcritas's scenarios. Nephil's Gambit does get high ratings in general, but it is more notable as a cult favourite than as a blockbuster; there are a handful of people here who swear by it.
  13. The problem with shockwave is that it also damages, and alienates, friendly characters. There are very few dungeons in E2 that do not have at least one friendly character in them somewhere.
  14. Divine Thud is however significantly weaker than Bovine Thud.
  15. The short answer is no. Another level on which this issue needs to be addressed, is the cultural and psychological level. So long as we continue to kill each other over petty things, and so long as we have a culture which rewards those people who don't take responsibility for their actions, people will continue to trash the environment, too.
  16. I've tended to pronounce Rotdhizon rote-dee-zone.
  17. Pumping a ton of points into Parry made you nearly untouchable in G2, *and* gave you free riposte. Sure, you still needed enough HP to take a hit once in a while, but QA was better and melee dice were still 1-8 so it wasn't as hard to keep damage up to par. I forget how high I pumped Parry, but definitely to at least 20. In G2 it's really worth it.
  18. The links to PPP won't break. Links to the board have, thus far, been easily converted to links to PPP. If that changes, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
  19. The History of the Boards I've been working on is almost ready to go public. It has a "noteworthy threads" column containing links to stuff like this. Once it is released, I will be thrilled if people point me to threads they think should be included.
  20. Um, is this even a question? G2 was the best time for melee, several orders of magnitude better than the runner-up.
  21. Do you mean Anatomy? Guardians were fun to play in G1 and did loads of damage, I don't question that. Getting to 30 Anatomy and 30 Quick Action by level 10, was FUN! But they had a much harder time surviving than in later games. Reliance on non-ranged attacks was also much more of a problem under the old AP system.
  22. Stop listening to DV. Clawbugs aren't broken in G5. They are good, for the first in the series, and possibly better than other creations when you get them, but they aren't head-and-shoulders better than anything else. In G1, freshly made creations got one point in each basic stat PER LEVEL, instead of per two levels as in all the subsequent games. There were also fewer differences between creation types, so a shaper could pump magic shaping and make a killer artila with loads of HP and an attack as strong as anything, etc. Also consider that there were FAR fewer spells in G1, and no Parry.
  23. P.S. Nephil's Gambit is the best scenario ever written for BoX. The charms of the fair priestess Karolynna FTW!
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