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Mea Tulpa

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Everything posted by Mea Tulpa

  1. I have to agree. They aren't massive, and I don't see what screams snake oil about the website. The text certainly goes out of its way to say things like "and that's a big if."
  2. Having G1 as the best and G3 as the worst is generally agreed. It's also generally agreed that G2 is better than G5. Where G4 falls is the real debate -- ahead of G2, ahead of G5, or behind both.
  3. Was that actually a cap on damage, or was that a cap on the contributions of skills, etc?
  4. I'm not sure anyone's tried to test for it, but I doubt there is a cap on damage. Nobody's encountered one, plus it would be uncharacteristic for Jeff.
  5. What do you mean by "can't decipher" it? What exactly does the game say/display?
  6. "Borrowing plot" and "adaptation" are not the same thing. Shakespeare borrowed practically all of his plots, anyway.
  7. http://io9.com/5585294/methane-bubble-doomsday-story-debunked If it wasn't obvious just from reading the original article, though, you need to sharpen your critical thinking skills.
  8. Really? I can't remember that, and it's not on my list.
  9. Well, eponymous more specifically implies that the other thing (i.e., the play) gets its name from the character. Which, in the case of a title character, it almost always does. This might be a harder sell for _Antony and Cleopatra_ because the title does not come just from Antony's name, for example.
  10. No, there is no such bonus. It's just 3 per level of any spell skill. Presumably, snowman put 15 spell points in manually when he created them.
  11. Characters don't gain spell points by levelling up. You have to buy them manually with skill points. There is one other way spell points are given out: at character creation ONLY, you get 3 spell points per level of priest or mage spells. That's it.
  12. Also, China's policy caused other problems that they are now grappling with. Eugenics becomes a much bigger issue when you are only allowed a certain number of kids.
  13. http://pied-piper.ermarian.net/topic/1/4228 Happily, the JPGs haven't moved either.
  14. *blinks* I haven't read OHYOS, but that's the first time I've ever heard someone describe it as less than "great." Huh. What did you hate about it?
  15. I don't think I can call you Shelley Long anymore. :-(
  16. So I was going to link to the climactic moment in this debate since it's now been perilously close to our conversation twice... but apparently the last four pages of that topic are lost. Of all the things...
  17. As a Shaper, it's very helpful but not totally essential. What difficulty level are you playing on? Honestly, power level in Geneforge has a lot more to do with your choices -- how you spend skill points and what spells and equipment you favor -- and less to do with just gaining XP and levelling up.
  18. I was too lazy to enter in 38 names by hand twice -- sorry. Refer to the following list: COMEDIES 1 — All's Well That Ends Well 2 — As You Like It 3 — The Comedy of Errors 4 — Love's Labour's Lost 5 — Measure for Measure 6 — The Merchant of Venice 7 — The Merry Wives of Windsor 8 — A Midsummer Night's Dream 9 — Much Ado About Nothing 10 — Pericles, Prince of Tyre 11 — The Taming of the Shrew 12 — The Tempest 13 — Twelfth Night 14 — The Two Gentlemen of Verona 15 — The Two Noble Kinsmen 16 — The Winter's Tale HISTORIES 17 — King John 18 — Richard II 19 — Henry IV, part 1 20 — Henry IV, part 2 21 — Henry V 22 — Henry VI, part 1 23 — Henry VI, part 2 24 — Henry VI, part 3 25 — Richard III 26 — Henry VIII TRAGEDIES 27 — Romeo and Juliet 28 — Coriolanus 29 — Titus Andronicus 30 — Timon of Athens 31 — Julius Caesar 32 — Macbeth 33 — Hamlet 34 — Troilus and Cressida 35 — King Lear 36 — Othello 37 — Antony and Cleopatra 38 — Cymbeline
  19. For if the sun breed maggots in a dead dog, being a god kissing carrion,--Have you a daughter?
  20. Actually, TiVo appears to have gotten into huge legal battles over absolutely everything.
  21. I really hate agreeing with Dantdring, but s/he's right.
  22. Um, actually, it's Hamlet. And I believe My Fair Lady takes the line from Pygmalion, which was making a reference to Hamlet.
  23. Johari is 50's psychology. Nohari is apparently 00's web developer boredom.
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