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Everything posted by Fort

  1. Could you post the script? And I hope those [] are () in your script. The line numbers are extremely messed up; but slowly combing the script would help.
  2. You could make them special monster groups that hunt the party, although you'd have to make sure that they don't attack and that they dont't get in the way. But they won't follow you out of their specific outdoor area because that's where their script is.
  3. Just do a little bit of tweaking and you should get them to work. It's basically the same syntax, although the idiosyncracies of each game engine make them every so slightly different.
  4. OH . That is nice to hear. But I still think there should be a community project to improve the open source editor. We are allowed to do that under the software contract, aren't we?
  5. The editor that Jeff made for BoA seems to be somewhat difficult to work with and requires an awful lot of clicking and external programs to aid the programmer. I wonder what kind of program Jeff used to create the Avernum games (and possibly the Exile games). He must have had something a little more stream-lined, but it was probably lack-luster. I also heard that Jeff has made the editor open-source. Is there going to be an orchestrated project to make a new variant of the Editor by the community?
  6. It's just easier to program an application that has to take in all values, including null ones. Otherwise, it has to fill in other values and may have to do a bit of guessing. This is the same reason why the W3 wants us to use XHTML instead of sloppy web design.
  7. Karma is more like the total sum of your deeds in the arbitrary respect of good and evil. It is somewhat difficult to incorporate this value, but karma generally dictates what kind of luck or fate you get. A divine person could possibly "read" your karma as well.
  8. I'd think that some general out of character notes to the person playing the scenario should suffice in play balancing.
  9. Probably just corrupted data. The game worked before the transfer, right? I seriously doubt Windows is to blame for this grievous problem. Try moving the files again.
  10. Still don't get it, but I suppose it's because I've never seen a left-handed configuration. The explanation says nothing to me.
  11. I really don't get this. I presume the mouse is on the left of the keyboard. The computer should read all information coming from this mouse just like any other... Do you mean the buttons are reversed or something?
  12. Have you noticed that the world view is tilted 45 degrees into an isometric view instead of a completely 2d view? The playing world's map is shaped like a diamond while the automap is shaped like a square. The top right is north, I believe and moving straight left would cause you to move northeast. Lower right is south, I think.
  13. What does being left-handed have anything to do with it? Just play the computer game like you would any other.
  14. If you are playing as Celts, than you should go to the abandoned mines west of Nethergate that is occupied by goblins and has a big gate in it. Go down the stairs at the western corner of the fort and search the lower levels. You should eventually meet up with a somewhat tough fomorian. The bronze disk is in his chambers I think.
  15. What are you talking about? Can you tell me how high your rune reading was and where this other encounter was?
  16. You could use the fight end cheat to get in there, although there are numerous death special encounters everywhere. Celtic rewards and talk nodes have been taken out if you play as Romans. But, you can go and kill everyone there and then you can take there stuff. Just kill the druid and crone first. I was always annoyed that the Celts could get into Shadow Valley Fort but the Romans couldn't get into Nethergate.
  17. Can anyone with the full version hype up their roman druidism stats and see how much rune reading it takes?
  18. I know you get Total Healing from the Runied Hall basement at the altar, but when I go there as Romans I never have enough Rune Reading skill at the time. But after getting out of there with the scroll and completing the demo, I decide to come back to see if I could read it then. The special encounter doesn't even show up! What's wrong?
  19. Are there any regenerating spiritual herbs in the demo? I have found 3 mistletoe patches and an energetic patch, but no spiritual ones. I really need the energy draughts since I am playing as Roman.
  20. It is in the help file. Intelligence plus skill in the spell circle.
  21. Have you tried a command click? Otherwise you'll probably have to reconfigure your mouse.
  22. I wish beneficial spells could be cast on friendly monsters as well as yourself, and that attack spells could be cast on yourself in case you ever wanted to. I'd also want to be able to target certain terrain spots so I could get rid of invisible monsters, although I know it would be difficult because of the Avernum engine. Summoning spells, bind foe, and terror also need to be improved.
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