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Brainless Void

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Posts posted by Brainless Void

  1. Well guys I have finished Gull Island and I have found out that if you finish the free the shapers quest, Greta will leave you before boarding the boat in Khor's Deeps going to Isle of Spears. Here is a picture of that conversation because I am probably the first one to see it.




    I will try to replay Gull Island without saving shaper Agatha and the others and see if I can still take both of them with me to Spears.


    Edit: Hmm, I think this convo is possible if you are pro-rebel and then save Agatha? Enlighten me please if anyone knows.

  2. Um, a suggestion. Instead of an RP maybe we can make this like a story or a novel where all of us are the writers. We can make a limit for the contributors in how many characters they write and how often to give everyone equal chance. Or will that be boring?

  3. I totally forgot about servant minds. Human smart, capable of leadership and blindly loyal w/o being dumb. But, is useless physically. I guess shaping isnt all powerful afterall.


    So, my guess is three main parameters for a creation are physical, mental, and obedience. In a creation you can only max out 2 but need to sacrifice 1 of the parameters. Your thoughts guys?

  4. Thank you Jerakeen. That would explain why both text are present in Litalia's speech.


    In forced conversation with the pc, Greta goes first than Alwan though. And I'm starting to doubt if I can finish the game as pro shaper. I realized I did not get the mission from Rahul to find khyryk so maybe I will not get destroy the geneforge quest too?

  5. Hmm, maybe to make some superhuman soldiers that are immune to all diseases and totally obedient. And can also shape and command other lesser creations to battle. Minus the emotional attachments of real people. And lets face it, humans look better than servilles! Nothing will be intimidated by servilles. Just think of clone troopers in starwars. Maybe we can call them "soldiervilles", lol.

  6. Um, can someone explain how the codes for the conversations work. Do they display in game per window of text or are they coded to display per line?


    I went back to my save right just before entering the docks to see whether there are changes with the conversation with Litalia. What I did first is to take just one of them with me, dismissing the other before boarding the boat. I noticed that Litalia addresses the partner that you have, Greta being the one who is following the same path as her while Alwan is the closed-minded bloke, blah blah. Then, when I brought both of them, she addresses them both in one window of text, Greta's first before Alwan's. So I'm concluding that text are coded to appear in the game per line, unless there is text specifically coded to appear if you have both of them (but I doubt that because there is no way to power up the unlock spell powerful enough before Dhonal Docks without cheating right?)


    This is off topic but as I mentioned it here, is "Dhonal Docks" a joke from Jeff? I cant say it with a straight face, everytime, lol.

  7. Yep, right you are. I kept a save just before entering the docks so i can see the differences. It seems that if both are present, Greta's convos are the ones that will trigger. Thats worriesome though, coz Alwan will just be like a very weak thad with slightly cooler sprite in my party, lol. Well, need to play further to see what happens.

  8. Hmm, servilles. Makes sense. Shapers are control maniacs so they would not want to make anything they cant or are too intelligent to control. Hence, making servilles with an obedient nature and a natural fear to shapers. Shapers really are like gods in these games! Btw thanks for the info Lilith. I havent finished G1 yet so I wouldnt know.


    Im still curious about the drakons though. They have less limitations right? Or maybe they just believe that they are superior than humans so have not bothered in shaping them?

  9. Hi, everyone! I'm new to the forums so I would like to hear some of your thoughts on this to maybe induce some (healthy) thinking. This has been running in my mind for some time so I thought it might be good to hear what others have to say.


    We know drakons have the ability to shape right. Like what shapers do when they make a new creation from nothing but raw essence. So we can say that drakons can shape whatever creature the shapers can and maybe even more because they have less or no limitations at all. With these train of thoughts, i came to wonder why in the game, no one bothered to shape the best creature out there, humans (IMHO). I'm not talking about self shaping here thru canisters and geneforge but the act of shaping a new human being from raw essence. Maybe this limitation was mentioned in game and Im just not paying attention so let me know. Also if someone knows an older thread like this please direct me to the right path (a link maybe) coz I want to read it.


    Well, I know that these ideas will definitely clash with many religious and natural laws in the real world so please dont make any rants about that here coz we are talking about the world of geneforge.





  10. I replayed G3 and thought I want some fun so I played with the scripts(cheated, lol) so that I will have 15 levels of all stats and all skills from the start and as I played through, I discovered something I think is impossible in a normal play through. When I got to the docks in Dhonal (with Alwan and Greta still with me btw) leading to Gull island, i tried to cast unlock on the door leading to the docks and it opened! It allowed me to take both Alwan and Greta to Gull! And btw it also works on the docks at harmony allowing you to leave harmony w/o doing any quest. Any one had a similar experience?

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