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Everything posted by Hyperion703

  1. Maybe it's me (likely), but are any other agents struggling around levels 7-10? Progress has slowed to a crawl ultimately as a result of not having more than one creation at any given time. Any more than that, and I find myself having to return to town after every fight to re-up on my meager essence. And that's usually a single Fyora since it's difficult to justify spending the high costs on shaping skills when I have more efficient alternatives in magic. Then there's the related issue of Wyk. He likes to nullify me. Since agents are heavily magic-based, it essentially forces me to retreat for a few turns to let it wear off, then return. Repeat ad nauseum (or until I run out of healing potions.) Tedious is an understatement. Basically, In a game where it seems success is largely dependent on the quality and quantity of shaped creations, agents kind of get the short end of the stick. I read somewhere that the developer wanted to to further encourage Shapers and spawned monster allies in this installment. But it feels increasingly like choosing the Shaper class (or, at least, not the Agent) is not just encouraged, but required. Any agents having luck and can give some pointers? I'd appreciate it.
  2. Apologies if this was already addressed, but what does the Rep +/- mean exactly? For example: Reputation - Zakary +/-3 As always, I appreciate the walkthrough. You're a beast, Randomizer.
  3. Thanks Mechalibur. I appreciate the info. Ultimately, none of that mattered. My agent character ended up murdering every living thing on the island. Enemies, friends, indifferent passersby. Sholai, shapers, thahds. Awakened, Obeyers, Takers, Inutile. Men and women. Adults and children. Even the innocent grazing ornks. Everything. Then she sat patiently on the beach of the eastern shore to see one final sunrise before she self-immolated. I guess those canisters really messed her head up.
  4. I read another post around here by someone who was essentially locked out of joining the Awakened and the Obeyers due to dialogue choices they had made in Vikkiri prior to understanding what was even going on. That's basically where I'm at. I'm about halfway through the game it seems. No matter what I say or do, neither of the aforementioned factions will accept me. I understand that I can ask Darien to help me out with one of those factions. But, what about the other one? I've read your report on joining all three factions (too late, however) and reaping the rewards of all three. As an admitted completionist, I was excited about that. I also looked ahead and calculated what I'd miss if I hadn't joined one or more factions. Although not required to finish the game, the amount of content missed by not joining even one of those factions is quite immense. Many missions worth. Let alone not joining either (x2!) Ngl, this hasn't sat well with me. I'm half tempted to just quit at this point and leave this game with the distinction of being the only SW game I've played which I didn't complete. You are correct: As the game progresses, players completely unfamiliar with the storyline of Geneforge games begin to understand what is going on. And make dialogue choices based on that knowledge. I didn't even realize until after Vakkiri of the dynamics of Sucio Island, let alone use that knowledge. If I had to make one criticism of this game, I feel it is unfair to essentially punish new players who made poor choices at the beginning of the game due to unfamiliarity by limiting their game play. Apologies for unloading. I'm just frustrated by this situation. And, tbh, I really haven't felt much like playing in recent days because of it. Maybe I'll feel differently in a few years.
  5. Thanks, Amira. I'm glued to that post while I play. I've had limited success with Randomizer's resource for that purpose specifically (I mention this because, for literally everything else, those guides are almost obligatory and have done more for my SW game enjoyment than any other resource - big thank you to Randomizer spanning a half-dozen titles personally.) I appreciate the effort.
  6. Greetings travelers! Is there some sort of reputation guide or list of dialogue options and their resulting reputation effects for GF1:M? I recently completed QW2 and I relied heavily on Davies' work regarding this (https://spiderwebforums.ipbhost.com/topic/27853-qw2-reputation/ - thank you Davies!) I've looked through this forum for something similar for this game, but I'm not having any luck. Anyone know? Thanks. Edit: Alternatively, does anyone have the code text(s) I can enter to receive current reputation scores? For example, in QW2, I could type "gsdf 80 [x]" (x = 6, 7, or 16) into the cheat code box to get that info. Anyone know what to type in GF1:M?
  7. qw2cxbsdcdmgcia Replaced no governors at the request of the queen. Aeto needs to retire, and Yvette needs to be removed and arrested (though good luck on that last bit). But she would have done far more damage to Haven if removed than keeping her as governor. Played as a loyal royal. Haven's best interests always took priority over the Ro's (I will be in Haven for the rest of my life; my time in the Rohaj will be but a lifetime footnote.) To that end, I stayed out of all local cultural affairs. Haven only wants their resources and wealth, everything else was inconsequential. (Apparently, I fought to improve the status of Dhagan women in the years following anyway.) Most of the Ro respected me (204 rep) despite being so violent (122 score). Did not destroy Kranas groves as there was little benefit for Haven. Went to Prova Krug; Kranas took issue because I didn't replace Yvette; Dhaga thought I was a baller and did not challenge. Which was odd, because most of the rebellion that followed occurred there. Kranas only had minor issues with a few rebel druids. Litha and Coastal groups abstained. Ordered army to brutally suppress the Rohaj. All rebels perished in the quick counter offensive. Declared a Hero of Haven by the queen (182 rep). Became a major political player and decision maker going into third installment. Supported Sutter as king (both qw1 & 2). Killed both dragons. Killed and expelled Nisse. Dreamt thrice and rejected their sus wishes in both games. Attacked and ransacked Geld Nas. Pissed in their shrubbery. In qw 1, I sided with the Brokk, the Trench Towns, and the Mascha. I supported arts, outlawed elixir, killed the dragon for fun, and ordered a lot of flogging. Oh and I regrettably gave that spoiled noble kid his estate back. Final thoughts... I have intentionally roleplayed a royal prince and imperialist in these games. While I personally uphold values of freedom, self-determination, equality, pacifism, democracy, and justice; the reality is that the ruling class(es), historically, have not. To do so is counter to their goals for success. Why would this prince be any different? He's akin to a modern day CEO. The struggles and tribulations of the masses are beneath him. He doesn't even really consider them people, just dollar signs for Haven's exploitation. He will say and do whatever it takes to ultimately generate further power and wealth for his dynasty. If hundreds or thousands of peasant lives are impacted or ruined, oh well. Through the eyes of the wealthy elite, they don't really have "lives" anyway. Their sole purpose of existence is to support the luxurious and noteworthy lives of the elite. My prince is true to life.
  8. Nearly a decade ago, I took a chance and bought Avadon 1 in the Google Play store. It thrilled me to such a degree that, shortly thereafter, I purchased Spiderweb's only other Android offering to date, Avernum: EftP. I found these games so addictive that I eventually downloaded Avernum: CS on my old desktop. The thrill returned and I was again in my element. That was 2016. Then life got in the way. Years lapsed. But, I never forgot about Spiderweb and the lovely tapestry of adventure woven by its developer. I knew it was only a matter of time before I once again found myself exploring new dungeons, meeting eccentric townfolk, and crushing monsters with newfound talents and items. This past summer turned out to be that time. And, although some of Jeff's newer titles looked appealing (I'm doing G:M next), the pull of closure in the most recent Avernum series proved too much. So, over the past month, I clawed my way up from the dank caverns of the underworld to become the savior of Valorim. I loved every moment of it. There were some things I found somewhat annoying, however. In general, I was underwhelmed by how little incentive there was to use shields. There are some cool ones, but the cost to damage output almost never was worth the benefit(s) they provided. I also found the amount of quests whereby a substantial amount of walking to and from various points to be tedious. Almost like they were designed to take as much time as possible to complete. Kind of irksome, but not intolerable. My two biggest gripes were that I inadvertently angered multiple towns (thereby preventing me from purchasing their goodies) by defending myself from an Empire attack, and being unaware that certain items became unavailable due to events that unfolded during the story. I'm a completionist by nature. And, by not having all available magical items upon conclusion, the victory felt diminished somewhat. I did eventually enter a cheat code to make those towns friendly. But, If I were to have another go, I'd buy the Deadeye Chainmail in the Tower of the Magi when I had the chance. Also, two girdles became unavailable by the time I realized where they were and who provided them. These were disappointing, but did not prevent me from enjoying the game. To Jeff's credit, there were a few instances that I either did not trigger an event, or presumably ran into bugs not acquiring certain items, but found additional copies of that item elsewhere. (I'm looking at you, mithril.) If only those girdles and chain mail could by found other places, I could have rounded out my collection. Minor criticisms, no doubt. Overall I enjoyed the ride. Thank you, Mr. Developer for once again engrossing me in your fantastic worlds. I duly appreciate it.
  9. You are all very welcome. Slartibus - I added the best nonmagical items for each category. Thank you for the suggestion. -hype
  10. Note: ** denotes top-tier, non-magical items. Blades Steel Broadsword (+5% melee damage protection)** Fine Steel Waveblade (+5% to hit)** Goblin Cleaver (+1 Lethal Blow) Gleaming Dagger (Gleaming Blade, weakness curse 2 turns) Shielding Knife (6% armor, +5% parry) Vampiric Knife (6% armor, -1 STR, -1 INT, +2 END) Tribal Warblade (+2 DEX, +2% to evade) Duelist's Rapier (+8% to critical hit chance, +5% to parry) Discipline Blade (30% faster fatigue recovery, +2 melee weapons, +3 pole weapons) Singing Rapier (+2 Quick Action, +1 Blademaster) Radiant Shortblade (+15% energy res., +3% to melee damage protection) Assassin's Falchion (+2 Blademaster, +2 Lethal Blow) Ghostly Blade (6% melee damage protection, +6% HER, slow) Flaming Sword (+10% fire res, +3% to hit chance, fire damage) Oozing Sword (+12% acid and poison res., acid attack) Frozen Blade (+3% to hit, +10% cold res., weakness for 2 turns (50%) Venomous Blade (+5% to hit, +12% to poison res, +12% to acid res, +3% chance to riposte, acid damage) Demonslayer (6% armor, 75% extra damage to demons, +12% fire, energy, and cold res.) Polearms Steel Spear (+5% armor)** Steel Halberd (+10% armor)** Lava-Fired Spear (+5% fire res., critical hit, +5% magical damage) Slith Warspear (+10% to critical hit chance, +3% to hit) Molten Halberd (8% armor, +2 Lethal Blow. +10% fire res.) Chaotic Halberd (+10% to critical hit chance, +2 DEX 50% chance to ensnare for 2 turns) Spear of the Fens (+10% acid and curse res., +3% to riposte) Smite (5% armor, +10% faster fatigue recovery, +5% to critical hit chance) Slith Bloodspear (+12% to critical hit chance, +4% chance to riposte) Bows Yew Longbow (+10% to critical hit chance) ** Steel Javelin (+50% bonus, immobile for 2 turns) ** Fine Razordisk (razordisk, physical damage near target - 50%) ** First Expedition Bow (+2 Quick Action, +3 Bows, +2% HER) Sage's Bow (+10% to critical hit chance, +5% magical damage, +5% to blessings/curses you cause) Farsight Longbow (+5% to hit, +5% to missile damage, +10% faster fatigue recovery) Ever-Rotting Bow (Dark Rot Missile - acid) Bow of Storms (50% lightning for 2 turns) Bow of the Deep Woods (+2 Gymnastics, +5% to healing) Possessed Bow (Heartstriker Bow, 50% chanced critical damage) Shields Steel Shield (+21% armor, -15% to hit, encumbers mages, +12% to parry) ** Shield of Succor (+12% armor, -10% to hit chance, +8% to parry, +10% to healing) Drakeskin Shield (+15% armor, - 10% chance to hit, encumbers mages, +8% chance to parry, +15% fire res.) Treated Carapace (18% armor, -15% to hit, encumbers mages, +10% to parry, +20% poison res.) Nullity Shield (18% armor, -15% to hit chance, encumbers mages, +10% to parry, +20% to curse res., +15% to mind effect res.) Assassin's Shield (21% armor, -15% to hit chance, encumbers mages, +12% to parry, +3 % melee damage, +2 Lethal Blow) Stout Hardwood Shield (12% armor, -10% chance to hit, encumbers mages, +8% parry, +2 Hardiness) Shadowy Shield (12% armor, -15% to hit chance, encumbers mages, 10% parry, +5% to evade) Reflecting Shield (15% armor, -10% to hit, encumbers mages, +8% to parry, +5% HER) Shield of the Deep (25% armor, -15% to hit chance, +15% to parry) Shadowstep Chitin (21% armor, -15% to hit chance, encumbers mages, +12% parry, +5% to evade, +25% mind effects res.) Body Armor Steel Breastplate (+28% armor, +5% to evade, -15% to hit, encumbers mages) ** Blessed Breastplate (+34% armor, +6% to evade, -20% to hit, encumbers mages) ** Thick Wool Tunic (6% armor, +10% cold res.) Slime-Stained Tunic (6% armor. +10% to blessings/curses you cause) Mercuric Leather (+10% armor, +2% chance to evade, +1 AP, -1 Strength) Treated Leather (10% armor, +2% to evade, +3% to HER) Swampwalker Leather (17% armor, +2% to evade, +10% to poison and acid res.) Crystal-Woven Chitin (12% armor, +4% to evade, +1 Resistance) Sniper's Vest (4% armor, +1 DEX, +3 Sniper) Aranea Silk Vest (6% armor, +5% to Parry, +1% to evade) Shining Silk Robe (12% armor, +10% energy and fire res., +2% to evade) Lost Mage's Robe (9% armor, +1 Mage Spells, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Magical Efficiency) Spectral Robe (10% armor, +5% energy res., +3% to evade, +20% mind effects res.) Marksman Vest (+16% armor, +3% to evade, -5% to hit, encumbers mages, +10% to missile damage) Robe of the Magi (18% armor, +6% to magical damage. +8% to blessings/curses you cause, +5% to critical hit chance) Mercuric Chain (16% armor, +3% to evade, -5% to hit, encumbers mages, +1 action point, -1 STR) Deadeye Chainmail (20% armor, +3 to evade, -5% to hit chance, encumbers mages, +5% missile damage, +5% faster fatigue recovery) Fibrous Breastplate (20% armor, +5% chance to evade, -1% to hit chance, encumbers mages, +12% to energy res., +6% HER) Radiant Plate (40% armor, +6% to evade, -20% to hit chance, encumbers mages) Runed Plate (34% armor, +6% to evade, +20% mind effects res., +5% to magical damage) Quickblade Plate (34% armor, +6% to evade, -20% to hit chance, encumbers mages, +5% to riposte, +8% to critical hit chance) Mercuric Plate (34% armor, +6% to evade, -20% to hit chance, encumbers mages, +1 action point, -1 STR) Crushing Plate (28% armor, +5% to evade, -15% to hit chance, encumbers mages, +5% to melee damage, +7% to critical hit chance) Emerald Chestguard (42% armor, +6% to evade, -20% to hit chance, encumbers mages, +25% curse res., +5% to critical hit chance) Cloaks Vahnatai Cloak (+5% armor) ** Houndskin Cloak (7% armor) Drakeskin Cloak (12% armor) Deadeye Cloak (4% armor, +1 sniper, +1 sharpshooter) Grounded Cloak (4% armor, +10% energy res.) Coated Cloak (4% armor, +10% fire res.) Symbiotic Cloak (5% armor, -1 STR, -1 DEX, +2 INT) Polar Fur Cloak (4% armor, +10% to cold res.) Cloak of Blessings (6% armor, +20% to curse res., +10% to blessings/curses you cause) Ratskin Shawl (7% armor, +5% melee damage protection, +3% to critical hit chance) Warrior's Cloak (5% armor, +1 melee weapons, +1 pole weapons, +2% to hit chance, +2% melee damage) Lifebringer Cloak (8% armor, +15% to healing, +2 First Aid, +10% to blessings/curse you cause) Helms & Caps Steel Helmet (+7% armor, -10% to hit, encumbers mages, +12% to mind effect res.) ** Runed Helm (10% armor, +2 Spellcraft, +6% mind effects res.) Serpentskin Helmet (7% armor, +12% poison and acid res.) Foil Helm (4% armor, -5% to hit chance, +20% mind effects res., --1 INT, +1 Luck) Hellhound Helm (7% armor, +2 to evade, +15% cold res.) Bandit's Cap (7% armor, -10% to hit chance, +1 Dual Wielding, +2% to evade) Cap of Farsight (5% armor, +3% to missile damage, +1 Sniper, +1 Sharpshooter) Dragonskin Cap (9% armor, +1 Resistance, +10% to mind effects res.) Helm of Klin (9% armor, -10% to hit chance, +12% mind effects res., +1 Hardiness, +3% to Riposte) Cap of Selfless (5% armor, +8% to healing, +8% to blessings/curses you cause) Belts & Girdles Blessed Belt (+6% armor) ** Girdle of Strength (2% armor, +1 strength) Radiant Belt (8% armor) Girdle of Nimbleness (2% armor, +1 to dexterity) Girdle of Insight (2% armor, +1 intelligence) Stability Girdle (6% armor, -5% to hit chance, +4% to evade) Sniper's Belt (2% armor, +2 Thrown Weapons) Girdle of Avoidance (5% armor, +2 DEX) Girdle of Life (5% armor, +2 END) Girdle of Endurance (4% armor, +1 endurance) Granite Girdle (6% armor, -5% to hit chance, encumbers mages, +8% melee damage protection, +20% mind effects res.) Radiant Belt (8% armor) Silk-Woven Cord (6% armor, +5% melee damage protection, +2 Spellcraft, +1 Magical Efficiency. +1 First Aid) Girdle of Genius (5% armor, +2 INT) Gloves, Gauntlets, & Bracers Fine Steel Bracers (+10% armor, -10% to hit, encumbers mages, +5% to melee damage protection, +3% to critical hit chance) ** Dragonskin Gloves (8% armor, +2 STR, +2 Quick Action, +5% melee damage) Drake Hide Gloves (2% armor, +3% magical damage) Drakeskin Bracers (6% armor, -5% chance to hit, +1% chance to evade, +8% fire res.) Tinker's Gloves (2% armor, +1 TU) Momentum Gauntlets (5% armor, -5% to hit chance, encumbers mages, +1 Quick Action, +1 Lethal Blow) Fine Steel Bracers (10% armor, -10% to hit chance, +2% to evade, +2% HER) Pyrrhic Gauntlets (6% armor, +5% to evade, +10% to critical hit chance) Spectral Gloves (5% armor, +10% energy res., +2% to evade Suede Gloves (3% armor, +10% to blessings/curses you cause, +2 Resistance) Lodestone Bracers (+10% armor, -10% to hit chance, +2 Dual Wielding, +2% to evade, +20% curse res.) Caller's Bracers (9% armor, -5% to hit chance, +2 Spellcraft, +5% to critical hit chance) Seeking Gauntlets (10% armor, +5% to critical hit chance) Putrefied Gauntlets (9% armor, -1 STR, -1 DEX, +50% acid res., +8% magical damage) Archer's Protectors (3% armor, +10% to missile damage, +8% to parry) Greaves & Pants Steel Greaves (+8% armor, +8% to evade, -10% to hit, encumbers mages) ** Reflective Pants (+2% armor, +10% curse res.) Radiant Greaves (10% armor, +3% to evade, -10% to hit chance, encumbers mages) Flesh-Fused Greaves (4% armor, +1% to evade, -5% chance to hit, encumbers mages, +2 STR) Warrior's Greaves (4% armor, -5% to hit chance, encumbers mages, +10% faster fatigue recovery, +1 Blademaster) Icedrake Greaves (7% armor, +1% to evade, -5% to hit chance, encumbers mages, +20% cold res.) Starlight Greaves (4% armor, +1% to evade, -5% to hit chance, encumbers mages? +8% to healing) Acid-Etched Leggings (6% armor, +2% to evade, -10% to hit chance, encumbers mages, +15% to curse res., +15% to acid res.) First Expedition Greaves (12% armor, +8% to evade, -10% to hit chance, encumbers mages, +2 DEX, +3 Gymnastics) Boots & Sandals Blessed Boots (+8% armor, -5% to hit, encumbers mages) ** Swamp Boots (+4% armor, +10% poison and acid resistance) Nimble Sandals (+2% armor, +1 dexterity) Grounded Boots (4% armor, +10% energy resistance) Clover Boots (4% armor, +3 Luck) Samaritan Sandals (2% armor, +10% to healing) First Expedition Boots (8% armor, -5% to hit chance, +3% melee damage, +5% chance to riposte) Forager's Boots (6% armor, +3 First Aid, +1 Cave Lore) Gazerskin Sandals (16% armor, -5% chance to hit, +10% HER, +3% to evade, +1 Gymnastics) Radiant Boots (14% armor, -5% chance to hit) Spectral Boots (8% armor, -5% to hit chance, encumbers mages, +2% to evade, +10% to curse res.) Quicksilver Sandals (2% armor, +1 action point, -5% HER) Rings Woven Silver Band (+1 Quick Action) Warmth Ring (2% armor, +15% cold res., +5% melee damage) Frostcaller Band (2% armor, +15% fire res., +2% to magical damage) Incantor's Ring (6% armor, +8% magical damage, +15% to blessings/curses you cause) Static Band (+2% armor, +15% energy res., +5% to blessings/curses you cause) Woven Gold Band (1% armor, +2 Dual Wielding) Farsight Band (+6% to missile damage) Armor Ring (6% armor, +2% to evade attacks) Magestone Band (1% armor, +5% magical damage) Bounding Band (10% curse res., +3% to evade, +2 Gymnastics) Archer's Band (+5% to missile damage) Lightstep Band (6% armor, +2 Quick Action, +2 Gymnastics) Eagle Eye Band (6% armor, +5% missile damage, +8% to critical hit chance) Mica Band (2% armor, +15% to acid, poison, and curse res.) Rat Tail Band (2% armor, +1 DEX, +2% to hit chance) Ivory Band (2% armor, +15% mind effects res., +5% missile damage) Basalt Band (8% armor, -10 to hit chance, +10% faster fatigue recovery, +5% HER, +1 Hardiness) Mauler's Ring (6% armor, +5% to melee damage, +1 Lethal Blow) Lightstep Band (6% armor, +2 Quick Action, +2 Gymnastics) Ten Blessings Band (4% armor, +1% to evade, +10% to blessings/curses you cause, +5% to healing) Blessed Armor Band (8% armor, +3% to evade, +4% HER) First Expedition Ring (+2 Luck, +3 First Aid, +2 Cave Lore) Necklaces Woven Silver Chain (+2% HER) Nimble Chain (+1 Gymnastics) Crystal Symbol (2% armor, +2% magical efficiency) Tribal Symbol (2% armor, +1 Spellcraft, +1 luck) Electrum Bauble (+2% armor) Stability Bauble (+20% to curse res.) Bladeshield Chain (+1% armor, +3% to riposte) Jade-Studded Chain (3% armor, +3 Spellcraft) Woven Gold Chain (1% armor, +3% to evade) Clarity Talisman (4% armor, +4% to magical damage, +10% to blessings/curse you cause) Emerald Chain (3% armor, +3 Blademaster) Temperate Necklace (2% armor, +15% fire and cold res.) Ruby Necklace (2% armor, +15% fire and energy res.) Tarnished Chain (3% armor, +3 Resistance) Runed Jade Necklace (2% armor, +15% poison and acid res.) Hero's Necklace (6% armor, +1 Melee Weapons, +1 Dual Wielding, +3% to melee damage) Talisman of Might (+8% to melee damage)
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