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So we wasted 3 whole games???

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I was wondering, have you ever thought of Geneforge 4 as wasting Geneforge 1-3,, I put in SO much work toward these stupid greedy shapers, and now I kill them all?? Does that make sense?


or is this post a waste of time, I havent played the whole game, please tell me that the shapers kill the rebels, otherwise I'll scream. I don't know of any dramatic changes, plz tell me if I'm wrong.

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neither side can "win", I don't think, and meet JV's vision as I understand it.


if I may spoil, the gf4 shaper ending speaks of _centuries_ of peace and the final words are "until the next rebellion."

that's not a good jumping off board for the next-game-as-a-final-game because it's no more compelling than just starting over with gf1.


on the other hand, the rebel ending of gf4 ends with the shapers and drakons in the moral equivalent of an ongoing biological war, escalating constantly with nothing but devastation for all the "regular people" around, and the final words are "who can bring the peace?"

That's a new and compelling premise for gf5. ergo, I conclude that the "real ending" of this one is the rebel ending or a close modification thereof - it's the ending that gives gf5 a way to go somewhere new in the series, and a way to end the series (clearly, the new hero of gf5 must be instrumental in finding a way to bring the peace).

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It doesn't matter where it takes place, I think Geneforge 5 will come down to killing the leaders. Ghaldrings death will mean the end of the Rebellion. There may be scattered rebels here and there but without him to lead them their cause will collapse. The same goes for the Shapers, however. If the invincible Council is destroyed, any sense of protection they once gave the people will be gone, as well as the universal fear of shapers, the Rebellion's victory would be complete.


In a sense, Eragon is right. The other games were fun and I'm not saying they were a waste, but the story could still easily go in either direction.

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I really wished there was a sort of anti-Trakovite option. As a libertarian, I immediately searched out the option that would allow shaping for everyone, and since the rebels were crazy, and the Shapers were statist, I went with the Trakovites simply because they were a third party. Down with the government!


EDIT: As a side note, I'd like to point out that libertarianism is a completely valid political ideology, and most libertarians are moderate fiscal conservatives and social liberals. To find out more about the Libertarian Party and the Libertarian Reform Caucus, visit:

Reform the LP.org

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