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Geneforge IV Survey


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Not yet. Right now, they have bigger things to worry about.

I find that critics of Drakonian actions seem to apply the above logic rather selectively.


Whenever Drakons behave in an ethically questionable fashion, it's because they are inherently evil. But if they act in an ethical fashion, it's because they are forced to do so due to the war.


God forbid ever considering that the Drakons act in ethically questionable ways due to being forced into a war to prevent the extinction of their species.


Either way, it's pure conjecture to assume that once the Drakons win, they will run about annihilating all non-Drakon life.



However, they made it clear that if they could safely get rid of the human/servile side of the rebellion, they would.

Who's 'they'?



They regard creations (and humans) with less compassion then the Shapers.

Drakons have more compassion for creations than Shapers. They can be pretty condescending and easily irritated by 'lesser species', but not to the point of wiping them out for merely existing. However, I do agree that Drakons dislike humans. And for good reason. As Orois Blaze explains:


"We generally dislike humans greatly. There is a real grudge there. Since humans tried to exterminate us, you understand. And are still trying."


Even today, the Germans aren't too popular with the Polish and Jews. Go figure.


Note that the serviles have a strong dislike for humans as well. This is reflected by Pirik:


"Humans created us, then they enslaved us for centuries. Shapers were cruel to us, and non-Shapers tolerated us and gladly benefited from our labor. Now humans fight, but not for the rights of creations, the true justice in the rebel cause. They fight for greed. They fight to gain the Shaper powers for themselves. I hope, as a servile, that you have not grown too fond of the humans. I have seen much, and I tell you this. You will regret that."


I guess the hostility shown towards humans by serviles is evidence of the fact that serviles are big evil jerks.



So what's to stop them from taking complete control, and effectively becoming the Shapers themselves, only with far more cruelty and power?

Conjecture vs. reality. The Drakons 'might' take control and become as bad as the Shapers. Or they might willingly, or be forced, to become more peaceful when the war is over.


On the other hand, we know that life sucks under Shaper rule if you're an independent servile, Drayk, Drakon, Eyebeast, or human desiring autonomy.



The Shapers need to reform, not be overthrown by tyrannical lizards.

And how likely is 'reform'? And if you were a Jew under Nazi rule, would you wait for 'reform', or actively fight alongside the Allies?


The Drakons are far from perfect, but currently they are the lesser of the two evils for the Rebels.

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Originally written by Lepus timidus:

Not yet. Right now, they have bigger things to worry about.
I find that critics of Drakonian actions seem to apply the above logic rather selectively.

Whenever Drakons behave in an ethically questionable fashion, it's because they are inherently evil. But if they act in an ethical fashion, it's because they are forced to do so due to the war.

God forbid ever considering that the Drakons act in ethically questionable ways due to being forced into a war to prevent the extinction of their species.

Either way, it's pure conjecture to assume that once the Drakons win, they will run about annihilating all non-Drakon life.
You're reading a bit more into this then what I meant, and if you just so happen to read my post, I never claimed that they would run about annihilating everything that moves (though they do tend to take a similar attitude about anything that gets in their way). By 'not yet', I mean that there's a trend developing that's clearly showing how merciless and greedy the Drakons are, and that there's far less evidence to say otherwise. As for inherent evil, well, there's a little bit of that in everyone in the Geneforge series. Drakons started showing the unethical practices well before the war.


However, they made it clear that if they could safely get rid of the human/servile side of the rebellion, they would.
Who's 'they'?
You know. Giant, bi-pedal, green (sometimes red) scaly things that breathe fire and have been the topic of debate the last few post. One goes by the name of Ghaldring, ring any bells?

(Sorry, I just couldn't resist :p )


They regard creations (and humans) with less compassion then the Shapers.
Drakons have more compassion for creations than Shapers. They can be pretty condescending and easily irritated by 'lesser species', but not to the point of wiping them out for merely existing. However, I do agree that Drakons dislike humans. And for good reason. As Orois Blaze explains:

"We generally dislike humans greatly. There is a real grudge there. Since humans tried to exterminate us, you understand. And are still trying."

Even today, the Germans aren't too popular with the Polish and Jews. Go figure.

Note that the serviles have a strong dislike for humans as well. This is reflected by Pirik:

"Humans created us, then they enslaved us for centuries. Shapers were cruel to us, and non-Shapers tolerated us and gladly benefited from our labor. Now humans fight, but not for the rights of creations, the true justice in the rebel cause. They fight for greed. They fight to gain the Shaper powers for themselves. I hope, as a servile, that you have not grown too fond of the humans. I have seen much, and I tell you this. You will regret that."

I guess the hostility shown towards humans by serviles is evidence of the fact that serviles are big evil jerks.
First, the German/Jew/Polish thing is an entirely different issue. See the end of this post for my take on that. Second, not all serviles share that same opinion. Pirik is blinded by past experience, and judging all humans the same because of a few. And finally, Drakons have made it clear that 'lesser species' are merely their own pawns. They even shun their own kind, 'tolerating' them because they can't risk to have their own menial labor turn on them. Which actually brings up an interesting point: how many differences can you actually spot between Shaper serviles and Drakon serviles? Because I don't see much.


So what's to stop them from taking complete control, and effectively becoming the Shapers themselves, only with far more cruelty and power?
Conjecture vs. reality. The Drakons 'might' take control and become as bad as the Shapers. Or they might willingly, or be forced, to become more peaceful when the war is over.

On the other hand, we know that life sucks under Shaper rule if you're an independent servile, Drayk, Drakon, Eyebeast, or human desiring autonomy.

Unfortunately, there's a lot of evidence saying that the Drakons will be at least as bad as the Shapers. They have an inherent greed that stems from their Drayk beginnings, and they've made more effort towards becoming more and more powerful than anything else.


The Shapers need to reform, not be overthrown by tyrannical lizards.
And how likely is 'reform'? And if you were a Jew under Nazi rule, would you wait for 'reform', or actively fight alongside the Allies?

The Drakons are far from perfect, but currently they are the lesser of the two evils for the Rebels.
They're slaughtering anything that gets in their way, and doing more collateral damage than they are actually fighting the enemy. Essentially, this is more of the oppressed killing other oppressed and claiming it's for the greater good of their cause. And, excuse me if I'm wrong, I don't see the Shapers actively seeking out bloodshed. Rather, they ensure that their laws are upheld. Do the Shapers need to reform or, possibly, be overthrown and replaced with a more compassionate government? Yes. But with the way the Drakons are going about it, there won't be anything left to free by the time they're done.

EDIT: Modified one sentence to make it less unwieldy and remove a typo.
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You're reading a bit more into this then what I meant, and if you just so happen to read my post, I never claimed that they would run about annihilating everything that moves

That's not the impression I got when you replied with "Not yet" to my observation that the Drakons haven't targeted any sapient life forms for genocide.


But I'm glad that you agree that as things stand, the Drakons haven't targeted any sapient races for genocide, and they are unlikely to do so in the future. Which just proves my point about the Drakons holding the high ground, no matter how big of jerks they may be.



By 'not yet', I mean that there's a trend developing that's clearly showing how merciless

Drakons tend to be rather haughty and detached, but they are hardly what I would classify as merciless. They are capable of empathy.



and greedy the Drakons are,

The Drakons covet wealth, much like humans. However, not all Drakons place wealth as their highest priority. As Salassar says:


We drakonsss are engaged in a great project, yes. A gloriousss work. But it isss our project. We have expended great energy and wealth from our hoardsss on it, and we do not wish to share influence.

Apparently the vast majority of Drakons don't consider wealth as important as their fight for liberation and independence.



As for inherent evil, well, there's a little bit of that in everyone in the Geneforge series.

Sure. Yet any 'evil' act committed by the Drakons pales in comparison to that of the Shapers.



You know. Giant, bi-pedal, green (sometimes red) scaly things that breathe fire and have been the topic of debate the last few post. One goes by the name of Ghaldring, ring any bells?

Delightful. So are you saying that every Drakon would gladly do away with the human/servile half of the rebellion? Or is that the general opinion amongst the Drakon population? Or do the influential Drakons have that opinion? And if so, source?


But apparently Ghaldring doesn't hold such an opinion.



Now the drakons can create the Unbound, and the rebels can help us. And we drakons will shelter the lesser beings with us in the Grayghost Mountains while our creations cleanse Terrestia of the Shapers.

Note how Ghaldring wants to shelter the less beings, instead of saying something along the lines of "Once we have released the Unbound, we no longer need you chaps around. You'll all be out on your ear!"



Second, not all serviles share that same opinion.

Yet it's a general trend amongst liberated serviles to despise and distrust all humans. And remember, they haven't been hunted to near extinction like the Drakons and their very recent ancestors (the drayks) have.



Pirik is blinded by past experience,

How on earth can you be 'blinded' by past experience? The Shapers treat the serviles atrociously, and the humans are no better. Pirik merely states the obvious.



and judging all humans the same because of a few.

Isn't that what you have just done with the Drakons? But to claim that serviles haven't been hard done by in regards to slavery and oppression by humans in general is ridiculous. Some humans are sympathetic towards creation rights, but there does certainly seem to be a trend of either exploitation or apathy in regards to the human races' views on creation rights.



And finally, Drakons have made it clear that 'lesser species' are merely their own pawns.

Ghaldring disagrees with you:

"Now the drakons can create the Unbound, and the rebels can help us. And we drakons will shelter the lesser beings with us in the Grayghost Mountains while our creations cleanse Terrestia of the Shapers."


Since when has a king gone to the effort of sheltering his 'pawns' when they are no longer needed?



Which actually brings up an interesting point: how many differences can you actually spot between Shaper serviles and Drakon serviles? Because I don't see much.

The serviles have more autonomy in the rebellion.



They're slaughtering anything that gets in their way, and doing more collateral damage than they are actually fighting the enemy.

They prefer inflicting collateral damage to being genocided. The horror. Israel at your heart out.



Essentially, this is more of the oppressed killing other oppressed and claiming it's for the greater good of their cause.

No. It's the oppressed using the only means available to them in order to survive. Big difference.


If there were other alternatives available which were just as (if not more) effective than the Unbound, then you might have a case. But as it stands:


"Only all Shaper life. Of course, most of the rest of it will die. But our only other choice is losing this war. I suppose, from some perspectives, what we are doing is morally questionable. But it is the only choice."


Hmm, Ghaldring seems pretty rational, given how Drakons are supposedly power hungry, greedy nutcases.



And, excuse me if I'm wrong, I don't see the Shapers actively seeking out bloodshed.

So marking entire sapient species for death isn't 'actively seeking out bloodshed'? Crushing any independent thought isn't 'acitvely seeking out bloodshed'? The Nazis didn't seek out bloodshed when they targeted the Jews for extermination? The Turks didn't seek out bloodshed when they targeted the Armenians for extermination?


Good grief, many Americans would argue that the British were 'actively seeking out bloodshed' when they imposed the tea tarrif.



Rather, they ensure that their laws are upheld.

So did the Nazis, when they threw the Jews into ghettos and extermination camps. I guess those Nazis were behaving ethically, because they followed German law to the letter.



Do the Shapers need to reform or, possibly, be overthrown and replaced with a more compassionate government? Yes.

Is reform, or a force of morally upstanding individuals going to be successful in overthrowing the Shapers? I doubt it.



But with the way the Drakons are going about it, there won't be anything left to free by the time they're done.

And the Shapers could have avoided all this by simply treating their creations and human lackeys with a bit more dignity. *sigh*
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The claim of the more rational Shapers, at least by implication, is that their harsh measures are the only way to prevent things like Monarch from happening. This begs two questions: Is mad shaping really such a constant threat? And are the Shapers' methods actually helping to suppress it? Affirmative answers to both questions would go a long way towards justifying the Shaper regime.


But neither question has yet been answered conclusively in the games, although some Shaper dialog lines in G4 do seem to confirm that shaping disasters are routine. What isn't yet clear is whether the problem is primarily just hypocritical recklessness among supposedly orthodox Shapers, or whether the main threat is rogue shapers who have sprung up on their own. Or whether Shaper unity isn't really all it's cracked up to be, and the Shaper struggle is partly within their own ranks.


These are some of the questions which G5 should at least address, even if it doesn't fully settle them. How much of the whole tragedy is whose fault?

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Why don't humans just let shapers and dracons kill eachother and then be truly free?

They don't need to get envolved.Serviles, humans and other creations could be neutral and hide and let dracons and shapers fight their war.

If dracons would like to seperate from "weaker" part of rebellion wouldn't it be better for everyone?I mean dracons would be satisfied, shapers would have weaker enemy and humans and creations wouldn't have to sacrafise only to replace tyrany of shapers with tyrany of dracons.They simply can't be truly free unles as I already said dracons and shapers kill each other.And if shapers win they could continue from where dracons left and if dracons win they could wage a rebellion against different tyran.


Do you have to use Nazi/Polish/Jew, Israel/Palestinian, American/British thing to describe something?

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The one problem with that is that there will always be some tyrannical person who will find the shaping secrets and use them to get power. It's human nature to want as much as possible. Another moncarch will always happen, unless Shaping is stictly controlled, like it was before (I'm not saying anything about creation rights), or shaping is exterminated completely, which would be the better of the two options. Someone will always abuse the power, unless the power is difficult to obtain, or doesn't exist.

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[WARNING: Large post ahead]


Originally written by Lepus timidus:



By 'not yet', I mean that there's a trend developing that's clearly showing how merciless

Drakons tend to be rather haughty and detached, but they are hardly what I would classify as merciless. They are capable of empathy.
Again, you're taking what I'm saying out of proportion. I would never claim that the Drakons are incapable of empathy. I claim they're merciless because even the slightest waver in devotion to their cause will get your head separated from your body in the rebel ending. There's a few other examples where they take the same merciless stance, similar in some part to the Shapers they so despise.



and greedy the Drakons are,

The Drakons covet wealth, much like humans. However, not all Drakons place wealth as their highest priority. As Salassar says:


We drakonsss are engaged in a great project, yes. A gloriousss work. But it isss our project. We have expended great energy and wealth from our hoardsss on it, and we do not wish to share influence.

Apparently the vast majority of Drakons don't consider wealth as important as their fight for liberation and independence.
Note the 'we do not wish to share influence' line. The human and Drakon sides of the rebellion should be allies, yet the Drakons are breaking off on their own with hardly any consideration of the human side. And said greed isn't just limited to wealth either.



As for inherent evil, well, there's a little bit of that in everyone in the Geneforge series.

Sure. Yet any 'evil' act committed by the Drakons pales in comparison to that of the Shapers.
Hardly. Unless, of course, annihilating a continent is considered saintly. I don't recall anything done by the Shapers coming even close to that. And it actually proves that the Drakons are going for genocide.



You know. Giant, bi-pedal, green (sometimes red) scaly things that breathe fire and have been the topic of debate the last few post. One goes by the name of Ghaldring, ring any bells?

Delightful. So are you saying that every Drakon would gladly do away with the human/servile half of the rebellion? Or is that the general opinion amongst the Drakon population? Or do the influential Drakons have that opinion? And if so, source?


But apparently Ghaldring doesn't hold such an opinion.



Now the drakons can create the Unbound, and the rebels can help us. And we drakons will shelter the lesser beings with us in the Grayghost Mountains while our creations cleanse Terrestia of the Shapers.

Note how Ghaldring wants to shelter the less beings, instead of saying something along the lines of "Once we have released the Unbound, we no longer need you chaps around. You'll all be out on your ear!"
The latter two sum it up. Ghaldring is probably the best example available of a 'model drakon' if you will, but his fight with Salassar and his comments after Salassar's death show that he's the exception, not the rule. Another example is the Warmaster drakon that comes to your aid in the Wastes. He clearly shows that he'd rather abandon the human rebels rather than support them.



Second, not all serviles share that same opinion.

Yet it's a general trend amongst liberated serviles to despise and distrust all humans. And remember, they haven't been hunted to near extinction like the Drakons and their very recent ancestors (the drayks) have.
Shapers, yes. But I'd like to see a source for where it says that they despise and distrust all humans, because I can't remember seeing that anywhere.



Pirik is blinded by past experience,

How on earth can you be 'blinded' by past experience? The Shapers treat the serviles atrociously, and the humans are no better. Pirik merely states the obvious.
You just answered your own question. You're basing you're opinions on the Shapers, and then broadening it to include all humans, guilty or not.



and judging all humans the same because of a few.

Isn't that what you have just done with the Drakons?
No. We see and talk to a considerable number of the Drakon population throughout the games, both commoner and elite, and most of them either hold the same opinions demonstrated above or say that many others of their number do.


But to claim that serviles haven't been hard done by in regards to slavery and oppression by humans in general is ridiculous. Some humans are sympathetic towards creation rights, but there does certainly seem to be a trend of either exploitation or apathy in regards to the human races' views on creation rights.
I'm not claiming that the serviles have been treated like equals. However, a lot of the humans haven't really seen the situation first-hand, and thus can't really form an opinion on it.



And finally, Drakons have made it clear that 'lesser species' are merely their own pawns.

Ghaldring disagrees with you:

"Now the drakons can create the Unbound, and the rebels can help us. And we drakons will shelter the lesser beings with us in the Grayghost Mountains while our creations cleanse Terrestia of the Shapers."


Since when has a king gone to the effort of sheltering his 'pawns' when they are no longer needed?

As I've already said, Ghaldring is the exception, not the rule. The other Drakons make it clear that they'd rather the human side were swept away in the Unbound purge.



Which actually brings up an interesting point: how many differences can you actually spot between Shaper serviles and Drakon serviles? Because I don't see much.

The serviles have more autonomy in the rebellion.
How much more? Because they still look like servants to me, and it more or less appears that they're just getting brainwashed with the supposed freedom they're fighting for just to become slaves to a new master.



They're slaughtering anything that gets in their way, and doing more collateral damage than they are actually fighting the enemy.

They prefer inflicting collateral damage to being genocided. The horror. Israel at your heart out.
So, instead of trying to free themselves from Shaper rule, they're giving them good reason and more credence to go after them and kill them. Truly, they are geniuses.



Essentially, this is more of the oppressed killing other oppressed and claiming it's for the greater good of their cause.

No. It's the oppressed using the only means available to them in order to survive. Big difference.
It's not their only means to survive, and it merely does more damage to their cause in terms of political prowess.


If there were other alternatives available which were just as (if not more) effective than the Unbound, then you might have a case. But as it stands:


"Only all Shaper life. Of course, most of the rest of it will die. But our only other choice is losing this war. I suppose, from some perspectives, what we are doing is morally questionable. But it is the only choice."


Hmm, Ghaldring seems pretty rational, given how Drakons are supposedly power hungry, greedy nutcases.

There are other alternatives. The Drakons proved themselves very effective in the assault on that gate in the wastes, so why not attack the Shaper forces directly? The Drakons effectively doomed the rebellion to failure when they decided not to dirty their claws with the issue anymore.


Additionally, I never called Ghaldring a nutcase, nor did I claim he was irrational. He's not. However, I'd like to point out that there have been seemingly rational nutcases in the past.



And, excuse me if I'm wrong, I don't see the Shapers actively seeking out bloodshed.

So marking entire sapient species for death isn't 'actively seeking out bloodshed'? Crushing any independent thought isn't 'acitvely seeking out bloodshed'? The Nazis didn't seek out bloodshed when they targeted the Jews for extermination? The Turks didn't seek out bloodshed when they targeted the Armenians for extermination?
First, I'd really appreciate it if you stopped using comparisons to real life that have very little bearing on the argument at hand. The Shapers aren't actively hunting down and slaughtering anything that strays from their rule. And I'd also like to point out that their laws are equally applied to themselves as well as their subjects. Furthermore, they aren't etched in stone.



Do the Shapers need to reform or, possibly, be overthrown and replaced with a more compassionate government? Yes.

Is reform, or a force of morally upstanding individuals going to be successful in overthrowing the Shapers? I doubt it.
Maybe not, but killing the oppressed isn't the answer.



But with the way the Drakons are going about it, there won't be anything left to free by the time they're done.

And the Shapers could have avoided all this by simply treating their creations and human lackeys with a bit more dignity. *sigh*
No, because someone would still rebel against their rule.


I'd like to end this with my perspective on what the Drakons are doing. They may claim that they're trying to free those wronged by the Shapers, but it really is more an act of revenge. As such, they don't really care who has to die before they win. I think this quote sums up what I think on this:

Originally written by Thomas Hobbs, located on Wikiquote :

The sixth precept of the natural law is, that in revenge and punishments we must have our eye not at the evil past, but the future good: that is, it is not lawful to inflict punishment for any other end, but that the offender may be corrected, or that others warned by his punishment may become better. But this is confirmed chiefly from hence, that each man is bound by the law of nature to forgive one another, provided he give caution for the future, as hath been showed in the foregoing article. Furthermore, because revenge, if the time past be only considered, is nothing else but a certain triumph and glory of mind, which points at no end (for it contemplates only what is past, but the end is a thing to come), but that which is directed to no end, is vain: that revenge therefore which regards not the future, proceeds from vain glory, and therefore without reason. But to hurt another without reason introduces a war, and is contrary to the fundamental law of nature. It is therefore a precept of the law of nature, that in revenge we look not backwards, but forward. Now the breach of this law is commonly called CRUELTY.

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I claim they're merciless because even the slightest waver in devotion to their cause will get your head separated from your body in the rebel ending.

If you assist the Shapers in infiltrating the Unbound labs in Northforge, killing rebels along the way, then yeah, the Drakons aren't very forgiving. And to be frank, I can't blame them.


Or maybe you're referring to the Trakovite ending, where you destroy the machinery, hence jeopardising the Rebellion and flushing years of Drakon work down the toilet. Once again, I can't blame the Drakons for being 'merciless' in their punishment. Although beheading you is a small act of mercy, given that you could have been a tasty snack.



Note the 'we do not wish to share influence' line.

Red herring. We were discussing whether the Drakons are greedy for wealth, and I provided the quote from Salassar to demonstrate that wealth isn't their highest priority, even with one of the most temperamental Drakons.


And said greed isn't just limited to wealth either.


Bait and switch. Your original statement regarding Drakon greed was: "They have an inherent greed that stems from their Drayk beginnings." This implies that the greed you were referring to is the material greed sometimes observed in Drayks, for items such gold and trinkets (ergo. 'Hoards').


Now that I've demonstrated such a claim to be bunk , you're broadening the definition of greed.



Hardly. Unless, of course, annihilating a continent is considered saintly.

Which is not comparable with Shaper behaviour, given that the Drakons are fighting a war for survival. But it is interesting to note that the Rebel ending states that the Shapers engage in the same tactics the Drakons use, once they are on the back foot.



I don't recall anything done by the Shapers coming even close to that.

Even when the Shapers aren't facing annihilation, they raze towns and cities merely for disobedience, perform cruel experiments on creations without a valid excuse, and starve and torture Rebels to death.



And it actually proves that the Drakons are going for genocide.

Genocide is the deliberate, targeted and systematic extermination of an ethnicity or religion. What race/religious group are the Drakons targeting for extermination?



The latter two sum it up. Ghaldring is probably the best example available of a 'model drakon' if you will, but his fight with Salassar and his comments after Salassar's death show that he's the exception, not the rule.

Conjecture. I'd argue (and far more effectively) that the majority of Drakons are in agreement with Ghaldring's ideology, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to successfully dispose of Salassar.



Shapers, yes. But I'd like to see a source for where it says that they despise and distrust all humans, because I can't remember seeing that anywhere.

Pirik stated it, and she's an influential servile leader. But there are numerous Rebel serviles throughout the game who express their distrust for humans. Once again, distrust for all humans is not universal amongst independent servilekind, but a trend definitely exists.



You just answered your own question. You're basing you're opinions on the Shapers, and then broadening it to include all humans, guilty or not.

But the humans are guilty. Either they actively exploited and abused the serviles, or stood by and let it happen. There are exceptions to the rule, such as Lilata and Greta, but they are the tiny minority.



However, a lot of the humans haven't really seen the situation first-hand, and thus can't really form an opinion on it.

From what I gather, utilising creations for manual labour seems to be a pretty commonplace event in the Shaper empire. So how can humans not have first hand experience regarding creation rights?



Because they [rebel serviles] still look like servants to me

They still perform the bulk of the tinkering and manual labour, because that is their speciality. The difference between Shaper serviles and rebel serviles is that rebel serviles made a choice to assist the Rebellion, by doing what they know best.



So, instead of trying to free themselves from Shaper rule, they're giving them good reason and more credence to go after them and kill them.

Truly, they are geniuses.

Yes, they are geniuses, considering that the Drakons, Drayks and independent serviles are marked for extermination to begin with, and engaging in violence is hardly going to change the Shapers' attitudes towards them.


But you're right. The Jews should have thrown down their arms, so that the Germans wouldn't have any good reason or credence to exterminate them.



It's not their only means to survive

Patently false. Once again:


Release Unbound = Rebellion survives, lots of non-rebels die.


Not release Unbound = Rebellion destroyed, Drakons, Drayks, independent serviles and Eyebeasts exterminated.


There is no 'third option'. This is repeated throughout the game, and reflected in the game endings.



The Drakons proved themselves very effective in the assault on that gate in the wastes, so why not attack the Shaper forces directly?

Been there, done that. The Drakons did engage the Shaper forces directly, and suffered horrific losses. Hence they withdrew to the North to work on their grand project. One successful guerilla strike hardly can be extrapolated to assume any success in all-out conventional warfare.


Also note that the Shaper ending states that the Drakons were slaughtered after several months of siege at Quess-Uss. Without the Unbound, the Drakons are no match for a force superior in numbers and resources, despite having the advantage of fortifications in their own territory. And yet you postulate that somehow, the Drakons would stand a chance in hostile territory, away from their own fortifications and support systems.



The Shapers aren't actively hunting down and slaughtering anything that strays from their rule.

Yes they are. And they are doing far worse than that. They are actively hunting down and slaughtering entire sapient races for the mere crime of existing. What regime in real world history recently did that?



And I'd also like to point out that their laws are equally applied to themselves as well as their subjects.

So serviles are allowed to use magic? Generic humans are allowed to Shape? Shapers aren't of higher rank than their flunkies?



No, because someone would still rebel against their rule.

People usually don't rebel if they don't have a good reason. If the Shapers had been more tolerant, than this particular Rebellion would not exist.



I'd like to end this with my perspective on what the Drakons are doing. They may claim that they're trying to free those wronged by the Shapers, but it really is more an act of revenge.

No, releasing the Unbound is motivated by the desire to survive. Hence your lengthy quote becomes irrelevant to this discussion.
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Originally written by Lepus timidus:


Note the 'we do not wish to share influence' line.
Red herring. We were discussing whether the Drakons are greedy for wealth, and I provided the quote from Salassar to demonstrate that wealth isn't their highest priority, even with one of the most temperamental Drakons.

And said greed isn't just limited to wealth either.

Bait and switch. Your original statement regarding Drakon greed was: "They have an inherent greed that stems from their Drayk beginnings." This implies that the greed you were referring to is the material greed sometimes observed in Drayks, for items such gold and trinkets (ergo. 'Hoards').

Now that I've demonstrated such a claim to be bunk , you're broadening the definition of greed.
Nice try, but you were the one who interpreted greed as lust of wealth. In fact, I never brought up wealth. As thus, my argument stands.


Hardly. Unless, of course, annihilating a continent is considered saintly.
Which is not comparable with Shaper behaviour, given that the Drakons are fighting a war for survival. But it is interesting to note that the Rebel ending states that the Shapers engage in the same tactics the Drakons use, once they are on the back foot.
I guess it boils down to whether you think the end justifies the means. I say no, since other options are present. But this'll probably be something we'll have to just agree to disagree on.

As for the Shapers releasing wild rogues, the reason that's illegal by Shaper law is that there's too high a risk of collateral damage. However, once the Unbound have blown apart everything in their path, there isn't any collateral left to damage.


I don't recall anything done by the Shapers coming even close to that.
Even when the Shapers aren't facing annihilation, they raze towns and cities merely for disobedience, perform cruel experiments on creations without a valid excuse, and starve and torture Rebels to death.
That disobedience is almost always in direct conflict with their laws, many of which must be upheld. The consequences of failure to do so are represented in GF4. Additionally, the Drakons are also performing similar experiments and torture.


And it actually proves that the Drakons are going for genocide.
Genocide is the deliberate, targeted and systematic extermination of an ethnicity or religion. What race/religious group are the Drakons targeting for extermination?
Humans. Namely, Shapers. And unless you want me to start picking apart your wording, I'd appreciate it if you didn't do the same to me.


The latter two sum it up. Ghaldring is probably the best example available of a 'model drakon' if you will, but his fight with Salassar and his comments after Salassar's death show that he's the exception, not the rule.
Conjecture. I'd argue (and far more effectively) that the majority of Drakons are in agreement with Ghaldring's ideology, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to successfully dispose of Salassar.
False. Ghaldring was able to dispose of Salassar by turning his arrogance against himself, and making an outsider do the deed. Ghaldring openly says that there are challenges to his leadership, and it was only through careful manipulation of the laws he laid down that he was able to dispose of Salassar safely.


You just answered your own question. You're basing you're opinions on the Shapers, and then broadening it to include all humans, guilty or not.
But the humans are guilty. Either they actively exploited and abused the serviles, or stood by and let it happen. There are exceptions to the rule, such as Lilata and Greta, but they are the tiny minority.
By that model, the Drakons are all guilty as well for every atrocity they've committed.


So, instead of trying to free themselves from Shaper rule, they're giving them good reason and more credence to go after them and kill them.
Truly, they are geniuses.
Yes, they are geniuses, considering that the Drakons, Drayks and independent serviles are marked for extermination to begin with, and engaging in violence is hardly going to change the Shapers' attitudes towards them.
Maybe not the Shapers, but what about those sympathetic to the rebel cause? If the rebellion appears as a just and righteous cause, they'll have more supporters, which means more manpower and resources. But if they appear just as cruel as, if not worse then, the Shapers, they'll have far fewer supporters. Slaughtering innocent bystanders yet hardly even touching the actual enemy puts them more in the cruel category rather then the righteous.


It's not their only means to survive
Patently false. Once again:

Release Unbound = Rebellion survives, lots of non-rebels die.

Not release Unbound = Rebellion destroyed, Drakons, Drayks, independent serviles and Eyebeasts exterminated.

There is no 'third option'. This is repeated throughout the game, and reflected in the game endings.
The only reason that there's no third option is because the Drakons have to justify the atrocity they're about to commit. If even the hint of a better way pops up, it means that they could very well have a rebellion against their cruel methods.


The Drakons proved themselves very effective in the assault on that gate in the wastes, so why not attack the Shaper forces directly?
Been there, done that. The Drakons did engage the Shaper forces directly, and suffered horrific losses. Hence they withdrew to the North to work on their grand project. One successful guerilla strike hardly can be extrapolated to assume any success in all-out conventional warfare.
No, but it is an indication that such a tactic could provide long-term success. They could have easily built their Unbound, but used them for defense rather than utter annihilation. Then launch guerilla strikes with a small handful of them, and start a war of attrition.

Also note that the Shaper ending states that the Drakons were slaughtered after several months of siege at Quess-Uss. Without the Unbound, the Drakons are no match for a force superior in numbers and resources, despite having the advantage of fortifications in their own territory. And yet you postulate that somehow, the Drakons would stand a chance in hostile territory, away from their own fortifications and support systems.
You forget that they also lost a large number of their forces and several key leaders. Also, I'm not against the Unbound, but I am against what they got used for.


The Shapers aren't actively hunting down and slaughtering anything that strays from their rule.
Yes they are. And they are doing far worse than that. They are actively hunting down and slaughtering entire sapient races for the mere crime of existing. What regime in real world history recently did that?
Unlike the Third Reich, the Drayks actually do pose a very real threat to the Shapers, as do Drakons. And until recently, they weren't actively hunting them, no matter how firmly you say they are.


No, because someone would still rebel against their rule.
People usually don't rebel if they don't have a good reason. If the Shapers had been more tolerant, than this particular Rebellion would not exist.
Not this particular one, but how about one that completely liberates Serviles? Or, better yet, overthrows the Shapers entirely and spreads dangerous Shaping abilities amongst everyone, including the power-hungry and deranged?

Someone, somewhere, will always have a reason to rebel.


I'd like to end this with my perspective on what the Drakons are doing. They may claim that they're trying to free those wronged by the Shapers, but it really is more an act of revenge.
No, releasing the Unbound is motivated by the desire to survive. Hence your lengthy quote becomes irrelevant to this discussion.
If it's a mere matter of survival, why not simply stay on the Ashen isles and concentrate manpower and resources? It'd be far easier to defend an island chain than to constantly fight for more territory. And why target those that have no hand in the events unfolding? Shopkeepers aren't going to be able to put up much of a defense against a giant fire-breathing engine of destruction.

In their eyes, they have been wronged (and they have). However, they make it clear that they plan to make the Shapers pay for what they did. If that isn't revenge, I don't know what is.
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If it's a mere matter of survival, why not simply stay on the Ashen isles and concentrate manpower and resources? It'd be far easier to defend an island chain than to constantly fight for more territory. And why target those that have no hand in the events unfolding? Shopkeepers aren't going to be able to put up much of a defense against a giant fire-breathing engine of destruction.

In their eyes, they have been wronged (and they have). However, they make it clear that they plan to make the Shapers pay for what they did. If that isn't revenge, I don't know what is.
But I think its not survival nor revenge its about power.Dracons want to take the role of shapers and controle all "leser" beings.They are cruel and gredy and only way to achive power is by killing all shapers and only way to do that is to create unbound which will result in mass death and destruction of inocent.And the reson why they want to get rid of "lesser" part of the rebellion is becouse they don't want to share the rule they want complete control over their "pawns".
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1. Miranda


2. Ghaldring, no question. He's a manipulative ruthless bastard, and deserves to rule the drakons.


3. Trakovites. The drakons have become worse than the Shapers, and the Shapers are no good either. It may just be that I never really see shaping causing prosperity.


4. Mass Energize, it is a beautiful spell for a lifecrafter. Massively increases your damage output while giving healing over time.


5. At low levels, Cryoas and Vlish. Drayk and Glaahk in mid levels, and Drayks and Wingbolts for high levels. Wingbolts are great tanks against kyshaaks and other wingbolts (and other sources of magic damage) due to their absurd magic resistance, and they do around 200 magic damage per hit.


6. Nine. You don't have nearly as much freedom of choice as in GF 1 or 2, which was a bit disappointing.

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