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I'm playing an Infiltrator as a hardcore rebel (almost no pro-shaper quests at all) and I just (finally) finished off Monarch. So I went up to Burwood, south road and *BAM* two wingbolts wipe out my entire party.....


Whaaaaa......? Sure, Monarch was hard, but he wasn't THAT hard! I'm level 28, I have a Cryoa that's been with me since almost the begining and a Drayk that I made not that long ago. She's mainly melee with decent spell casting. I've cleared out almost every area (except the shaper gamma thingy) and have fairly good gear but this is insane, I'm way out of my league. Did I miss something? Was there another section I should have gone through?



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Wingbolts are nasty when you don't have the health. There are 5 in that area. You need to buff yourself and try to take them on one at a time. They are vulnerable to icy spray. About 2 or 3 icy crystals will take one out.


Strong daze helps, but it really comes down to watching that they don't get too close to you until you are ready.


There are 2 wingbolts guarding Alwan's chamber in Rivergate Keep if you want to practice.


Edit - Synergy has it right. Also their missle attack is worse than their poison melee attack. It's just that out in the open they will back up and use their energy missle attack.

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