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Shaping Skills - Create Dryak?

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's been forever and a day since I was last on these forums, but I could use some help. I'm Northforge Deep into the Geneforge 4 campaign and I was wondering about how I could go about enhancing my skill in shaping Dryaks. I'm really hoping to get to the point where I can make Cryodryaks, but at this point I'm not even sure it's possible. I could simply resort to shaping a Drakon, but I've enough fire based damage as it is. Falling back to the Gazer is another option, but one I'm not terribly thrilled with. In any case, any advise would be welcomed.

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Create Drayk


1) Train in Rebel Camp Aziraph


Score canisters in:


2) Wrecked Lab under the Golem's Fen

3) Monarch’s Realm


Cryodrayks rock. Go for it.




P.S. If you're all the way to Northforge, then there's not much left to do with Cryodrayks. You might find it more helpful to make Drakons. Or better yet...Ur-Drakons!

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Thank you for the reply. I was wondering what was beyond that psychotic Rotghroth...


As for the Ur-Drakon, well... I've already gotten 2 Cans O' Drakon, so why not? One was purchased from the Dryak Merchant, the other was found in the Cryodryak's Hold. Something tells me the third will be somewhere extremely unpleasant, however...

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Originally written by Necris Omega:
I could simply resort to shaping a Drakon, but I've enough fire based damage as it is. Falling back to the Gazer is another option, but one I'm not terribly thrilled with. In any case, any advise would be welcomed.
Actually, drakons in G4 do physical damage, not fire damage. As a lifecrafter, two drakons and a gazer served me pretty well in the endgame. A drakon costs a little more essence than two drayks and has slightly lower damage output, but will survive a lot better.
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The last drakon canister is in Northforge Warrens and can't be reached until after you test the Unbound. There isn't much left for ur-drakons to do unless you saved the expert area.


At least cryodrayks can be gotten in chapter 3 so you can play with them for a while. If Jared has left, then you need to unlock the right door in Rebel Camp Aziraph to get to the canister.

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