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Dark Mage

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They are the real heart of all Geneforge plot, specially the first games. But what makes them so different from humans, anatomically talking?


How is their body different from humans? They have a really prominent nose that is the only part of their face that can be seen from above? And they are shorter and and stand inclined?

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They are basically inferior humans. Serviles are smaller than the average human. Though sometimes they can be made more muscular, for the most part they are weaker than humans as well. They have small brains, and though they generally are not very intelligent, history has shown that given time, they have the potential to equal humans in intelligence. However, they rarely escape the inferiority complex shaped into them, as they are easily persuaded to submit to will of stronger beings.


Also, aside from being able to evolve intelligence, serviles are just as likely to go completely insane when seperated from shaper masters, reverting to an agressive animal state, attacking at the drop of a hat. This shows that their mind is extremely unstable, and they are better of under the care of a superior being. Serviles can only learn magic by going insane, and can't learn shaping at all, unless of course they are shaped to be able to do these things by a superior being first.


As for the nose, no explaination has ever been given, really. I suppose it would make sense if the shapers who created serviles gave it to them so that they could sense things humans could not, since they are often put work in dangerous places such as mines or swamps.

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My theory: serviles were made physically unattractive (hence the hoods) to discourage such abominations from happening. After all, why would a human pass up something willing to obey your every command otherwise? If they did mate, it would likely produce something ugly and infertile, similar to mules.

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Originally written by Emperor Tullegolar:

[QB] This shows that their mind is extremely unstable, and they are better of under the care of a superior being. Serviles can only learn magic by going insane, and can't learn shaping at all, unless of course they are shaped to be able to do these things by a superior being first.


-I don't agree with this. It sounds too influenced by Shaper obscure propaganda: Remember in G4 there's som serviles who say they were "born free", never under "command of superior beings whatsoever". That's the problem with the Shapers, they underestimated Serviles...


Don't make the same mistake.


-Lifecrafter Marcelo.

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Originally written by Marcelo:
Remember in G4 there's som serviles who say they were "born free", never under "command of superior beings whatsoever".
I remember meeting the "born free" serviles in Geneforge 2, they jump me right off the bat, attacking me in open hostility. Sure, I was saved by an opposing group of serviles, but that was only because they wanted my help in annihilating their opponents. They are devious creatures, serviles, attacking innocent humans as well as their own kind. Never trust them.

When serviles live on their own, they will usually resort to banditry, or worse. If they actually manage to form a society (usually under the guidance of stronger creations) it will always have a hostile agenda towards outsiders.

Edit: Serviles wear hoods, Black Haze. You have seen them before, right?
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Yeah, G2 was a good 'ol game. Now, this is the topic for G4, so please, do play G4, meet free born serviles.

If you are a rebel like me, you will find their brightness. If you are a... sHaPeR, then they'll probably attack you, who wouldn't though, Shapers have been the cruelEST especies on earth, but that's topic for another thread.

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Originally by Josdhhht:


When in south forge citidel a servile went mad using the geneforge. their minds can't handel it.
But if you play a servile, you don't go mad from using the geneforge. And Shaila goes mad as well.


Originally by Black Haze:


Trust Dikiyoba it\'s better that way.


Edit: Added link.

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I told you ET that serviles learned about banditry from a human book back in GF1. Besides there are plenty of human bandits in GF4 (Jadetree and company).


The serviles going insane to learn magic seems to be a very peculiar sect trying to shortcut the process. There are some serviles in GF1 that seem to be on the verge of gaining spell ability without the insanity. Humans weren't a whole lot saner when they rushed the training process.

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Marcelo: What freeborn serviles are you talking about from Geneforge 4? Crazy cultists? Or the ones that serve the Drakon masters of the Rebellion? The real minds behind the Rebellion are the drakons, the only rebel serviles in the game that are doing well at all serve them, and owe them all of their success.


Randomizer: Are you saying serviles aren't smart enough to figure out banditry on their own? No matter how you answer, I win. I am the emperor!

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Serviles can equal humans, but in general, they are inferial to humans overall. The intellegent serviles that your see in G4 are a pretty small minority. The intellegent serviles feel so sorry for themselves that most are blind to the way the Drakons abuse everything, and are basically as racist (speciest?) as the Shapers. If a servile is happy in its home farming for a human, what right do they have to rip them away from that?

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One should not confuse lack of communicative skills or desire to serve with lack of intelligence or inferiority. Besides, both of those terms are relative. If you speak well and I keep and organize records well then you're more intelligent at speaking and I am at record-keeping. Which one of us is superior depends on what you're talking about.


Also, intelligence implies aptitude. I could be an artistic genius, but if all im ever exposed to is sweeping the floor and being treated like that's all I'm good for by my maker and master, then there's a good chance I'll never reach my artistic potential.


The fact that SOME free serviles attack on sight those who would enslave, opress, and kill them is not really much of a mystery. Not all do though.


That being said, the Shapers do seem to have responded to the risk of servile rebellion with a newer dumber breed incapable of much higher thought.


I had actually considered the sexual aspect, but thought that maybe serviles mated differently. In other words they are physically incompatible because the plumbing is different.

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In fact if you see the G4 loading screens you will see serviles in a lot of them, and they really have a HUGE nose!!!!


And maybe serviles have some differences under that hood, otherwise they would be so similar to humans that with time the further generations would be confused with humans and considered the same race.


You know, maybe if they have a huge nose they also have a huge....

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