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Abilities List

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thanks for that, but it doesnt cover everything, just magic stuff. i saw that alwan has ability 93 so i gave it to an ornk, and it does a melee with acid, like a rot.


EDIT: That reminds me, on the gf 5 wishlist someone said they wanted to be able to give batons to battle creations, so I gave thahds ab 58 and now he shoots reapers. :p

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Just keep in mind that most, if not all of the abilities on that list are used by an enemy monster at some point. So if you turn Firebolt into The Ultimate Flaming Meteors of the Apocalypse, you just might run into someone/something that can use said spell and obliterate you with a single shot. In a way, it could be said that the system in place prevents someone from tweaking it too drastically without massive repercussions.

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No, all creatures are on the same list, and there is only one ability list. All creatures use the same ability list and the ability list applies to all creatures (and weapons).


You could, however, create a new ability with its own number and give that to whichever creature you wish. Just remember to find all creatures that have "import = [whatever the creature number of the modified creature was]" and edit them as well.

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