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Sandros Mine Golem

Dave B

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Hello everyone,


I beat that spirit wizard in the Sandros Mine, then I beat the brother and sister ghosts, and now I am up against an Old Golem that just seems impossible to beat. How do you get past him? He's too fast, too strong, and has too much health - is there something I can do that will make the fight easier?

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Also, what class are you? That's going to have a big effect on your strategy.


Characters with a large and somewhat varied army of creations fare somewhat better against the Old Golem, since it changes its vulnerability to different damage types as the fight goes on. Solo characters have problems, and the fact that it can slow and curse you doesn't help matters. Attacking it in melee is usually a bad idea and to be avoided if possible. Before the fight starts, be sure to cast Mass Energise, Protection and Spine Shield; you may even want to cast Steel Skin, Augmentation and Essence Armor on all your creations if you can spare a few essence pods.


The Old Golem can be beaten relatively early in the game, but it's tough. As a lifecrafter, I managed to beat it with drayks and levelled-up vlish. Essence Shackles helps early on, although in the last stage it'll haste itself like crazy and you won't be able to keep up with it by slowing it.


The good news is that for most classes, the next and final boss after the golem is easy by comparison.

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