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Why does Ahkhari...

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Why exactly does Ahkhari allow the PC to push the button to make the Unbound?


Why doesn't he just do it himself? Isn't it a little risky to let an 'inferior specimen' meddle with such a delicate project?


Or is the Drakon showing the human which fought alongside them as an equal some grudging respect?

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I'd have to say this plot device was perhaps the weakest moment of the whole game. There really is no believable reason the Drakons need you to help out with the Unbound.


I'd rather have seen your PC be involved as some kind of reluctant, but necessary witness or even as hostage (testing the Unbounds seemed okay in this respect, but it steers one toward being inclined to oppose the Drakons.)


You then get to decide whether to permit the Drakons to finish the Unbound and help fight the invading Shapers, help the Shapers overcome the Drakons, or just sabotage the machinery on your own either way and try to escape undetected more like certain PCs would really be inclined to operate. The final scenarios didn't need to involve you at the helm one little bit.



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There was some deal about how they did need a human lifecrafter to work some equipment. I took it that some of the basic mechanisms had been made by humans back in the rebellion's good times. Perhaps the fact that only a human could operate some instruments was just an awkward design limitation, or perhaps already at that stage there was some distrust between humans and drakons. In either case, the drakons hadn't been able to afford the time to strip the human-only stuff out and rebuild everything drakon style, even if they could. Then presumably whichever human was originally supposed to take part in the great decanting either got killed or defected, and it's left up to you.


I also wish, though, that this had been spelled out more clearly in the game. It would have been a neat touch if you could have somewhere met a mad fugitive lifecrafter who had lost faith in the rebellion after playing a major role in the early stages of the unbound project, who might have warned you about this button issue. They could have tipped you toward the Trakovite ending, or something. And it would have been cool if good old Tuldaric could have taken this part.

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