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G2 Leadership/Mechanics and Crafting

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Due to the wait till G5 comes out for P, I'm replaying the earlier games in the series and had a couple quick questions about G2 since it's been a long time since I played through it:


1.) How many 'hard points' (e.g. not taking into account Canisters/Charms/Infiltrator stuff) in Leadership&Mechanics is enough to get through the game reasonably?


2.) What are all the available crafted items and who makes them? I remember Darian has a piece of armor and Sharon has a nice ring, but I think there are more and I can't remember them. Also, do any of the ingredients overlap a'la G3, where if you make the Creator's Belt you essentially won't get the Crystalline Shroud until the game's over (because the second Deep Focus Orb is a royal pain to get)?


3.) What collection quests are there? I remember from previous playthroughs there's a lot more than later games (and the limited cash of merchants in the game makes it more important)


Thanks in advance!

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1) Aim for pumping each to ten. There are a few items and skills that you can get to max it out


2) You can get Sharon's ring by getting her a perfect Drayk skin, a pure crystal, and a purified esscence vail. Another is a shaper in rising south road will make you a shaped breastplate, a servile blacksmith in Triola will make you a shaped blade, Learned whatshisface in his waste north of Zhass-uss wil make you somthing pretty decent, and a serviles in the north part of the swamp will make you the All-Protector, a decent shield. There might be a few more but I think that pretty much sums it up.


3) What Dikiyoba said

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I've always been partial to pumping mech to ~12, but it's not necessary to complete the game. I think the highest leadership you'll ever need is 10 after items. If you plan ahead for when to get leadership-boosting items, you can get away with about 8. If you plan on powergaming the Awakened for exp., go for the 10 hard points early.


Sharon's Ring is the only artifact worth getting. The Agent's Shelter is better than the All-Protector, the Guardian Claymore is better than the Shaped Blade, and you can get great armors with less penalty to hit than the Shaped Breastplate.


Don't save gemstones and emeralds for the collection quest. The merchant who wants them gives you less than you can sell them for, and very little exp.

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Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
Originally Posted By: Paladin95
Sharon's Ring is the only artifact worth getting.

You have forgotten about the emerald chestguard.


So I did.

The Puresteel Soulblade isn't crafted - one of the Gazers in Benerrii-Uss takes some of your primary stats in exchange for it.
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  • 4 months later...
Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan
1) Aim for pumping each to ten. There are a few items and skills that you can get to max it out

2) ... Another is a shaper in rising south road will make you a shaped breastplate, ...

1) You only need Leadership-10 and Mechanics-9 to complete the Clockwork Maze, including boosts from wearing various Infiltrator gear and the Shining Shield. Thus only seven or so 'hard points' need to be reached in each skill.

2) I don't think the Shaped Breastplate is all that exciting. Long before getting it the character should already have the Crystalline Plate which has equal armor value and also provides Acid & Energy Resistance.
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