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This is the end... or not?[G5]

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My friends, i have finished today G5 as a Sorceress Shapers with Alwan. Thank you, Jeff, for making not RPG games, but dreams. People can go away from the normal life of every day and being a shaper a rebel or a trakovite and create powerful creaures. Thank U!


But this is not the end. I replay it agian in Christmas holiday as rebel.


I'm waiting Geneforge 6. wink

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Good work! I particularly liked the way he tied everything together with that specific ending. Glad to hear you enjoyed it!


Jeff has been pretty assertive that it is time for something new. Which, honestly, is a good thing. As the number of sequels grow, the author is further constrained by what he/she can do. As neat of an idea as the Shapers are, I think the thrill of exploring a whole new universe is needed.

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To paraphrase, Jeff realized that his best writing was for a world involving magic in a medieval setting. Perhaps with his increased skills as an author (GF4 showed a new level of skill), he can try something a little more different than the jump from the Avernum universe to the Geneforge one.

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GF4 had a much more dynamic plot than any of Jeff's previous games. The characters were far better developed than the more one-dimensional caricatures that we had before. They actually did things other than sit in their office/throne room and give you quests. The player was more involved in the storyline.


This is in stark contrast to A4; while a good game, the plot was horribly predictable with no major character development. I honestly can't remember anyone truly notable from that game. Sure we got Dorikas, but he was minor and we didn't know a whole lot about him. There was Rentar-Ihrno, but after the demo area anyone who has played A3 would realize she was going to be the main villain. Besides that, no one comes to mind.


GF4 developed Alwan and Greta as people whereas in GF3 they were caricatures for the Shaper or Rebel sides. Agent Miranda was introduced, who was perhaps one of the most colorful characters. We got to meet Ghaldring, whose character was a very intriguing atypical one. Unfortunately, he became a bit too typical in GF5. Also, your actions had greater impact and it felt like you were making a bigger difference in the game whereas before you may have filled out a 40 question survey on your feelings of Serviles, joined a faction, did some quests, and watched the ending.

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