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I am playing with a slith custom pole, a Nephil custom bowman, a slith custom priest, and a slith custom mage. I might be wrong with all being custom, but i figured maybe it would be a good idea so that i can kinda maximize the starting skill points.


The slith melee, i looked at the starting stats for a slodier and basically instead of using sword, i put those points into pole. Same with the archer, priest, and mage.


Maybe someone might give me some advice to were i can maximize my skill points into skills that I will need and maybe what max i shouldn't go over. Like say in traps i shouldn't make that skill higher then 15.

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Slarty gave a lot of good advice already in the min-max topic.


—Alorael, who thinks the game is more fun and not too difficult to play on normal if you just experiment and figure out what works for you. Slarty's ideas are all good for making sure you don't go too horribly astray, though.

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The Lake of Trials is a secret zone off the tunnels you pass before reaching Highground in the Azure Gallery. Walking over the color floor sections open and close secret doors that will eventually open a door to the north. There are 5 tests or trials that each have item rewards leading up to a few really nice items.

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