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summoned creatures - how 2 use…

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I try to avoid asking boring newbie-questions, if I can help it. This might be one, so please have mercy. :rolleyes:


Would someone be so kind and give me a hint about how to make the summoned creatures actually attack my opponents?

Funniest, but on the other hand most annoying events, were

1) a summoned wolf blocking my way to the battle when standing in a small passage. I couldn't get it to get out of the way to reach the battleground to help it understand who it was supposed to attack. Bolts of fire directed at my foe didn't change the *%!"mind of the *'§$! animal!

2) a summoned cave worm that wondered off in the other direction…


The summoned ghosts of my priest are much better behaved…


What's the problem? I need those creatures to distract my foes from my characters and to save the spell energy of my mage and priest. I'm trying to get through the sentinel workshop. Unfortunately not every basin restores energy. Also it seems, I've used up all of the greymold up to Solberg's tower, so that I can't get Haskell to custom any more energy elixir for me.


I've really looked in the whole game up to here twice to recover more greymold. Killed Fortunato for it, as he didn't sell any potions to me anymore anyway. That didn't help though, 'cause he doesn't hide greymold anywhere. I've also stolen the greymold of the potionmaker at shankers tower. But that was it… I also had a lethal fight with the strange mold farmer near dirty dan's hide-out long ago. Nothing to collect there either.


Doesn't that stuff grow anywhere? I've got enough of the other herrbs for about 4 more energy elixirs.


I know, I can turn the level down to "easy" and I eventually will, but not now, if I can help it…


I'd prefer to try out once, if I can make the summoned creatures help me through the sentinel workshop.

Worked out how to get through the instable stoneworkers fine. Can handle the sentinels, but I just exhaust to much magical energy…



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Summoned creatures are great when they do what you want. The game AI places them in certain positions relative to the summoner so in narrow tunnels they usually aren't on the right side and block your movement. If they are between you and the monster then the monster won't be able to attack you and sometimes will not even advance. Practice near a town so you get an idea of where they will appear.


The monster needs to be close to the summoned creature, usually 6 to 8 squares for the search algorithm to locate the target. Too far and it will go off in the wrong direction or do nothing. Also it doesn't attack the round that it's summoned in.


Your graymold/energy elixir problem is harder to fix. Synergy's item list gives you all the locations for them. It gets updated when we find something we missed, but most of those corrections are in the part you haven't reached. Try using wands even though they do less damage. Use potions and food for healing to save spell energy for the fights.

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Summoned creatures . . . ugh.

I rarely ever use summoned creatures, since I haven't found them to be very useful. After spending 2 or 3 turns trying to figure out what to do: once they finally start attacking, unless they're attacking weak creatures, they get slain pretty quickly... and not infrequently in a single blow.


Charming your enemies into attacking one another I have found more effective, not to mention far more fun and amusing.

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Hi Evnyssyen!


Yeah! It's real fun to let your foes attack each other!

Had a lot of fun with it already! But there is some sense in using those summoned creatures to let your enemies waste hitpoints on them, sparing your party some healing. In a recent piece of the game I developed a strategy of 'summoned creatures wall' for my mage and priest, when I had a bigger group of mindless attackers against my party. As you most certainly know, mindless creatures can't be meddled with on the mind-level. There is nothing to meddle with. wink

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  • 2 weeks later...

How would you create a wall with your summoned creatures?


Whenever I try to create more than two, I get a message that I can't control more than two.


This was really annoying, btw, when I was fighting a battle against the Loyalists.....my ghost and terror wolf hardly participated at all in the actual battle, and when the fight was over they didn't follow my party to the next location. When I tried to create more help, it gave me the message about having more than 2 summoned creatures.


I wish there was a way of making them do what I wanted, or being able to control them somehow. Maybe in the next Avernum game they can be added to the party for you to control?

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In narrow places your two summons can make a wall. In the earlier games you could summon more an fill the area with friends.


You have to have your summoned creatures within 6 squares of a hostile opponent to be really sure that the AI will find and attack them. They won't usually follow if there are no hostiles within 8 squares so you would have to wait for them to be gone if you want more.


If you change zones/levels then you can resummon and have more than 2 at the same time.

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you can see if the chitrach or any friend, whom you summon, who looks the same as your foes, is really a friend by looking at the color of its circle. The circle shows, when you point on the creature. Don't release your spell at once. Take your time to look before you release your spell or attack. If the circle is green, its owner is your friend.

Click to reveal..
I actually used this much to my advantage, when fighting the mindwarp-chitrach.


concerning the creature-wall, Randomizer already said, how it works. Also your two creatures will help you shielding off some of the attacks, even if you don't have a narrow passage. It's true: Normally you can't have more than two creatures at once, but it's two quadrants less from where you could be hit by your foes physically and also these quadrants bite, sting or whatever. If you can 'waste' some magical energy on hasting and shielding them they are quite useful. It buys you time (APs) and energy, so that you can get into the real tough fighting as soon as the battle has gone rough. Whatever creature you get, they often use poison, acid, fire, - you name it - so you also gain some useful damaging features. Once my summoned creatures even helped my party get through a fight after my mage died… I had a wight and a slime then. I was very pleased. I hasten and protect these two almost regularly and they stay through many fights and are really useful. Also the hellhounds and fire lizzards are much better that way. I was really disappointed when I had my first hellhound summoned, and it disappeared after two hits of my foes, - with a really funny squeek. That was the only funny thing about it, - but what the heck. One prefers to die laughing! laugh

It's not quite as good as the seldom mass madness scrolls,

Click to reveal..
which got me through the assault line of the howling depths quite well. It was quite an amusement!

(Sorry I think , I'm getting carried away.)Well anyway,the summoned creatures can help to do some economic fighting, which quite often is a major factor for the outcome of the battle…

(I'm always low on potions.)


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