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the friendly giant quest at the beginning


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hi, guys...i started the goblin dungeon but then could tell there was a quest for the giant. just got my hint book and it just says, "give the giant dionicio's message".


where do i find dionicio? i've been wandering around talking to everyone and rechecking the job boards, and i got nothin'.



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I was really annoyed the first time I did this -- I wanted to find out what I could get by killing him so I saved and did that first. When I found his babies and got the message about Avernum being unhappy if they found out I figured I was clear to go back and say "killed all the goblins; killed giant since he had babies." frown

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Dionicio usually walks around the City Hall..and you have to get the Papers of Transit first to get his quest..


Marrowsucker drops an early Girdle of Strength(?)..the belt that gives you +2 Strength..


As for the tactic of killing him..he's easy..I killed him with an un-stat'd party..with my Warrior the only facing him(and his goblin warriors..) and my other two characters stay behind..my Mage/Pries constantly healed him while my Archer gets a shot or two..


If you're asking why send only one..Marrowsucker does this attack that stuns(not the sissy stun..@_@) your characters..meaning that they can't move unless they are attacked..

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