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item editor


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I know we can mod the game scripts, but is there any compiled item list for handy reference?

I know how to go through and find the items themselves, but its crazy time consuming, and if someone else has already made an item list it's just easier to use that.


So I'm guessing none has been made?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello lads...


I just spent a couple of hours figuring out how avernum save files work and now I'm able to add any item to my inventory.


It's rather crude and needs some minor (read major) tweaking but it works, as far as I could test it. I might be able to wrap up a cool hack to help you guys out. Also, it is easy to edit other stats, like gold, but I think the ingame cheat suffices.


Anyone interested? I can share either the executable or the source code.


And by the way. I have 20,000 spare eyestalks cool

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Another interesting fact. While editing the files, I forgot to reset quantity field to 1 and accidentally created "stackable" Warmaster Helms...

Well, not stackable per se, but at least the value on screen was multiplied.


Imagine how cool it would be if all those sweet bonus were also added up! It would be possible to sweep out ENTIRE avernum AND valorim using a torment singleton hamster with brittle bones and frail traits.




Best avernum lines EVER: "In my experience, most drakes don't run shops" and that "you killed Fluffly" after you snuff that lizard in Lark's house.

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Originally written by locona:
I know we can mod the game scripts, but is there any compiled item list for handy reference?
I know how to go through and find the items themselves, but its crazy time consuming, and if someone else has already made an item list it's just easier to use that.

So I'm guessing none has been made?
Complete A5 item list is in Strategy Central here:

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Originally written by LakiRa@:
I got Solberg killed to please Ruth but now I find I have made a mistake(a big one)is there a way to "bring him back" by editing scripts?
I believe it's possible. But it would mean resetting SEVERAL flags maybe in more than one dialog and it still may be buggy. Easier to bite the bullet and re-play from an old save, or maybe the autosave has a slightly earlier, before you killed him, save game. Sorry I can't help more but I'm in demo mode till April.

I ran into a similar situation with the early demise of Houghton in A4. In that case I understood far less about editing and just cleaned up all the flags and quest items like he had lived. (see Almaria fix on my SpidWeb page under A4Editor in Strategy Central for A4.)
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Originally written by quincas:
[QB]Another interesting fact. While editing the files, I forgot to reset quantity field to 1 and accidentally created "stackable" Warmaster Helms...
Well, not stackable per se, but at least the value on screen was multiplied.

Imagine how cool it would be if all those sweet bonus were also added up! It would be possible to sweep out ENTIRE avernum AND valorim using a torment singleton hamster with brittle bones and frail traits.

I've deliberately made stackables. You can't get the same effects multiplied because you can only equip one. BUT, you can raise the numbers for each effect/multiplier for any spell, potion, item effect.

Speaking of which...

How about an EFFECT list with numbers and names? Anyone already done it?
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in the scripts EFFECTS are called abilities. I uncovered this while attempting to alter the damage multiplier for a sword. What I'd really like to do is write a new ability, but so far have only modified existing abilities...and only very slightly.


For example: What I did was add this line,


ab_effect_per_level = 5;




begindefineability 35;


in the av5objsmisc.txt file


Now, assuming I leave that mod in, all items with

it_ability = 35;

in their description in the av5itemschars.txt file

will now have a damage multiplier of 5!


So, effects are essentially modified by changing the ability scripts.

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Originally written by Euphoria:
in the scripts EFFECTS are called abilities.
You're right. I wasn't clear enough. 'ABILITY' is the NUMBER.

EFFECT is the NAME or description what of the ability does.

The av5objsmisc.txt has the info, what I'm trying to find is a list of Ability/Effect with the number and it's effect exclusively so I can make custom items and/or modify or add to an item.

example in av5itemschars.txt:

begindefineitem 490;
import = 243;
it_name = "Major Cure Crystal";
it_value = 150;
it_graphic_coloradj = 128;
it_charges = 1;
it_level = 40;

Since there is no item 490, I made one. It imports 243:

begindefineitem 243;
it_name = "Purging Crystal";
it_value = 300;
it_ability = 212;
it_level = 8;
it_graphic_coloradj = 18;

which has: it_ability = 212;

Number . . . . . Effect
212 . . . . . Group Strong Cure

This is where 212 comes from in av5objmisc.txt:

begindefineability 212;
ab_name = "Group Strong Cure";
ab_abil_type = 22;
ab_range = 5;
ab_effect_type = 32;

So... If there was an stripped down list it could go from say 0-499 abil number and effect name. Then it would simplify making a custom item like 490 by looking for the EFFECT I want and the form it takes:

begindefineitem 490;
import = 243;
it_name = "Major Cure Crystal";
it_value = 150;
it_graphic_coloradj = 128;
it_charges = 1;
it_level = 40;

Edit a zone dialogue:

code = reward_give(490);

To a sign, an NPC. You can now add this item(s) when reading a sign or talking to someone. This item is a yellow crystal and unique to all others of its form (import = 243;) because of its color (it_graphic_coloradj = 128;) and its potency (it_level = 40;) It's more than 4 times as strong as a Purging Crystal.

It gets tempting to go farther like this:

begindefineability 212;
ab_name = "Group Strong Cure";
ab_abil_type = 22;
ab_range = 10;
ab_effect_type = 32;

going from a range effect of 5 to 10. However, this change will affect all items that use 212. There may be a way to do it in av5itemschars.txt I can't recall.

So I'll clarify my request as follows:

How about an ABILITY/EFFECT list with numbers and names? Anyone already done it? smile
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I just whipped up a list of the Abilities, it only took a few minutes using Word and Excel together. It is now posted at the end of Strategy Central. I will have to check that the "import = ##" hasn't caused me to make any errors. (Sometimes the name is imported too and sometimes it is not.)



Not all abilities have proper names, but they at least have a description.


To see how this was done, look at the post listing all the A5 items.

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Originally written by Ishad Nha:
I just whipped up a list of the Abilities, it only took a few minutes using Word and Excel together. It is now posted at the end of Strategy Central. I will have to check that the "import = ##" hasn't caused me to make any errors. (Sometimes the name is imported too and sometimes it is not.)

Not all abilities have proper names, but they at least have a description.

To see how this was done, look at the post listing all the A5 items.
My thanks... laugh

This a great help and will speed customizing greatly.

I'm not well versed in Excel, I'm a tech, hardware kinda person. I've used Excel under duress and promptly forgot it when I didn't use it any more.

If it's already made I can edit if needed but to start from scratch? Too lazy to relearn something I rarely used.

laugh THANKS cool
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Excel is clunky but you can get used to it. This post will explain why I used Word and Excel together:



A tab stop in Word corresponds to a new cell in Excel. Thus when you send text from Word to Excel you can isolate the stuff you want in a column of its own, if you handle the tab stops correctly.

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