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It has a better story than the other two, and I like the classic feel. The PC advances through canisters rather than trainers, and it's not all about "the mighty Drakons".


The characters have better personalities, and it gives an introduction the "outsiders" you keep hearing about.


The lock system is better. Though you have to use Living Tools one at a time, you are able to use X amount of them fallowed by the Unlock spell.


The endings are better, and so are the sects for that matter.


There are more aspects than that I liked, but that is what comes to mind first.

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It's got a much simpler spell system, creation system and stuff. It's the smallest of the lot, thought it more than makes up for it with game play. Because of the fact that it as the first in the series, it had to be excellent, so to hook us all into this new series. It worked. It has a LOT more detail than GF2 definitely (not sure about 3), and is just plain old fun. It's a classic!


I remember when it first came out I couldn't play it cause my computer was such low specs. Then when we got AoM for a Christmas present, our computer was upgraded to handle AoM, and we could play Geneforge. I loved it. I'm going to get it one of these days, but money's running short.




EDIT: Dolphin Beat me too it!


- Archmagi Micael

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I have downloaded alot of shareware games and never registered any of them. Within an hour of playing Geneforge I was on the phone to my bank organising a credit card because I knew that I was going to be registering this game. It's very good, very addictive. What sold it for me is the story and the development of the story/character. You can choose a character and develop

him or her how you wish. The dignified Shaper who lets his creatures do his dirty-work for him. The powerful guardian who prefers to settle matters with his sword. The Agent, who prefers to work unaided, relying on her expertise in magic.

You might feel that others are your equal, and befriend this type, or that you are superior, and that others should bow before you. You might align to a sect but be two-faced, looting their village when they're not looking. Perhaps you will even murder some of them for their items, or merely for some gold.

You might gain respect through performing quests or simply through charisma.


Throughout the demo, I really felt like I was double-crossing everyone, using them for own selfish desire for ultimate power, I had no scruples. This however, is only my way of playing. You can play how you like.


My advice is: play through the whole demo, and then see if you can't register it.

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Originally written by Spring:
They will all get there in the end. And its not really strange, as some members have started topics over 100 posts. *refrains from mentioning names* I am, however, saving up for the thousand.

It'l probably be right after my celebration topic!

Oh, and GF is much much much better than Exile, even though I have Exile 3...

- Archmagi Micael
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Originally written by Spring:
To my understanding its because of an experiment gone wrong. Just a theory.
SPOILER: (I think)


Think Glowing Green things which you use...

Think of how the barzites are (I noticed you got GF2)

Ofcourse, this is what I think,and after playing GF2 and GF3, it's a pretty good theory.

- Archmagus Micael
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Originally written by Manhood Typing Kelandon:
The previous post stretches Today's Daily Topics, so I'm posting this to right the situation.

Glowing green things? You mean the canisters? No, those are small potatoes compared to the reason the island was closed.
Oops! I forgot to mention the Geneforge!

- Archmagus Micael
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Originally written by Spring. Sanity Collector.:
Well, I suppose that the rouges are a possibility, and maybe even the Serviles. But I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to these types of things.
You have been to the ruined school - right? That gives away a major hint in it all (if you're still in the demo).

- Archmagus Micael
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Originally written by Spring:
I still have no idea why the island was abandoned, and I don't want to know. So please, don't ruin the surprise. But the Geneforge is near the end of the game, is it not? I won't be able to get there.
Well I don't want to give too much away, but the last area of the game is where the boat off the island is cause getting on the boat is what completes the game, but what you do at the geneforge area is the primary determinant of what the ending is, and other than the docks and one really difficult completely optional and rather pointless area, is likely the last place you would go.
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