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really confused about rogue serviles

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Celeste in Fort Wilton asked me to go check out the rogue serviles that were to the west with all the refugees. I talked to them and had them sent back to fort wilton to the safety of the servile keeper there (another quest)


Went and talked to Celeste again, no dialogue about me meeting with the "rogue serviles" appeared so i thought maybe those weren't the serviles celeste was refering to.


Now I almost clered all of Dhonal's Isle, I killed a LOT of rogue serviles since, but the dialogue with celeste still won't mention "rogue serviles".

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the lost serviles? Yeah I did that already. Then spoke to them again and they said they were waiting for their master(forget the name)... I responded "maybe I will speak to your master" (yet, i still haven't found him and never figured why it never appeared on my quest list)


then I did as you suggested, i killed them and spoke to celeste again but the only other option it gave me this time was "i've been investigating, don't think there are any rogue serviles out there (lie)" confused

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Maybe I'm way off, but i think you have to have rebel views and talk to caplan just outside the wilton walls, then talk to the serviles telling them that caplan sent you, then they'll do whatever you want.


Oh, and to clarify, the serviles are just north of the bridge west of wilton. the bridge you help the guards defend. just north of that on the same map.

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Originally written by Nick Ringer:
If you talk to the one at the south -- and I love this little hidden feature, just makes the game real -- ask him where they get food, or how they survive, or whatever. When he waves at the woods, you see a glint of metal!

Exactly. Then you can choice to kill them. shocked
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Originally written by The Ripper:
Maybe I'm way off, but i think you have to have rebel views and talk to caplan just outside the wilton walls, then talk to the serviles telling them that caplan sent you, then they'll do whatever you want.

Oh, and to clarify, the serviles are just north of the bridge west of wilton. the bridge you help the guards defend. just north of that on the same map.
yeah, those serviles are for Caplan, not for Celeste. I told them to go to safety to Fort Wilton.

I'm finding that at this point you don't necessarily have to be PRO rebel but you can still be a "forgiving shaper" and still get all the perks from Big Boss Rahul etc (I think it also depends who you say what to? Some people seem to be more gossipy than others. but i'm not sure what words get around more or even if it oscilates.

I still can't get Lady Rahul (forget her name) to teach me the higher stuff though...
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Lady Anjali. Although, Fanjul (the old Shaper in Southwest Dhonal's Keep) will train you for very resonable prices (if you have a rebellious opinion).


As for your rebel/loyal opinion, here's how it works: you begin the game with 100 -- let's call it the loyalty variable. The higher this number is, the more "loyal" people think you are. Stating your opinion on a matter typically changes the variable by one to four points. Certain actions (like killing drunken Khogarth) change it by three to five, and a few big decisions can change it by eight points or more. People who judge you just check the variable; loyalists like you to be about 115 or more, and rebels go for 90 or lower. I think your leadership is added or subtracted from the skill to help you out; Anjali wants you to be 115 or greater in the loyalty department. Say you're only 107. But your leadership of 10 should bump you up to an effective 117, which convinces her to train you.


See Matt P\'s walkthrough to find out how to change opinion of you: above each area he has a few quick notes. The line that begins with "O:" contains the names of all the people or actions that change the loyalty variable. He also lists trainers and their prerequisite for the loyalty variable (like "Fanjul <= 90").




By the way, there is no benefit I can glean from a middle-of-the road path. Trainers and others who favor you based on opinion want you significantly on their side before they help you. However, you don't have to pick one side. It's most effective in Geneforge 3 to be loyal at first. I get up to about 120, or some high number, then avoid all opinion-altering situations. Since the first two thirds of the game are spent on Shaper-dominated islands, I leech all the benefits of being loyal: primarily, training from Vandrin, Diwaniya, Anjali, and Khyryk, and trade with Sciolino. Once I've sapped those resources, I'll go back and find as many opinion-changers as possible to make me rebellious. Then you can get trained by Fanjul and trade with any of the later rebels. In short, if you're just going for power, stay loyal.

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