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living tool with many charges?

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i had an idea last night, if you upped the "charges" of the living tools in the items script, then would you not lose that tool and be able to use it until you ran out of the charges? i tried it and started a new game, but haven't gotten far enough to need a tool, and i am in school rigth now, so can anyone help me out here? thank you laugh .

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Kinda defeats the prupose of Living Tools if you ask me, but if that is your game..


PS: Back in G1 there was a Living Tool found that had an unlimited ammount of uses. If you wanted to use this bug then it saved you allot of space in your inventory (even though Living Tools were almost never needed back then anyway.)

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It is very easy to get level three unlock, and with a decent mechanics you wont need a ton of living tools until Dohnal's Island. There aren't a lot of living tools early on, but later in the game I always have far more than I need.


About GF1 living tools, that was awful. They had to be used manually, and one at a time. It got really annoying when 17 were needed.

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Actually, I *really* miss the manual living tool use. It meant that you could use just enough tools to get a lock within reach of your Unlock spell. In G2/3, if your Unlock spell is just SLIGHTLY too weak, you have to waste a full set of tools, not just 1 or 2.

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The two mechanisms could easily coexist, seeing as they don't overlap at all. GF1 you use the tool like any other item, one by one; GF2/3 for the auto-using you click on the lever/chest.


Really I just hate having to cart around any more living tools than I need to, since they are a pound a piece...

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What game have you been playing? In G1 it was manual, sure, but did you actually ever need more then one or two? Hell, most of the time i had 50 Living Tools and allot of other loot just sitting around in Vakiri, should i ever need them. Needless to say, i did not.


Btw, in G2/G3 it gives XP, so it is worth the change.

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Originally written by Contra:
What game have you been playing? In G1 it was manual, sure, but did you actually ever need more then one or two?
As I said earlier I have needed up to 17 living tools to open a lock in GF1. I got a bit ahead of my self in the game, but nonetheless it took 34 clicks, tool, lock, tool, lock….

The way it could work is the PC is able to choose how many living tools are used via a dialogue box.
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