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Testing Grounds and Sea Cave

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Have 2 questions about these area.


1. What would happen if I kill the people in Sea Cave for opening their storage? Does it make the difference in pro-shaper, pro-rebel aspect? If not, I will go back and do it although now the exp. probably be quite pityful.


2. I am now at lev. 18 agent and want to know how to defeat the two golems. What are the tricks? Firebolt and spray acid don't seem to do much.


thanks anyone who takes time to answer this.


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1. I've honestly never killed them, as they don't really have anything worth stealing. I suppose you might as well try it; they are not major characters, and I don't think anyone knows they are there.


2. There are different methods of getting through the tests. You could lure the Golems over to the essence pool, so you are able to keep recharging you essence as you fight. There's also the option of using creations as distractions (blessing and hasting everyone), or come back when you are very strong and have strong equipment.


Edit: This thread might help, too.

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hmmm... hard to say. personally, i just vlished them to death (but then, i'm also a shaper). keep them reasonably even if you don't want them to heal each other, although they never seemed to heal each other enough to make a big deal from my perspective at least.


in any event, the stuff you get from the tests just wouldn't be nearly as worthwhile to an agent i would think...


but, at any rate, i might suggest you try searer, since the initial damage is magic (same as vlish), and therefore may be the right way to do it. certainly, poison and mental stuff seems to have no effect on them, but thankfully my terror vlish could still just walk up and smack them with their tentacles. (oddly enough, you could still poison them... it just never dealt damage).


also, i would suggest you get something with at least decent HP, and decent melee attack ability, because you will need a lot of stamina to last the whole battle. perhaps if you just summoned up a couple of thahd as fodder...


[edit] putting augmentation, essence shield/armor, etc on all your creations/allies/yourself while sitting next to the essence pool to recharge is also a good idea. i also recommend mass energize (if you have it) and protection, then enter combat manually, and step on the glyph. it will be your turn, you could then (for example) run out the door, or whatever, plus you don't have to spend 2-3 rounds getting yourself buffed... which i can see is apparently also suggested in the other thread...[/edit]

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Thahd shades with high dexterity work very well if you can make them. If not, try Alwan with maxed dexterity, or some other tough creature with high dexterity. Even Greta with max dexterity will work.


The idea is to use mellee attacks from a high-dexterity creature to distract each golem, while you attack them with whatever you have.


Putting up augmentation and essence shield/armor while standing next to essence pool is a standard trick useful for all areas with essence pools

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As for the sea caves, I've done it both ways, killing and letting them be. I noticed no difference in game play either way. They do provide some experience points but not enough to go back for.


I waited until I finished Dhonal's Island, before losing Greta (I play pro Shaper). I went back to the Testing Grounds, and did the tests with few problems. It's definitly a good idea to save the game when you get up to the fourth test and beyond. Those golums are TUFF!!

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The first golem test was not hard for I did the same thing by waiting near the essence pool - that way my then essence would still be plenty to fight it.


The second test was ok b/c I utilize the bracelet to create fyoras and placed them along the way to the pool to lure the golem out. When the two are far apart, they don't seem to heal each other.


However, I guess I might need a bit of updating before trying the third test.


btw, I got the agent's cloack from the kyra's refuge so it has been a great help.


G3 is much easier than G2 in my opinion and more interesting. I like the island pattern. It makes me feel accomplished at each island's completion. (And I always play easy mode.)

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