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roamer marsh - where is the tunnel?

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Have question about this area. I tried the softer approach with Shen and was told about the secret tunnel.


Then, after the clearing of the area, I found an extra creature - so far a vlish that yielded the girdle of might. I wonder if this has to do with the tunnel that Shen had mentioned or not.


Also, where do I look for the tunnel. I noticed an empty spot in the marsh area in the north but don't know how to get there.


Can anyone give me some help?


By the way, I'm sure there should be more rogues but not sure which way I should walk to get them to come out.

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hey, I found out something nice from this area.


If you enter the area from the south, then go nw toward the middle road that leads to the building (You need to take the certain path - if not, nothing will appear.), a terror vlish will appear and will leave nice items when killed. I got many girdles of might so far this way. Keep enter the area for more and try anew if nothing appears. I have no idea how many vlishes are there but it's getting fun with all the things they drop. It is rather petty but yields good profit.


Would be appreciate if someone could let me know more about this experience.

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i get the same thing on mine too... dunno if you have to enter from the south, it looks like the terror vlish may just be on some kind of patrol route actually, but he does show up randomly it seems (or at least, in that location, right around the entrance to the nest area at the center of the map) for me every time... but the amount of time it takes me to get there seems to effect how far along that path he is.


and yes, he does seem to drop a girdle of might fairly often... i would guess it's probably a % chance equal to luck. if i have the times right, it probably took about 10 minutes for me to get each girdle.


also, it seems the terror vlish is a bit tougher when it drops a girdle... it took two terror vlish + one normal one for me to kill it, instead of overkilling with just the two terror vlish. specifically, attacks seem to do less damage. both the terror vlish poison one and the normal vlish magic damage.

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This is how this incident happened to me (now that I calm down enough to think back):


Well, I happened to roam about after clearing the area (btw, there had been a vlish there the first time - not sure if it had anything to do with the subsequential vlished) when I somehow got separated from Alwan and Greta. So, I tried to regroup them when I found that they were facing a hoard of artila. I was panicked so hit reload button and afterward regretted it so I reentered the area and rambling about - and that was when a vlish appeared. I got the girdle of might then. I tried again and received another girdle. I think the first 5 or 6 vlishes dropped something. After that, I have to reload once or twice but it is worth the time. I now got over 10 girdles to sell (250 each). Good business!


Does it have anything to do with the shrubs in south marsh area?


Anyway, hope it help to increase someone's purse now.

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the vlish seems to drop girdles randomly for me. though, as i said, the vlish that drops the girdle seems to be a bit harder to damage (presumably higher resistance). it grants no more XP than usual, however (or at least, not at level 20 for me it isn't).


i have ran into the vlish entering from all sides of the map. i don't know for sure if he is always there, but at this point i suspect he is... the trick is coming from the right direction to catch him.


i have found him when he was travelling both north and south, as far as i know on the same route. when going north, after going past the center nest he heads for the U-loop, at least as far as where the U turns around.


when going south, i have only encountered him when coming from east and west... both sides at approximately the center of the map, although coming from the east i only just barely caught him going south (north-going is easy to catch). when coming from the west, i head as direct as i can towards the center, and usually end up meeting him around the center of the map. he has always been heading south... i am unsure if i may have just never caught him in time going north or not though.


if i find more, i will report back on that as well.


[edit] ok, i think i have found the whole route... i now think he is just randomly there or not, rather than just me missing the area he patrols: he seems to go between the northernmost spot i mentioned down to just south of the center, along the more eastward path. or at least, he turned around once between those points (at which point i killed him... and ended up getting a vlish skin tunic, interestingly enough. it seemed to be a normal vlish though, not the tougher one, so i think it must have just been normal random chance to get the tunic from a vlish. then again, you never know...) [/edit]

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I have only one point of luck from the charm and was at level 11-12. It was not hard at all and there was no risk. This is how I did it although I'm sure that could be the better way for the more experts:


As soon as I entered the area, move the cursor over the map on the middle spot of its route (should be about the intersection there), click for the characters to move there. This way I can catch a glimpse of the vlish when I drew near there then click F right away. The vlish will freeze or move away a few paces. Then I will move my characters to its anticipated path (ie if it was facing W then it will turn around and move oppositely). It won't attack you as long as you keep the reasonable space from it. When round 2 begins, it will move toward you and unfailingly stopped just an arm reach from you. A few slashes (if you have G or A) with a possible daze spell can guarantee a success.


btw, I never could find out what became of the hoard of artilas that I missed at first. Did anyone meet artilas in Roamer Marsh at all?


Also, I am now a pro shaper agent but wonder if if is really possible to switch side or do whatever to get the most from both in this island

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