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How do I get rid of these items?

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Sorry, You cannot get rid of the Summoning Orb, so you'll need to start over.


Try using the editors at the top of the screen instead of the one you used.


Edit: Hawk King - Can you please remove the special items (Summoning Orb) from your editor or remove the editor entirely, so this doesn't happen to anyone else?

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You won't miss much without gf3itemschars.txt; you won't be able to get my custom items, or have your shaper and creations move fast, but z2southend.dlg contains the stat editor, as well as the ability to grant yourself certain non-custom items. However, gf3itemschars.txt should work, and I have an idea of where the problem lies. Tell me, do the first few lines look like this?






begindefinecreature 9; // base creature

// This slot stores the base unedited creature.

// Used for importation.

cr_size = 128;

cr_default_script = "basicnpc";


cr_statistic 0 = 1;

cr_statistic 1 = 1;

cr_statistic 2 = 1;

cr_statistic 3 = 1;


begindefinecreature 0;

cr_name = "Shaper";

cr_graphic_template = 110;

cr_max_health = 1000;

cr_max_energy = 1000;

cr_max_essence = 1000;

cr_regen_rate = 10;

cr_energy_regen_rate = 2;

cr_walk_speed = 100; //base_speed;

cr_base_level = 130;

cr_sound_when_slain = 127;


If not, then change the line below cr_name = "Shaper"; so it reads cr_graphic_template = 110; In fact, even if it does say this, retype it in, anyway. I had problems with the editors on the forums initially due to download snafus, and inserting script myself made it work.


I assume you're using a Shaper. I realize that this might not be the case, so if you're using some other class, let me know. I just want to make sure the stuff I did works for everyone.

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Sip006 - I started a new game using gf3itemschars.txt, and found that the dagger on the table at the very beginning is a piece of terrain (grass) that cannot be equipped.


Hmm, on second glance, all items are grass.


Edit: I had to stop testing it because GF kept crashing, and I was unable to load save files without it crashing; after putting back the original gf3itemschars.txt this stopped happening.


The Servant mind in the school, the turrets, and Litalia (sp) and her creations all look very strange in various ways.


Alwan and Hoge look normal, but Alwan is the only one moving very fast,

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Originally written by Dolphin.:
You need both if you want all of the features to work, so try Wizard\'s editor (save as z10testingdlg.txt), and see if it works for you.
Where in the testing grounds do you use this editor? I tried the first obelisk and it says the 'sign has made you super powerful now, enjoy' Yet, all my stats remain the same. Help would be appreciated...
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I just re-uploaded the file, downloaded the new upload, and tried it on my copy of GF3 and everything worked appropriately. Would you mind downloading the new upload? It's at the same link.


Thank you, Dolphin, for testing it out. I'm not sure why the file became corrupt on the Internet, but it might have something to do with the upload/download process. Maybe I should use something other than Tripod.

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Agents aren't made to move faster in this thing, but that's easily remedied, and since I've gotten more than one inquiry about boosting agents, I'll go ahead and do it. I'll edit this post when the new file is uploaded. Note that this is only for gf3itemschars.txt, so you'll only have to download that one again. And, unfortunately, you'll have to make a new character to be fast.


EDIT: Ok, it's uploaded. All three classes should move like the wind. I also eliminated the massive level increases, because I figured that few people actually want to start out that high just for the heck of it. If you need massive amounts of essence, one of my custom items (the Mental Focus charm) will give you more than you'll ever need. It has the added benefit of being dumpable if you decide you don't want the boost anymore. I figured the editing would be more user-end this way, as it should be. As always, let me know if you run into any problems.

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