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Checking terrain outdoors


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I would like to be able to find out the terrain/floor under a party when they are outside. The solution I thought was a combination of:






But, char_loc_x and char_loc_y don't work outside.


-Is there a workaround to find out the floor/terrain under the party?


-Is there another way of obtaining a party's coordinates outside?


-Would it be possible to change char_loc_x and char_loc_x for the next release so they do work outside?



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Depending on what you're doing, might it be better to have an "outdoors town?" like in The Cave of No Return? Otherwise, I have no idea. The outdoor calls have no mention of this kinda thing, so I think you're stuck.


--Random Fact Number 12 - "Blur are much better than Oasis. So there Luke Elliot Smith."

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Originally written by Thuryl:
If you explained exactly what you're trying to do, we could try to work out alternate solutions.
What don't you understand from my previous post?

On a different note, I asked Jeff whether changing char_loc_x and char_loc_y so they work outside was in the realms of possibility. He replied:

It's possible, I'll look at it. It would definitely have to be in a new
scenario format, though.

- Jeff Vogel
Spiderweb Software, Inc.
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Originally written by demipomme:
What don't you understand from my previous post?
Why the method is "too ugly for what you're trying to create". You can have a different SDF value for every floor type if you need it. If you need even more specific control than that (what part of what floor), then it might be better to talk about what "feel" you want your spell to have (e.g. what sort of effects you want it to have ingame) rather than exactly how you envision it working from a technical perspective.
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Would this not require using the custom objects script to change every existing floor (all 130), so that a state is called, setting a SDF when the party walks over it? This would be impossible without tampering with the core data file as there are only 124 free floor slots. There are even less free terrain slots relative to the number of existing terrains.


The other problem is that as every terrain would be calling a script to change the SDF, it wouldn't fulfil its normal parameters, like lava being hot.


But I may be misunderstanding the use of SDFs, if so, sorry...

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