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Drugs are Hard, Mmmkay...

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Wow. I have been working on making a script for an item that is a drug (like scribbane herb for example). It is a lot harder to do then I expected. I got the script down, the only problem is I realized that I have to make a state for the drug inside the scenario state, and make a state for the drug timer (how long it's been since the drug was last taken (but only if addicted)) in the Start State. I am almost done, but it's too much to handle in one night, my brain feels like it's going to explode. If anyone has any better suggestions on how to do a drug timer let me know. Also if anyone wants the script when it's done, let me know that too (with E-Mail adress).

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If you think it could be applied generally, you can always post it in the Codex.


It seems like it wouldn't be too bad. Have the item use trigger a special that increments an SDF... after a certain value of that SDF, set another SDF... in the scen START_STATE, if the second SDF is set, increment a third SDF that acts as a timer and then do effects based on that timer....

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Alternatively, you could have two SDF's. [Call them (0,0) and (0,1). (0,0) is your timer, while (0,1) is your addiction counter.] When you first take the drug, (0,1) get set to 3. Then (0,0) goes up 1 every step. When (0,0) == 15 (for example), you get warned about a drug craving, and when it reaches 20, (0,1) goes down by one (to 2), (0,0) gets reset to 0, and you get damaged, say, 5 points. If you take the drug, then you gain, say, 3 addiction points on (0,1). When (0,1) finnally gets down to 0, you are no longer addicted.

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YAY!! I got mail, YAY!!!


Well, I finished it. Anyone interested in it just let me know, I refuse to put it up on a website though, because then anyone can get. I'd rather distribute it myself, that way people who I don't like have to make their own, or get it from someone else...


YAY!! I got mail, YAY!!!


EDIT: Oh and Kelandon, that involves way too many SDF's I would rather just set 1 variable for the timer, 1 variable for the drug counter, and 1 variable for whether or not your addicted.

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The codex is kinda above the petty bickerings that we all have, it is an effort to make all the scenarios made better as a resource. If its not readily available then it hurts the community as a whole. Anyways it is your choice obviously. And I doubt that anyone will post it w/o your permission.

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