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whats wrong with my script?

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whats wrong with my script?


begindefinecreature 244;

cr_name = "Dark dragon";

cr_default_script = "basicnpc";

cr_level = 350;

cr_hp_bonus = 1000000;

cr_sp_bonus = 1000000;

cr_special_abil = 33; //Breathes darkness (damage + enfeeblement)

cr_default_attitude = 3; //Neutral

cr_species = 5; //Reptile

cr_natural_armor = 10000;

cr_attack_1 = 1000;

cr_attack_1_type = 2; //Bite

cr_attack_2 = 1000;

cr_attack_23_type = 7; //Burns

cr_attack_3 = 500;

cr_ap_bonus = 50;

cr_default_strategy = 0; //Default. Creature runs up to nearest foe and fights

cr_default_agression = 50;

cr_default_courage = 100;

cr_which_sheet = 128;

cr_which_sheet_upper = 129;

cr_small_or_large_template = 1;

cr_what_stat_adjust 0 = 0; //Strength

cr_amount_stat_adjust 0 = 1000;

cr_what_stat_adjust 1 = 11; //Mage Spells

cr_amount_stat_adjust 1 = 1000;

cr_what_stat_adjust 2 = 2; //Intelligence

cr_amount_stat_adjust 2 = 1000;

cr_what_stat_adjust 3 = 1; //Dexterity

cr_amount_stat_adjust 3 = 10000;

cr_what_stat_adjust 4 = 3; //Endurance

cr_amount_stat_adjust 4 = 10000;

cr_what_stat_adjust 5 = 12; //Priest Spells

cr_amount_stat_adjust 5 = 1000;

cr_immunities 0 = 100; //Fire

cr_immunities 1 = 100; //Cold

cr_immunities 2 = 100; //Magic

cr_immunities 3 = 100; //Mental

cr_immunities 4 = 99; //Poison/acid

cr_immunities 5 = 100; //Melee

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Also, there are several illegal values there. Monster levels can't be higher than 100, and I'm pretty sure total monster HP (base+bonus) can't be higher than 32767. And since the maximum damage from an attack is 32767, and any value higher than that will wrap around and probably count as 0 damage, you should rejig Strength and melee attacks as well.


Since it looks as if it's the kind of monster that the party is really Not Supposed To Fight, why not just give it 100% resistance to all damage and give it a creature script that kills the party if it's ever hostile?

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Try to give slightly more information when you need help, please. I'm having a horrible time figuring out what you've done.


So is the graphic actually numbered something between 500 and 600 in your custom graphics file? Does your script now match up to that? Is it a properly formatted graphic (bmp on PC, PICT resource on a Mac)?

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