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Got any A3 or A2 Trainers?

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There isn't anything new since last time. The character editors that come with the games should be adequate for most needs, especially A3's.


—Alorael, who can also mention that Googling ways to cheat in more than one game might turn up something helpful. Unfortunately, any specifics are likely to tread upon forbidden ground.

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first of all. please do use proper grammer, your hurting my eyes. and second its ilegal to get free editors that match and\or are better then spiderwebs unless your using it for testing high level scenarios you made or you bought the game. i would not use any editors you find on the web.. last time i used one i got my registered version of the game ruined. so dont make my same mystake.

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It's illegal? (By the way if you want me to use proper grammar then learn some spelling mate!) Are you sure... I'm pretty sure it's not.


Either way I'm not registered and I have a back-up copy of my save file on a Flash stick so if I do use one it really doesn't matter anyway.


Anyway, if you do actually have a trainer please put up a link. I'm not using one on the internet anyway.

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Green kid, you're lobbing stones from a glass house, and those stones look pretty glassy to me.


—Alorael, who doubts editors are illegal. In cases like the Exiles it could be murkier because the editors were a separate purchase once, but even then a third-party editor probably has some legal pretext to stand on. Since the Avernums don't sell character editors, it's not much of an issue.

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A highly unintelligent thing to say, '1337 h4x0r'. If you tacked onto the end of your post something like: "But apart from it being illegal, if Spiderweb doesn't make any money, you won't see another Avernum. Period.", it might not have seemed like you were advocating software piracy.


As your post stands now, however, is another story.

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