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Avernum 3 or Geneforge?

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Geneforge requires a different way of playing from the Avernum series. Since it has real time elements the monsters are in motion except when you are in fight mode where it goes turn base.


Avrnum 3 is fun unless you got have played the Exile series and don't want to see too many of the same places again. It has some new features that aren't in the other games that makes playing it easier.

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Geneforge is more uneven than Avernum. There are more opportunities to overpower everything in your path and more times that you'll have to be extremely careful to avoid getting clobbered.


—Alorael, who still thinks the right answer can always be determined from the demos. You can get a very good sense of Geneforge by playing.

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I've only played Torment level so I can't tell you the difference in levels. However if you died that many times you might be doing something wrong besides going into areas over your party level. It's real easy to die in Geneforge if you don't pay attention. You can get swarmed by monsters and die quickly. Geneforge allows you to bypass some combat areas and use stealth or diplomacy to get through the game.


Check out Strategy Central for a discussion of different character types that are played in Geneforge 3. Most of the advice can be used in earlier games.

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I'd finish the Avernum trilogy. Unless you hate the gameplay, Valorim is a new place to ransack and things stay fresh. Geneforge can wait its turn.


—Alorael, who thinks Geneforge should wait until after Nethergate, which is a true gem. It deserves all the love you can give it and then some.

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