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Geneforge 2 - Infestation Cheat Codes (Working in the DEMO)

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As the immortal lover of cheat codes, here are the working codes i have verified in the demo


cant wait for 27th March @Jeff


  1. nomorecheats - Turns off cheats permanently. None of these codes will workanymore. If you ever want to turn them on again, go to the Geneforge 2 techsupport page on the Spiderweb web site.
  2. healmenow - Heal your group.
  3. rechargeme - Recharge your essence and energy.
  4. exitzone - Takes you out of the zone you are in and sends you to the world map.Very useful if you get stuck.
  5. pleaselikeme - Makes all of the areas in the game forget your crimes. If you were hated there, you won’t be anymore. Note that certain crimes (stealing artifacts, killing major characters) won’t be forgotten.
  6. iwanttobestronger - Gives you some experience.
  7. clearthisarea - Turns the current area green on the world map.
  8. giveasnack - Gives your main character some cake.
  9. iloveserviles - Makes the serviles think you told all of them that they should have rights. Makes it possible to join the Awakened or the Takers.
  10. ihateserviles - Makes the serviles think you told all of them that they shouldn’t have rights. Makes it possible to join the Barzites or the Loyalists.
  11. clearallsects - Removes your membership to the Loyalists, Awakened, Takers, and Barzites. You will become able to join any of them.
  12. retrain



Edited by RedBeard
all cheats
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14 hours ago, RedBeard said:

As the immortal lover of cheat codes, here are the working codes i have verified in the demo


cant wait for 27th March @Jeff


  1. healmenow
  2. rechargeme
  3. iamweak - Gives you some experience.
  4. iampoor - Get some money.
  5. showmeall - Show all characters on the map.
  6. dontshowmeall - Stop showing all characters on the map.
  7. fps - Toggles on/off the FPS meter.
  8. shieldsup: your party is now blessed


if i'll find more will keep adding them


love to all

Got one for ya! forgiveme- all angry regions have forgotten your crimes. travel to a different region and return(not including stealing artifacts or killing major characters)

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56 minutes ago, RedBeard said:


I forgot 4 more!


iloveserviles- the serviles now think you love them

ihateserviles- the serviles now think you want to control them

backtostart- takes you back to Drypeak Ascent

whereami- gives your location and position

Edited by Amira The Hot Potato
found even more
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey RedBeard -- the user you keep tagging is not Jeff Vogel 🙂


That said, please do not repeatedly tag the developer.  Or anyone else for that matter.  Some people find it annoying.  Just a friendly mod request.


Tags probably aren't going to get you a response anyway.  If you have something that does need Jeff's attention, email (support@spiderwebsoftware.com) is probably the best way to reach him.

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Oh! So sorry, I am usually so exited so just wanted to share my enthusiasm with person who made it possible, I had no idea people would find it annoying, rest assured wont do it again.

Still am so eagerly waiting for 27th, I'd rather play GF2 rather then Starfield or Horizon: Forbidden West



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On 3/24/2024 at 4:45 AM, RedBeard said:

Oh! So sorry, I am usually so exited so just wanted to share my enthusiasm with person who made it possible, I had no idea people would find it annoying, rest assured wont do it again.

Still am so eagerly waiting for 27th, I'd rather play GF2 rather then Starfield or Horizon: Forbidden West



clearthisarea -turns the current area green on the world map

igotarock -gives your main character a rock

retrain -Removes all of your trained skills and refunds all of your skill points. You can then retrain your character

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EDIT - list moved to new topicupdated complete GF2 Infestation cheat codes list

Per my in-game testing, I believe the correct G2: Infestation codes list, reordered/collected from a few separate posts above and the G1: Mutagen cheats topic to capture all known codes and to make a few corrections/clarifications (some of the codes in the posts above don't work in release versions of G2: Infestation), is the following. If there's still anything incorrect or missing, perhaps I (with others' confirmations) or a forum admin could copy/edit this together into a single correct and comprehensive post to link from G2: Infestation Strategy Central?

Character-related codes:
 - Removes all of your trained skills and refunds all of your previously invested skill points.
healmenow - Heals your group.
rechargeme - Recharges your essence and energy.
iamweak - Gives you 750 experience.
iampoor - Gives you 500 coins.
igotarock - Gives you a rock.

UI/display/location-related codes:
 - Toggles the FPS meter in the top-left corner of the screen.
showmeall - Displays all NPCs/creatures as color-coded dots on the local map; red = hostile, green = friendly/neutral.
dontshowmeall - Stops displaying all NPCs/creatures as color-coded dots on the local map.
location / whereami (two separate codes with identical results) - Displays the number/name of your current zone and your main character's X/Y location coordinates in that zone.
backtostart - Transports you out of your current zone and returns you to the game's starting location in the Drypeak Ascent zone.
clearthisarea - Makes the current zone green/cleared on the world map.

Reputation/faction-related codes:
(Note: your current shaper/servile reputation value is viewable in the in-game text console using the cheat code "gsdf 100 0"  - omit the quotes. A value of 100 (the game's starting value) is neutral, > 100 is pro-shaper, and < 100 is pro-servile.)
ihateserviles - Changes your reputation to 120 (strongly pro-shaper), making it possible to join the Barzite or Servant factions.
iloveserviles - Changes your reputation to 80 (strongly pro-servile), making it possible to join the Awakened or Taker factions.
clearallsects - Removes your current membership in the Barzite, Servant, Awakened, or Taker factions, allowing you to again join any of the four factions if you meet the faction's relevant prerequisites.
forgiveme - Makes all of the zones in the game forget your crimes, with the effects fully triggered after you travel to a different zone. If you were hated anywhere, you won’t be anymore. However, note that certain crimes (stealing artifacts, killing major characters) won’t be forgotten.

Edited by mikeprichard
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Just make a new post, you can update it if something else surfaces later and we can link to it yeah.


Also, do we know for sure that backtostart can no longer cause the awful all-empty-containers bug?  I can't remember if that ever surfaced in Mutagen or not.  There's not so much reason to use the code in Geneforge, so it might not have had much chance to surface.

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On 4/5/2024 at 9:51 AM, mikeprichard said:

EDIT - list moved to new topicupdated complete GF2 Infestation cheat codes list

Per my in-game testing, I believe the correct G2: Infestation codes list, reordered/collected from a few separate posts above and the G1: Mutagen cheats topic to capture all known codes and to make a few corrections/clarifications (some of the codes in the posts above don't work in release versions of G2: Infestation), is the following. If there's still anything incorrect or missing, perhaps I (with others' confirmations) or a forum admin could copy/edit this together into a single correct and comprehensive post to link from G2: Infestation Strategy Central?

Character-related codes:
 - Removes all of your trained skills and refunds all of your previously invested skill points.
healmenow - Heals your group.
rechargeme - Recharges your essence and energy.
iamweak - Gives you 750 experience.
iampoor - Gives you 500 coins.
igotarock - Gives you a rock.

UI/display/location-related codes:
 - Toggles the FPS meter in the top-left corner of the screen.
showmeall - Displays all NPCs/creatures as color-coded dots on the local map; red = hostile, green = friendly/neutral.
dontshowmeall - Stops displaying all NPCs/creatures as color-coded dots on the local map.
location / whereami (two separate codes with identical results) - Displays the number/name of your current zone and your main character's X/Y location coordinates in that zone.
backtostart - Transports you out of your current zone and returns you to the game's starting location in the Drypeak Ascent zone.
clearthisarea - Makes the current zone green/cleared on the world map.

Reputation/faction-related codes:
(Note: your current shaper/servile reputation value is viewable in the in-game text console using the cheat code "gsdf 100 0"  - omit the quotes. A value of 100 (the game's starting value) is neutral, > 100 is pro-shaper, and < 100 is pro-servile.)
ihateserviles - Changes your reputation to 120 (strongly pro-shaper), making it possible to join the Barzite or Servant factions.
iloveserviles - Changes your reputation to 80 (strongly pro-servile), making it possible to join the Awakened or Taker factions.
clearallsects - Removes your current membership in the Barzite, Servant, Awakened, or Taker factions, allowing you to again join any of the four factions if you meet the faction's relevant prerequisites.
forgiveme - Makes all of the zones in the game forget your crimes, with the effects fully triggered after you travel to a different zone. If you were hated anywhere, you won’t be anymore. However, note that certain crimes (stealing artifacts, killing major characters) won’t be forgotten.

these were already posted here but Redbeard for whatever reason edited his original post and put an old list up. im going to comment on your topic because 1 is missing

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